Retired Footballer
It's a catch-22 isn't it.
If it's just an update, I won't buy it because I'd had enough of PES 2020 after about a month (and modders will do a better job than Konami ever will) - but even so, I still think it's the right decision because it means 2022 has a chance of being genuinely well-developed. Otherwise it has no chance of that.
If it's an update with some "Final Evolution" style tweaks, which is what I'm hearing rumblings of - I might be in, but the game needs more than a few tweaks, it's not like the old days where e.g. WE6 was great, and WE6FE was absolutely brilliant - rather from "stiff predictable mess" to "stiff less-predictable mess".
If all these rumours are a lie and it's a new game... It will be another year of mediocrity that, for some reason, we settle for year after year. With the same core issues of the past seven versions.
Just pray they stick to Fox Engine, 2 years is not enough for them to get familiar with a new system and with a new engine as well.
Just look at PES2015...its a pretty basic game, basic control, basic "physics"...and they had even one year advantage with Fox there already.
Anyways as a first game of its generation i dont expect anything from EA or Konami, its their first try on the new engine. I dont expect that much content, they will think youll settle with the shinier graphics anyways and have the urge to move on the new console to be able to play online and to keep up the trend.
I think if it is just an update, with only nominal gameplay changes, it is likely to get battered this year. Who in the right mind on ps4 would pay for new skins and a few more penalties...........Konami are in danger of being late to the party...if FIFA looks to have improved and it’s running on next gen consoles, then I know where my money is going.
If you think PS5 FIFA21 will be miles apart from PS4 FIFA21 then..... it will be the same game, same gameplay, probably better resolution, better framerate. Thats about it, thats why you can upgrade it for free.

We have too lazy choices here probably. Which means a tight competition this year