eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Nice celebration, but they have to work on the atmosphere in game, the moment he scores I thought the stadium would erupt or something, but instead it becomes somehow silent

PES has always lacked the ability of how to properly create a living atmosphere when you're playing. Chants are usually recorded in a small studio with 4 people shouting into a microphone, scoring a last minute goal doesn't make the crowd go nuts and overall the audio design is a thousand miles away from FIFA in terms of quality.

I wish they'd give audio the same treatment as they do with the 3D scans and fully detailed stadiums.

Doesn't really help you get immersed as much as you want. I seriously hope this improves one day.
As gameplay becomes homogenised into zippy tiki-takafests, the licencing battle appears to me like Sky and BT wrestling over Premier League rights.

EA/Sky take the bulk of biggest names and Konami/BT the minority. This dilutes what each can offer, and they try to kid us on by suggesting more of Volta Football/Crystal Palace vs Watford or Maradona in Master League/Burnley vs Brighton makes up for it, representing good value.

All the while, us mugs lose by paying more for the same of what is actually wanted.

Then there's me, standing outside in the rain looking in, not caring about licences or English football.

All said, trying to be objective, the acquisition of Juve is a statement. That's FIFA's most recent cover star, their captain, and his stripey shirt taken away, gone, bought by their rivals. Konami's knocked out one of EA's front teeth and with Messi and Ronaldo on the front cover, PES now has a fair set of pearly whites.

As long as Konami take care of their molars, filling in their cavities and allowing them to do the real legwork in varied gameplay, PES could be perfectly digestible in the near future.

us people in the know use siptv apps ;)
Watching that Juve vs Juve vid something irritates me which i think could be solved by implementing something of an advanced passing functionality, lets call this precision passing.

Here's how i think it could work: by default a normal or 'quick pass' would get a much much higher margin of error then is the case now. How high exactly depends on the players skill but also - and especially - if the area you are passing towards is currently within or outside the line of sight of the controlled player.

To balance out this increased risk of misplaced passes, you can now choose to send a precision pass which takes just a fraction more time because it will require your player to first have a quick look towards the area your pass is send to. The results is a more intentional and tighter pass with a much lower margin of error.

IMHO, if there would be something implemented along these lines, it would not only add much needed depth to the passing game but also go a long way in reducing ping-pong situations. When you see players blindly backheeling while time and time again the ball magically find its target.. it just does not make sense on multiple levels.

Then again, it should of course be totally possible to perform a backheel. We are talking professional footballers here. But if you do it with a lesser skilled player it should require more focus and effort. You cant just casually backheel with the likes of Viera and Busquets and expect a perfect outcome. There should be a risk assessment in play here, just a quick "Should i do it? This might end up bad!" followed by "Ill use a precision pass to reduce the risk".

Instead of just a two button combination you could go a step further and make it possible to move the head of the player independent of his body by flicking the right analog stick (plus a button so it does not interfere with tricks). By doing so you can control the player's line of sight before sending a pass - or even before you receive the ball - and by doing so significantly reduce the margin of error.

Imagine looking over your shoulder just before receiving the ball and then doing a backheel. Your skill to manage this would be rewarded by a better and less risky pass. Ultimately players will still have the same control but it just requires a bit more skill in certain situations. The option is so if you are willingly taking a risk because that's just the easier and quicker option, and this results in a misskick or slightly off pass, i guess its easier to accept the negative outcome then.

In the end passing is such a big part of the game and i dont think the complexity of it can be captured with the timing of a single button press alone. Because it is not only about timing, body position, aim and power but also about awareness of your suroundings. One the first thing you learn when you start to play football is to keep your head up.
Wachting these video's i am starting to think this layer of awareness should be represented more in the game and it should be a human controlled element. Not in the least because it counters unskilled ping-pong passing but at the same time it should not restrict the possibilities.

As others have pointed out before there is a lack of punishment for certain actions that make everything feel and look like something that is not football. Dont get me wrong, i am far from a simulation fetishist; for me the game should be like an impressionist painting, repesenting reality, slightly exaggerated but still aware of the real thing. This means basic physics and predictional models should still apply, mostly. Yes, with a lot of luck, you should be able to pull of 3 succesful backheels in a row. As long as on average it stays something of a rarity.

