Evoweb Gameplay Lab, FIFA 20 (Frostbite FIFAs?)

Hey mate. Amazing work.
This was basically one of the most important part of gameplay that is missing in Fifa22. I hate so much when you can make dozen of touches with the ball.
If you look at a real game, you can see that players usually not doing more than 3 touches. But mostly it is even 2: first - stop the ball, then with very next touch they are passing the ball.
Before your mod I tried to fix this but setting in sliders marking ~85/95 (Human/CPU) and putting line height higher (~60). And its more or less working form me.

Tested your mod by playing ~10 games on legendary yesterday.

Changes are very noticeable when you are playing against teams that are not sitting too deep and are at least a bit pressing minded.
But when I was playing against passive teams like Newcastle and Burnley, they are still avoiding any defensive activity even on their own half. I'm not expecting them to press hard but at least to have a bit tighter marking.
This of course might be an issue with tactics and mentioned teams are using very extreme-defending setup, and not an issue with gameplay. It might be easier to adjust default tactics for that king of teams, rather then searching for a proper solution in gameplay parameters.

But anyway, thanks for a great start. Looking forward for another useful findings.

Thank you for the good words!

The goal of the mod I shared is not really to increase pressure but rather to make the D line to behave with more cohesion and to stop setting players on side. But you are right, a side effect of the mod is that pressure is increased.

If you want to increase the amount of pressure applied by low pressure tactics teams you need to edit that file:

Change the Y values of the two LowPressure variables. The points goes from 0 (own box) to 7 (opposition box). 100 means full pressure, 0 no pressure.
A quick improvement over the last mod.
In addition to the previous edits I edited the markingIntelligence variable from the Poistioning_defense_general_and_attributes file.
I have reduced the gap between very high rated players and the others players. Teammates and the CPU are really closing down and tracking players with it. It might be overdone, but just to know we have the possibility to do that, it is massive.


  • Mod2.zip
    7.5 KB · Views: 37
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Guys, pls. correct me if I'm wrong. Are we now blocked with gameplay editing because of EA released out-of-schedule gameplay update at the end of Nov? And it looks like TU#3.1 have not fixed the situation, right.
I feel none of my gameplay experiments are working now.
Does somebody know if all the gameplay attributes sections are affected or only some partial ones?
Absolutely crazy what it seems we can edit in this year game!

View attachment 131500

View attachment 131501

We might finally be able to fix the midfield track back. Also did you manage to figure out a way to stop making 1 or 2 star team play like Prime Barca tiki taka in the box? Is there a way to increase delay between passing and increasing passing error for players that have poor passing stat? All the goals I concede because CPU plays 12 perfect passes in 6 seconds and score a goal and their average passing stats is like 68.
We might finally be able to fix the midfield track back. Also did you manage to figure out a way to stop making 1 or 2 star team play like Prime Barca tiki taka in the box? Is there a way to increase delay between passing and increasing passing error for players that have poor passing stat? All the goals I concede because CPU plays 12 perfect passes in 6 seconds and score a goal and their average passing stats is like 68.

No. I have given up on this. I have been able to get the cdm to track back, but not the cm. They are positioning themself lower when their team has the ball in order to help with the building up, than when their team is defending in the last third.
The base game doesn't worth the time effort in my opinion.
No. I have given up on this. I have been able to get the cdm to track back, but not the cm. They are positioning themself lower when their team has the ball in order to help with the building up, than when their team is defending in the last third.
The base game doesn't worth the time effort in my opinion.

I still think FIFA 19 is a good base to start. Sadly it lacks the amount of moddability that FIFA 22 had.
Hey guys, is this thread still alive is some ways? I just discovered it and wanted to know if you still play fifa. I used some values you found to mod the fifa 22 gameplay and i'm pretty satisfied about the results so far. I let you my mod here so you can try it if you want to. Cheers!


  • Realism Gameplay v2.rar
    157.4 KB · Views: 30
A link toward a Cheat Engine table to test values on the fly:

How to use it: Open your game (can be with frosties), double click on the ct table, it will attach automatically to the game.

The original idea, the design, the code and many variables are from @manmachine and some variables have been added by myself strictly recycling the code provided by manmachine.
It is very much a work in progress and anyone addition to the table is welcomed. Early added variable have a quite simple design while more recent ones comes with a script entry that allows quickly resetting default values (very much welcomed).
If you want to use the table and see values different from the default expected values, open the script (double click) of the variable you wan to edit and uncomment the line define... with the frosty offset and comment the other define... with the non frosty offset or vice et versa (like here: )

The CT was designed on the 12.05.2020 version of the game and there are chances that offsets are differents in different game versions. Let us know if that's not the case. I tried with the 04.07.2020 udpate an they were no problem though.

Important Note: If you never installed cheat engine before, make sure to process the installation out of internet connection or you might go into malaware nightmare.
Svp pouvez faire un fichier test cheat table pour FIFA 22 comme vous l'avez fait pour FIFA 20(fifa20.ct).
A link toward a Cheat Engine table to test values on the fly:

How to use it: Open your game (can be with frosties), double click on the ct table, it will attach automatically to the game.

The original idea, the design, the code and many variables are from @manmachine and some variables have been added by myself strictly recycling the code provided by manmachine.
It is very much a work in progress and anyone addition to the table is welcomed. Early added variable have a quite simple design while more recent ones comes with a script entry that allows quickly resetting default values (very much welcomed).
If you want to use the table and see values different from the default expected values, open the script (double click) of the variable you wan to edit and uncomment the line define... with the frosty offset and comment the other define... with the non frosty offset or vice et versa (like here: )

The CT was designed on the 12.05.2020 version of the game and there are chances that offsets are differents in different game versions. Let us know if that's not the case. I tried with the 04.07.2020 udpate an they were no problem though.

Important Note: If you never installed cheat engine before, make sure to process the installation out of internet connection or you might go into malaware nightmare.
Please make a test cheat table file for FIFA 22 like you did for FIFA 20(fifa20.ct).
A link toward a Cheat Engine table to test values on the fly:

How to use it: Open your game (can be with frosties), double click on the ct table, it will attach automatically to the game.

The original idea, the design, the code and many variables are from @manmachine and some variables have been added by myself strictly recycling the code provided by manmachine.
It is very much a work in progress and anyone addition to the table is welcomed. Early added variable have a quite simple design while more recent ones comes with a script entry that allows quickly resetting default values (very much welcomed).
If you want to use the table and see values different from the default expected values, open the script (double click) of the variable you wan to edit and uncomment the line define... with the frosty offset and comment the other define... with the non frosty offset or vice et versa (like here: )

The CT was designed on the 12.05.2020 version of the game and there are chances that offsets are differents in different game versions. Let us know if that's not the case. I tried with the 04.07.2020 udpate an they were no problem though.

Important Note: If you never installed cheat engine before, make sure to process the installation out of internet connection or you might go into malaware nightmare.
Just wandering around, despite all the issues I was still interested in modding Fifa 23, would this be possible to create on Fifa 23?
Just wandering around, despite all the issues I was still interested in modding Fifa 23, would this be possible to create on Fifa 23?
Using Cheat Engine would require you to not have EAC enabled. This means you would need to run Aranaktu's Live Editor so disable it.

I would just recommend you install a tool that can mod it properly and learn values.
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