eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Im still waiting for penalties..
Had one on Pes18, one on 17, none on 19.
One in the demo but it was against another user, so doesnt really count. I also bottled it with glorious style..
That first video of Messi scoring. Very natural and realistic. Wonderful goal mate. I'd prefer these type of goals. You pass around and also dribble when necessary. I always find those videos on youtube where they dribble the entire team and score meh to me.

Yeah, I really love the way he uses his low center of gravity and just sort of dances away from that last defender before taking the shot, it's very Messi-esque. I love these types of goals as well, much more so than unrealistic looking solo efforts. :p

Regarding input lag - do you guys experience that with players like Messi as well? I feel it's pretty fluid.
What isn't cool though is the 2 defenders hitting an invisable wall. The lack of ai awareness in these recent pes games kills it for me.
i agree, my only complaint about 2020 demo is the lack of team AI defensive awareness. This is a bigger issue than the twitter :CRY:" theirs to many fouls because it plays different from 2019 "
So, I am assuming there is a benefit/exploit that makes this worthwhile to start a game like this. I messaged the guy who used this formation and he said it switches via fluid formation but this is at kick off. What I would like to know is what benefit this offers other than not letting your opponent see your formation? Because let's face it, that's not enough for that sort of player, there must be an advantage to be had?

They really should implement the myclub formation thing in online divisions, but obviously not tied to a manager. Use whatever 3 formations you want from predefined ones and you can adjust them slightly ala myclub but no crappy exploit ones.


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So, I am assuming there is a benefit/exploit that makes this worthwhile to start a game like this. I messaged the guy who used this formation and he said it switches via fluid formation but this is at kick off. What I would like to know is what benefit this offers other than not letting your opponent see your formation? Because let's face it, that's not enough for that sort of player, there must be an advantage to be had?

They really should implement the myclub formation thing in online divisions, but obviously not tied to a manager. Use whatever 3 formations you want from predefined ones and you can adjust them slightly ala myclub but no crappy exploit ones.
My formations look ridiculous like that all the time.

Not for any exploitative reason though, but because I find that putting them in extreme positions is the only way to get noticeable changes in their average position on the pitch.

It’s hardly new for PES though. Even in the golden era the main tactic was placing your wingers right on top of the corner flags.

I used to play PES with Thierry Henry as the only player in the opposition half on the formation screen, and he was as far up the pitch as possible. It looked ridiculous, but his movement was so good, and I had a midfield 3 of Pirlo, Riquelme & Juninho, so I just passed the opponent to death until the opportunity came to play a killer ball past most their team. It was glorious. By contrast my mate played with 3 CBS and they were set on the half way line! Mad formations have always been a thing in PES.
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Can someone explain to me the workings of advanced through ball? Either it's broken or I am doing something wrong (90% chance of the latter). Even when I only press it slightly to play a short stick pass it'll wind up immediately, my player will take an extra long animation for the kick and smash it downfield.
Away with work for two night managed to set up PS4 after not being able to get the hdmi port to work ready to hammer the demo brought old PS4 controller with me and charged up.the d pad doesn’t work
Can someone explain to me the workings of advanced through ball? Either it's broken or I am doing something wrong (90% chance of the latter). Even when I only press it slightly to play a short stick pass it'll wind up immediately, my player will take an extra long animation for the kick and smash it downfield.
My advice would be go into PES 2019 free training mode, turn on all the visual aids and mess around with it for a while.

I think it's similar to advanced shooting, where moving the stick half way has a different result to pushing it the whole way. With the visual guides on you can figure it out with trial & error.

I've tried it a few times over the years and never clicked so went back to basic... May have to give it another try this year though.
Away with work for two night managed to set up PS4 after not being able to get the hdmi port to work ready to hammer the demo brought old PS4 controller with me and charged up.the d pad doesn’t work

the cycle begins..... i suggest you take a selfie now to remind you of your happier pre-pes self in future.
I've tried it a few times over the years and never clicked so went back to basic...

Guess I am going to heed that advise, lol. Btw recently managed to score a hattrick with the guy on your avatar (it's Rondon, isn't it?). A tap in, a lob over the outrushing keeper and an inside-receive-and-turn smash into the top corner. Felt like I truly started to master the controls, but I was just lucky, I guess.
Guess I am going to heed that advise, lol. Btw recently managed to score a hattrick with the guy on your avatar (it's Rondon, isn't it?). A tap in, a lob over the outrushing keeper and an inside-receive-and-turn smash into the top corner. Felt like I truly started to master the controls, but I was just lucky, I guess.

The thing about Ad t-b is the button push has very little to do with the distance, it's all about how far you move the cursor. When you go into training with the visual aid on it will become slightly clearer.

Edit: Excuse the profanity but that 'short knock-on' is a load of bullshit. Really disappointed with konami for taking out the proper one. There's always a catch. Appreciate you posting the video though @Chuny
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Yes yes y'all!!!

