eFootball (All Platforms)

I've been frustrated by eFootball since having a positive feeling for it on Day 1 and 2. I expanded the PC version to play longer with all teams on all difficulties -- this was probably what did it. I actually can't abide the PC version any more. The great new ideas that are IMO objectively there are undermined by a lack of variation over longer periods of play. That variation was always PES's great strength, the way you could always see and feel something new in it even after 1000 matches. eFootball so far only has a taster of that. The fear of course is that this is how it will remain.
Don’t think this game deserves the hate it gets. I actually appreciate the risk they took to create something different. Yes, game is unfinished, but I think they got the basic gameplay good (animation, movement, passing).

Also, don’t think it’s a simplified mobile port, as some say, I would say it’s most complex movement-animation system to date. I guess coding on top of that becomes more challenging and that is why we have this bad collision system.

L2 mechanics, working or not, is unneeded IMO. Combination of left stick, x, square and circle button, combined with player stats can make more then enough variety for defending.

Online is now playable since they updated servers and I had some great games, some of the best ones resulting 0:0.

Issues that need to be fixed or improved:

L2 defending – needs to be toned down a lot, resulting in more fouls and stats dependent. I wouldn’t mind if they remove it completely.

Responsiveness – players take extra step when they shouldn’t, simple short pass takes to much time to execute, sometimes player freezes for a sec before starts moving etc.

Defending balancing – It’s to hard to defend, a lot needs to be done in this area. Player responsiveness, awareness, marking of opposite players, player switching, when player switched losses control on smallest change of direction etc.

Collisions – this is the worst part of this game for me, not just animations, whole system is bad, stats doesn’t have enough impact, referee decisions are bad etc.

Passing – the best passing in pes game on pass assist 3, just short passes need more speed and executed faster. Through balls are ok, although sometimes random.

Shooting – not bad or great, a lot of shots go in top corner, also sometimes random.

Goalkeepers – lot of goals in keepers side, totally miss ball when they run out.

Sorry for bad English.
The game time,length is woeful,so can the controller response be,which IMO is currently sitting at the same standards as pes20 both launch and demo.Ive little doubt this will be improved though over the next eight weeks and through subsequent updates.There is a fine line though between ultra responsive control and letting a animation play out and timing your button press.

I’m probably one of the few,but I genuinely like what there doing with this.I wasn’t looking for a complete direction change and most of what I really liked about Pes20 and 21 is fundamentally there.I honestly prefer the look of the game now,the animations,ball movement and UNREAL generally.For me there’s the base of a very realistic game that is still heavily what pes has been since 14.It doesn’t play like a re-wright and the defending mechanics if anything have become more manual.

This isn’t neutered down IMO.The complexity is there of you want it,as is the manual control.

Its still clunky though,partly due the response/optimisation issues(delay,freezing)but also the weight of player movement,interaction of the player,ball.Momentum and inertia is also taking heavily taken into account.You can’t blast away from players with the sprint button now and using the RT pressed down and holding RB to sprint with defenders allows you to easily cover spaces and track back out of position,overlapping defensive midfielders,defenders,fill holes and cut out passing lanes.With small taps and bursts,The cursor also makes sense and if used right,and does allow a high degree of micro management off the ball.

The AI is also pretty descent,you can’t just pass through teams and the cpu closes the spaces,fills the holes and forces you to work the ball.Not just pass,pass pass.Without any movement or using the diagonal’s.

Ultimetly I’m not particular hyped,it’s a demo.But I like what I see and have been enjoying this demo along with long sessions of fifa22 which I’m really enjoying.

Im a football fan and if there’s the offline content there at launch(late November),a league,tournament structure and a possible master league further down the line.I might be tempted to part with a few quid and unlock more time and other game modes.Until then I’m going to see what every update brings to the plate and still enjoy this demo.

