- 22 March 2020
If it gives them more time to focus on the new engine for 2022 then 100%, what's the point in bringing out pes 2021 with a new engine if it has been rushed? No thanksI think you misunderstand something here. If this is true than we won't get PES21 because it will be a a Season Pass basically with the new rosters etc. And let's be honest here, which better, buying a new game every year for the same price or buying a DLC which is optional btw for less money? Because I don't think Konami will sale the DLC for the same price like they doing it for a complete new game. And the other thing is just like Fifa, PES is the same game every year. The difference here is that we can mod PES, and unlike Fifa, PES giving us Data Packs and this year they started to listen to us so that's a start too. And if this will be the new standard after the new engine which will come eventually with PS5 I think it would be pretty amazing if we don't have to buy a new game every year only for the new rosters and licences.
Oh and don't forget the best part, if there's not gonna be more PES just DLC's the modders job will be easier because they don't have to remade everything again from scratch.
So yeah you can hate PES all you want I'm not a blindfolded PES fan either I hate lot of things in PES especially the scripted gameplay BUT if we don't have to buy a new game every year that would be awesome. That's my point here.
PS: They can change gameplay with DLC too you know that right? I mean they doing it already with the Live Update, okay it's not better than it has to be but still. With DLC's they can do everything that you want. I mean what else do you want other than a better gameplay, new rosters, kits, faces, leagues and stadiums. Like you said half of these can be made by modders already. So yeah we don't need a new PES every year.