I fiddled around with the stadium cam settings and came to 0,10,7.
Put difficulty on regular and finally seem to get the hang of it playing full manual.
I had so many beautiful moments and scored nice goals too.
That setting doesn't seem to mess with the directional input and looks great either.

Finally, I'm having fun with this!!!
This game can be sublime online on manual, it's a damn shame it usually takes so long to find matches with that filter on PC... If I knew I could just jump on any time of day and get a match within a few minutes, I'd probably pre-order.

Enjoyed this last match which ended 1-0, here's the goal and an earlier chance which I wish had gone in!

The first pass of the video was an L1+Circle "early cross" as I mentioned yesterday :).
The thing about Ad t-b is the button push has very little to do with the distance, it's all about how far you move the cursor. When you go into training with the visual aid on it will become slightly clearer.

Yes, the problem is the cursor feels oversensitive and jumps to a long distance rather quickly. Anyway, I've turned it back to simple. Got other things to learn first.

Edit: Excuse the profanity but that 'short knock-on' is a load of bullshit. Really disappointed with konami for taking out the proper one. There's always a catch. Appreciate you posting the video though @Chuny

One of the few things I prefer from the other game, where knock-ons are simply put on the right stick. That always seemed quite intuitive to me. In PES it always felt a tad too complicated to perform such a basic feature. Just my opinion, mind.
Another day, another demo impressions.

I sat down and considered the past, present and future. I decided to go Manual again, since it worked so well in PES 15 and 16, making them actually kinda fun. Problem with PA1 for me is that, being the lazy ass I am, I quickly turn into a spamming machine. Exchanging quick, short passes, and getting nowhere most of the time. A game of football becomes a heated table tennis match.

PA0, Manual shooting, Regular - since I gotta get used to all that crap again.

I have a big problem with manual shooting. I swear goddamn I swear my aiming was on point so many times to at least hit the goal, but more often than not it's a near miss. Goddamn! This is precisely what I hate about basic, those oh you were so close sorry hun 10 cm misses. Please tell me it's not the same on Manual this year, please! I am yet to bomb in a longshot, and that's quite a long stretch (heh) since we talking 20-25 meters of distance. Please!

Manual passing is out of this planet. I instantly slowed down and took my time with every single move. Suddenly, a neat game turns into excellent one. I noticed something cool today. Instead of just L1-X'ing my way towards goal and trying to get there asap, it's so nice to just stop for moment, let your mates make a run or two, and go with the flow. Can't believe I've noticed this for the first time! I just stop, and see what happens. Whoever makes a cool move gets the ball. It's like anti-playmaking, instead of central No. 10 to orchestrate all the moves, it's this organized chaos where anybody can move the ball forward. Kinda silly, but it gave me a new outlook on the game as a whole.

There are issues with player awareness however when you do PA0. Not as bad as PES 2015 (I used to exploit it to my advantage, horribly so), but it's a little bit cringy at times when people walk past the ball. Not getting my hopes up, it won't get fixed. Thankfully it's not as horrible as older games.

I was thinking about fouls, there are annoying indeed! All because of that eFootball logo thing, if you could skip it and play on instantly, I bet most people would not even mind fouls. And speaking of fouls, scored two free kicks today, easy indeed!

I am a bit scared about offensive capabilities of AI. Regardless of difficulty I concede a goal maybe every fifth game. Could be down to 5 minute games though.

It's time for the shoutouts. Big shoutout to my homie Pratto of RIver Plate, banged in some good manual goals today. A big man, full of strength and vitality, reminds me of all my great PES 5/6 attackers. Also, am I the only person who's noticed a guy named Yago PIkachu in Vasco da Gama? Don't get me wrong I do appreciate Pokemon (grew up during its heyday) but fucks sake! :D :D

From now on its PA0 training until release. Also dribbling training, if only I knew how to train, what to do to dribble even! :D Still, fockin 'ell man this is the actual good PES game, fingers crossed coonami bois won't needlessly ruin it!
One of the few things I prefer from the other game, where knock-ons are simply put on the right stick. That always seemed quite intuitive to me. In PES it always felt a tad too complicated to perform such a basic feature. Just my opinion, mind.

I've never really played fifa but that sounds very intuitive and sensible.
Yes, the problem is the cursor feels oversensitive and jumps to a long distance rather quickly. Anyway, I've turned it back to simple. Got other things to learn first.

One of the few things I prefer from the other game, where knock-ons are simply put on the right stick. That always seemed quite intuitive to me. In PES it always felt a tad too complicated to perform such a basic feature. Just my opinion, mind.
The knock on with the right stick on FIFA is great,but if you don't knock it at precisely 3 o clock (going fw) you're over the line,happens quite often (at least to me)
But it's really something I'd take from fifa over to Pes in a heartbeat
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