Call me a sadest,but I like the football I can play on this,its a nice rest bite from long fifa22 sessions.
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Don’t think this game deserves the hate it gets. I actually appreciate the risk they took to create something different. Yes, game is unfinished, but I think they got the basic gameplay good (animation, movement, passing).

Also, don’t think it’s a simplified mobile port, as some say, I would say it’s most complex movement-animation system to date. I guess coding on top of that becomes more challenging and that is why we have this bad collision system.

L2 mechanics, working or not, is unneeded IMO. Combination of left stick, x, square and circle button, combined with player stats can make more then enough variety for defending.

Online is now playable since they updated servers and I had some great games, some of the best ones resulting 0:0.

Issues that need to be fixed or improved:

L2 defending – needs to be toned down a lot, resulting in more fouls and stats dependent. I wouldn’t mind if they remove it completely.

Responsiveness – players take extra step when they shouldn’t, simple short pass takes to much time to execute, sometimes player freezes for a sec before starts moving etc.

Defending balancing – It’s to hard to defend, a lot needs to be done in this area. Player responsiveness, awareness, marking of opposite players, player switching, when player switched losses control on smallest change of direction etc.

Collisions – this is the worst part of this game for me, not just animations, whole system is bad, stats doesn’t have enough impact, referee decisions are bad etc.

Passing – the best passing in pes game on pass assist 3, just short passes need more speed and executed faster. Through balls are ok, although sometimes random.

Shooting – not bad or great, a lot of shots go in top corner, also sometimes random.

Goalkeepers – lot of goals in keepers side, totally miss ball when they run out.

Sorry for bad English.
I don't think the exact word is HATE, but rather a disappointment, but even if everyone hates it, is not undeserved .
I am surprised how many of you have a short memory. Don't you remember what happened in the last two years? All these lies? And we get this broken unplayable mess. So we must be happy ?

I understand it could be because of your bad English, because I've been in a similar situation, but at the beginning you ask " why is all that hate " and a little further down you pointing how bad it is. You answer for yourself.

Everything what still works and is "good" in this game are just PES corps, and all new mechanics futures or animations are broken or implemented really bad.
Why is the steam version over 27gb and the windows store version is over 47gb? BTW! A word of advice to PC gamers, don't install the windows store version. Its almost double the size of the steam version and it appears to be locked into borderless window. mode
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Why is the steam version over 27gb and the windows store version is over 47gb? BTW! A word of advice to PC gamers, don't install the windows store version. Its almost double the size of the steam version and it appears to be locked into borderless window. mode
In the Steam Version the "fullscreen" Option in the Settings.exe is also Borderless Windows mode. Konami cant even do that right.
Why is the steam version over 27gb and the windows store version is over 47gb? BTW! A word of advice to PC gamers, don't install the windows store version. Its almost double the size of the steam version and it appears to be locked into borderless window. mode
I will be not surprise if there is some additional content that should not be there, but i think this is full package of languages, while in steam I think you choose which language to download.
I don't think the exact word is HATE, but rather a disappointment, but even if everyone hates it, is not undeserved .
I am surprised how many of you have a short memory. Don't you remember what happened in the last two years? All these lies? And we get this broken unplayable mess. So we must be happy ?

I understand it could be because of your bad English, because I've been in a similar situation, but at the beginning you ask " why is all that hate " and a little further down you pointing how bad it is. You answer for yourself.

Everything what still works and is "good" in this game are just PES corps, and all new mechanics futures or animations are broken or implemented really bad.
Agree. But to me, it's all about the bugs. Really looks like as i said as an half finished game that has to be "forced" to be playable, like quickly introducing passes, dribbles, shoots even in a state of construction which aren't ready at all to "receive" all those stuffs, but where in creation. But it needed to be at least done for the 29. So nothing is really calibrated to be played, and it cause tons and tons of bugs with the ball aswell as the dislocation or 2d players etc. tons of weirdo's abominable results.

I didn't played it, and don't know if it's fixable, if the game will be playable, and when i see the number of them, all i think is they really need to work on an older basis and gets all things right in terms of the most simplistic and logic stuffs for a game. Not even "sports" game.

