FIFA 09 Videos & Pictures

Neither of those two videos I can watch in HD blaccat? The option underneath the video that says "Watch in HD" isn't there... :SS
Was playing some single player ranked online yesterday and played against a nice bloke who was Man City, I chose Wigan and we had 2 games, he won the first and I won the 2nd. I lost count the number of times I hit the post/crossbar though :LOL:. Here's a little clip showing 3 instances:

YouTube - Woodwork

Click on it then in YouTube click Watch in HD :)).
Those vids are great Tim, clubs looks like fun. All of you running around when a goal is scored:LOL:

Great last goal by the way.
Cheers mate :)). Credit must go to Joe for the assist and Bitter Rivals for the goal! Stunning, tikaboo son.
Nice bob :)). Would be good if the players carried on playing for a little while before the goal was actually given, like real life!
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