Perhaps its the act of moving players around the pitch from a perspective as if you where in the stadium, this top-down god-like perspective, which creates this blind spot for the actual players vision. But how are we supposed to identify with these players if we are not forced to look at the world from their perspective? I just wonder what it would bring to the game if player vision was something you could temporarily take over in a way that is intuitive and subtle, whilst still leaving a large part of it in the hands of the abilities of the footballer in question.
Really? I don’t. PES have always landed a big license or two over the years, it doesn’t mean anything. FIFA, love it or hate it, is a behemoth. PES taking on FIFA financially is like Scunthorpe taking on PSG.

yeah, I know thats bit naive but I already seen a lot of negative comments about FIFA 19 and its lack of development, FUT being scripted, even comments saying that the worst FIFA ever made. Now that Juve thing seems to be painful. I know that wont destroy completely their player base but 'few' players might switch. Its a good starter and I believe that Konami learned their lesson from PES 2008 and 2014 and NextGen version could be outstanding, of course it works both ways, EA has unlimited resources of money for marketing and game itself.
Watching that Juve vs Juve vid something irritates me which i think could be solved by implementing something of an advanced passing functionality, lets call this precision passing.

Here's how i think it could work: by default a normal or 'quick pass' would get a much much higher margin of error then is the case now. How high exactly depends on the players skill but also - and especially - if the area you are passing towards is currently within or outside the line of sight of the controlled player.

To balance out this increased risk of misplaced passes, you can now choose to send a precision pass which takes just a fraction more time because it will require your player to first have a quick look towards the area your pass is send to. The results is a more intentional and tighter pass with a much lower margin of error.

IMHO, if there would be something implemented along these lines, it would not only add much needed depth to the passing game but also go a long way in reducing ping-pong situations. When you see players blindly backheeling while time and time again the ball magically find its target.. it just does not make sense on multiple levels.

Then again, it should of course be totally possible to perform a backheel. We are talking professional footballers here. But if you do it with a lesser skilled player it should require more focus and effort. You cant just casually backheel with the likes of Viera and Busquets and expect a perfect outcome. There should be a risk assessment in play here, just a quick "Should i do it? This might end up bad!" followed by "Ill use a precision pass to reduce the risk".

Instead of just a two button combination you could go a step further and make it possible to move the head of the player independent of his body by flicking the right analog stick (plus a button so it does not interfere with tricks). By doing so you can control the player's line of sight before sending a pass - or even before you receive the ball - and by doing so significantly reduce the margin of error.

Imagine looking over your shoulder just before receiving the ball and then doing a backheel. Your skill to manage this would be rewarded by a better and less risky pass. Ultimately players will still have the same control but it just requires a bit more skill in certain situations. The option is so if you are willingly taking a risk because that's just the easier and quicker option, and this results in a misskick or slightly off pass, i guess its easier to accept the negative outcome then.

In the end passing is such a big part of the game and i dont think the complexity of it can be captured with the timing of a single button press alone. Because it is not only about timing, body position, aim and power but also about awareness of your suroundings. One the first thing you learn when you start to play football is to keep your head up.
Wachting these video's i am starting to think this layer of awareness should be represented more in the game and it should be a human controlled element. Not in the least because it counters unskilled ping-pong passing but at the same time it should not restrict the possibilities.

As others have pointed out before there is a lack of punishment for certain actions that make everything feel and look like something that is not football. Dont get me wrong, i am far from a simulation fetishist; for me the game should be like an impressionist painting, repesenting reality, slightly exaggerated but still aware of the real thing. This means basic physics and predictional models should still apply, mostly. Yes, with a lot of luck, you should be able to pull of 3 succesful backheels in a row. As long as on average it stays something of a rarity.

Perhaps its the act of moving players around the pitch from a perspective as if you where in the stadium, this top-down god-like perspective, which creates this blind spot for the actual players vision. But how are we supposed to identify with these players if we are not forced to look at the world from their perspective? I just wonder what it would bring to the game if player vision was something you could temporarily take over in a way that is intuitive and subtle, whilst still leaving a large part of it in the hands of the abilities of the footballer in question.
I really like your thought!!
But we are talking PES here, not the Matrix! ;)

It could all be so simpel and well; this game could shine!!
Unfortunately I don't think we'll see new Italian stadiums as they'll need to scan them. If something like this was in the game surely it would've been heavily promoted by now. I think the only models they might already have available are Artemio Franchi and Ennio Tardini as I remember them definitely being in PES before. For example they were able to add De Kuip later on in PES 2019 because they probably already had the 3D model from older PES games.

Personally I thought Serie A was fine to play in 2019 with the licensed stadiums plus the generic stadiums. Even the fake Juventus Stadium looked alright and Stadio Nazionale feels enough like San Paolo when playing.
Has there been a video of the CPU taking on a player 1v1 yet? Just wondering if that may have been addressed. Or is it still pass-pass-pass-shoot?
Has there been a video of the CPU taking on a player 1v1 yet? Just wondering if that may have been addressed. Or is it still pass-pass-pass-shoot?