There's so much than i have no idea if it's possible or not, before i told that i would wait for later, but now i don't even wait, i lost thrust simply.
Now i hope they gives me wrong and all of us (even if they failed and not a little, i don't play for people), but atm there's nothing that indicates me at all that it will be debbuged first.... And playable after, then after again enjoyable to play.
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I don't think the exact word is HATE, but rather a disappointment, but even if everyone hates it, is not undeserved .
I am surprised how many of you have a short memory. Don't you remember what happened in the last two years? All these lies? And we get this broken unplayable mess. So we must be happy ?

I understand it could be because of your bad English, because I've been in a similar situation, but at the beginning you ask " why is all that hate " and a little further down you pointing how bad it is. You answer for yourself.

Everything what still works and is "good" in this game are just PES corps, and all new mechanics futures or animations are broken or implemented really bad.
Konami shouldn’t of released this so early.It’s still very raw and they deserve all the backlash because of poor marketing,releasing a alpha in a five minute demo form.That fluctuates in quality dependant on platform and by in large looks like a horror show unless your lucky enough to have a next gen console(which even then has performance issues and is very raw).

However…Look a little deeper and there’s clearly alot of good work that has gone into this game.Forget L2 for defending.You only have to hold the RT trigger and use RB to sprint or have bursts of speed.You also have full directional control of your players movement.It makes closing down,filling passing lanes or providing extra cover for a defenders much easier along with just RT.As well as most of your general function when you not on the ball along with the cursor(player switching).Combine the two well and you really can command space and get consistent positional control of your teamates off the ball.

The dribbling and running with the ball hasnt been finished yet,that’s evident because running with a player off the ball,you can easily produce alot more speed and easily outrun any forward.

There’s also issues with delay,players freezing and generally being unaware of the ball.

Despite this and what again looks like a lot of unfinished work in regards to collisions,player detection.There are fouls and alot of the foundation work has again been done here.The free kick system is in place and already in the demo I’m having fouls called and have taken lots of free kicks.

Its the same with all the fundamental animations for passing,movement and shots.You can clearly see the work done,the level of variation and how the players interact with the ball.That takes time and its clear,massive amounts of work have already gone into that area.

I really don’t think this game is a far off interms of being a acceptable finished quality on the pitch.And I don’t want to speculate how far in development now the game is or how much better it could potentially be.

I just think there serious and want this to be as good interms of quality as Pes21, if not better.

There just massively behind where they need to be for this game to make any impact yet,and it so evidently still needs a few months of developement.Based on the code we are playing.But look closely and your see the shoots and roots of something much better.
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Konami shouldn’t of released this so early.It’s still very raw and they deserve all the backlash because of poor marketing,releasing a alpha in a five minute demo form.That fluctuates in quality dependant on platform and by in large looks like a horror show unless your lucky enough to have a next gen console(which even then has performance issues and is very raw).

I the same time, i repeat myself, but talking with people they can't wait. November is already too late for them, too much to wait.
So imagine later... Seriously, i don't talk especially for PES, but some pressure about people are a pain for devs. And boss push devs to release ASAP their game regarding demands and complains. But well, 2 years, a game probably starter not so long ago etc. (perhaps issues, changes, etc. we don't care)

No, you're right, let's stop to argue about how long it took, how time as been spend on the game (we will never know in fact and it won't change anything from the result) but i'm just saying that some game needs extra time due to X reason we don't know, but people don't care.
Especially annual release.
In the Steam Version the "fullscreen" Option in the Settings.exe is also Borderless Windows mode. Konami cant even do that right.
Yes, you're right. So, it doesn't matter whether you downloaded from MS Store or Steam. Also, if you're willing to sacrifice extra gigs, definitely go for MS Store version. 😅
Also, I don't know what's the difference. But there must be something right? The version is unlike Steam version 0.9.0... So..? 🤷‍♂️
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