eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox One)

Only played a fistful of games.. erm.. I have had fouls, for and against. But not many.

It feels quicker, not sure if it’s actually a speed change or not, sense it could be a lack of midfield play. Not quite ping pong, but.. there are elements of paddle sports..

Last year I could barely manage back to back games. Managed 3 in a row tonight before I turned it off, hopefully that’s because internally I’m waiting on the release date for updates and kits, rather than just being bored of gameplay.

In summary.. I’m indifferent to it. Not ecstatic.. not ripping my retinas out.. just a bit meh..

[edit: also I felt like PA1 was a little less free than the demo, had a number of passes that had a mind of their own. Happened a bit on demo, noticed it more in my limited full game experience. It was only a limited experience though.. which echos reviews of my bedroom techniques on trip adviser. Some people are just fussy.]

[[edit 2 - edit harder: oh yes nearly forgot. The sound. Fuck that noise, literally. Commentary, crowd, whistle, everything. Love or hate the gameplay, surely we can all agree that the sound is 20 years behind the times.]]
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Played man city. Sterling and b silva ran me ragged. Constantly dribbling at me. I never knew whether they'd go inside or outside.
So strange for a recent pes game to have that experience.

Gave away 10 fouls over two games against them, all standing tackles. Only 4 in my favour though. Tolerable.
It feels good to play
- Little bit more smoothened out (Could cause for a more faster feel but the game at its core is the same, just the final touches is how it feels to me
- Fouls are scaled back but still there, some touches now give out no fouls again. Dunno how to feel about this as I liked the fouls on the demo, made you play more safe and secure

- ML AI is bonkers to me! They did some absolutely crazy dynamic play and I play on superstar. Demo superstar AI was a walk in the park but had a good amount of ML matches and they were playing mighty football and my first Derby in the supercup with Ajax - PSV was so crazy that they kept pressing me until the backline which

And Yes Lami I reworded it instead of copying my impressions in the demo topic :DD
Just beat Everton on full manual, seemed a bit easier due to ball changes .. Last broadcast Argentina v brazil top player full manual
Anyone notice improvements to the AI with the full release? I'm most interested in the awareness issues players have in the demo, especially with loose ball situations. Any improvements?
Anyone notice improvements to the AI with the full release? I'm most interested in the awareness issues players have in the demo, especially with loose ball situations. Any improvements?
I'd say so, AI is good degensively and mix up attacks a lot.. Watch my 2 streams above.. Both top player

Incase you missed it full international cup game, great game to play, win but was knocked out on GD.. Special goal at the end

Love the reaction of the 'keeper after Barkley's goal at the end. Doesn't get the chance to dive (I remember this being another complaint, that 'keepers would always dive no matter what), very annoyed afterwards!
man this is going to be such AIDS online, pressure whores will be delighted

this example would be a foul every time in demo:
Anyone notice improvements to the AI with the full release? I'm most interested in the awareness issues players have in the demo, especially with loose ball situations. Any improvements?

I'm most interested in this as well seeing as fouls seem to be a bit in short supply, albeit it does appear to be better than PES 2019 in that regard?

I'd say so, AI is good degensively and mix up attacks a lot.. Watch my 2 streams above.. Both top player

Will do. I truly hope this is the case. It's mainly the lackadaisical midfield that either doesn't seem bothered, or is so flat, that a simple ball through the middle turns into a goal scoring opportunity. There always seems to be this gigantic pocket of space. I heard Legend difficulty rectifies this issue to some degree.
Just a question with peeps saying the latest patch is more rigid and the ball feels less loose. So r we saying now the ball physics have changed and not as random and dynamic as the demo
Just a question with peeps saying the latest patch is more rigid and the ball feels less loose. So r we saying now the ball physics have changed and not as random and dynamic as the demo
slight difference but seems there's more bobble to it. I got used to it quickly. Ais a lot better than in demo
Just a question with peeps saying the latest patch is more rigid and the ball feels less loose. So r we saying now the ball physics have changed and not as random and dynamic as the demo

The ball has less momentum under first touch and dribbles after patch which make it feel a little more rigid.

Pre patch is looser than demo and bizarre things happen like Danny rose going to control the ball, it spinning off his foot and rolling behind him.
Post patch is more ordered.

I also feel that ground passes travel along slightly more rigid trajectories post patch. However, if you never played pre-match, you may not notice that.
Pre patch it feels almost as free as fifa on semi assist.
It really doesn't look good for all of us who we're hoping to have some good matches online. Seems like pressuring for 90 min without getting punished will be a thing again. Ah well...
So what is the conclusion?

Pre patch?
Post patch?

For us who haven't the game - what would be the feeling post past be compared to the demo?
honest it's brilliant on its own right and I'm pes biggest critic

Broadcasting now top player PA 1 (most realistic) and manual shooting (still deciding between this and advanced) 3rd game into league just had an epic game against juve and must watch
honest it's brilliant on its own right and I'm pes biggest critic

Broadcasting now top player PA 1 (most realistic) and manual shooting (still deciding between this and advanced) 3rd game into league just had an epic game against juve and must watch

This is post past? You are close to the pitch mate!
For all those that have the game, do the interactive scenes influence players form as well as dealing with disgruntled players

I don't particularly think so, maybe it does slightly but I don't notice it

At the start of the interactive scenes, at first you're like Oh wicked! And read and watch, then you eventually just press start on all of them to skip the dialog and straight to the question choosing lol
I'm pre downloading as we speak. Anyway so we have:
1. Amazing gameplay
2. Improved ball physics
3. Improved physicality
4. Remastered ML
5. Proper tranfers.
6. Broadcast Camera
7. Improved graphics.

I guess its too late now. But for next year, Konami, can we please have improved sound and atmosphere. No wait...an overhaul of the dreadful sound design. Complete new commentary, complete new matchday atmosphere. Thankyou
yes post patch, I like a more zoomed in game, mid 6 zoom zero height 10 angle. Being older footballer gamer I'm used to using the radar and it feels more immersive to me

Great. When seeing your game, i think we could be calm downloading the patch, when we only have played the demo.. It looks like that.
AI difficulty for me played 5 drawn 3 won 1 and lost 1. Every game has been different and one of my favourite parts, last game of the stream above against calg I think is the AI was weak right side of defence so I really tried to exploit it. 2nd half could as much as my players looked tireder but got 2 goals down that side in first half.. No catch up bullshit .. Still lost due to pushing up too much 3-2
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