Yes there are a bunch out there. And yes its still the same ai with a bit more pass error and attack varation. But no dribbling or runs whatsoever. Or fouls.
Yes there are a bunch out there. And yes its still the same ai with a bit more pass error and attack varation. But no dribbling or runs whatsoever. Or fouls.
There are some videos where the AI dribbles, maybe most noticeable of all is one where maradona takes on 2-3 players. Also shooting errors I've seen plenty, But for now, we've mostly seen the pes legends so when the demo comes out we will be getting a much better picture, playing against real clubs and big players..certainly there are many in this demo, so it's good.
Yes, There is some dribbling shown in the videos. For me, it’s not enough from what I can see. But agin: it’s just videos!

I have the need to feel it at the sticks!! Roll on demo!!

Edit: @Matt10 6 out of 24 in relation to Mitro isn’t that bad, but he aint pushing rocks lately. ;)
But isnt the Serie A the new license of FIFA with all the stadiums? Just like Spain was last year?
EA signed deal with seria a last year,but i dont think they will add all stadiums in fifa 20,for spain league,they bought license in 2016 for fifa 17,but they scaned all players and stadiums in fifa 19,after 2 years,they never do something in 1st year and most likely in the 2nd year they add only that thing for scoreboard like they did for bundesliga for fifa 19,i hope you understand what i said :D
for all those that have seen the AI dribble are you able to post the link on here, cos the only videos i can find are mostly one touch passing from the AI, im referring to the AI dribbling from the backhalf to middle of the pitch NOT when it breaks through towards goal or on the wings.
If they don't incorporate proper matchday presentations and league branding then who cares if the Serie A is licensed or not. Playing a master league in a licensed league with myclub ad boards and generic scoreboard doesn't cut it for me. Feels like you're playing with an option file.

There are a lot of videos with AI players taking guys on, but they very rarely succeed. I'd say maybe one in ten get past their opponent, so it's not much of an improvement as far as I'm concerned.

My only little glimmer of hope that AI will be better than 2019 in any signficant way is trying the demo without that silly legends team and their 3-4-3 formation with hardly any defenders or defensive midfielders. That and development time until the full release, although that normally works the other way around...
for all those that have seen the AI dribble are you able to post the link on here, cos the only videos i can find are mostly one touch passing from the AI, im referring to the AI dribbling from the backhalf to middle of the pitch NOT when it breaks through towards goal or on the wings.


Not exactely sure what backhalf means but why would you want them to dribble around the middle of the pitch and not on the wings or towards the goal?

Isn't it quite well established that you shouldn't be dribbling around in dangerous areas such as the middle of the park?

Not exactely sure what backhalf means but why would you want them to dribble around the middle of the pitch and not on the wings or towards the goal?

Isn't it quite well established that you shouldn't be dribbling around in dangerous areas such as the middle of the park?
not saying to dribble like messi in the middle of the park but at the same time but if the AI has space in front i do expect it to walk with the ball in that area, i dont want to see the AI consistently ping one touch passing in that area its a major turn off for me

Not exactely sure what backhalf means but why would you want them to dribble around the middle of the pitch and not on the wings or towards the goal?

Isn't it quite well established that you shouldn't be dribbling around in dangerous areas such as the middle of the park?

I don't think Jimi_Zuko wants the A.I. to start "dribbling around" in the middle of the park or in the team's own half, i think that what he's trying to say is that at the back or in the middle of the field the A.I. is too direct and only cares about passing the ball forward as fast as possible, when in real life you see teams carring the ball, looking for passing options, passing to the defender, trying to find space, carring the ball while looking for an opening to pass or run into, that kind of stuff...
Is it just me or do players seem bigger in these bunch of Juve related gameplay videos?.
Specially in the day-time video.
I have to say that video sort of, semi, quasi, almost impressed me, it's the best PES 2020 video.
Yeah, that last Juve- video looked quite alright tbh.

I gotta say, it would be huge if PA1 are less automated this year for online- play. I have'nt had kept up with people testing it out but what are the consensus from people that have regarding PA1, is it "free as a bird" or what...?
Ugh. Really? I know you're only joking, but seriously. EA losing money doesn't make Konami richer, or PES better. This license news has brouupght out the child in everyone ("yaaayyy fuck u EA)

Yes, really!! Lol. Im not joking about being glad about EA suffering financially from this Juve situation. Childish or not, im always happy to see the big greedy companies (who's greedy tactics have held other smaller companies back, and negatively effected consumers) suffer somewhat. Simple as that. Will fifa losing money make Konami richer?? Tbh i dont really care..most likely not, but these latest big licenses surely will (huge clubs, massive fan base)... and here's hoping that these increased profits will somehow lead to greater resources and an improved pes in the future.
I havent seen more shot error than in 2019. Only the volleys has great variety but once you face on goal its still on target 8/10 or goes wide, over with that magic 1-2 meters. So its the same as 19.

As for dribbling? Are u kidding? Its the same as 19. I only saw 2 dribbles in all vods and thats the same as 19.

People want to see what they want. But if u hit up or watch any 13 vids i posted theres the last time u can see shot error and dribbling. Thats the stuff.
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