eFootball (All Platforms)

The main thing I'm hoping for from 2022 is a change in philosophy regarding gameplay. I don't think the Fox engine is the only reason the gameplay has become the way it is in terms of being rigid, but it seems like every year since the beginning of the engine they've just piled on more and more layers which has resulted in everything being very robotic. I'm really hoping a new engine gives them an opportunity (whether by design or accident) to strip everything back and start fresh.

To be a true sim - get the positioning and the fundamentals right and then build from there. Without that, it's all pointless...
well I think pes 2022 will be playable ... but we will need to wait at least to pes 2024 to see full potential of game engine. This year game will be first step, probably a lot of people will not even transfer from pes 2021 to new one.
Well, from a source there won't be any PS5 available until... December. Is that true?
I don't think Konami will release a PES 2022 on a next-gen console, (especially PS5 supporting images imports) on a console that a very small amounts of people got.
It's not a matter of being risky, but i personnally think it's a bit the same schedule for many devs : releasing their games on Winter.
Even footballs games.
Or probably a cross PS4-PS5, so not really a true "next-gen" version, simple graphics/details overhaul on PS5.
I don't know, but 2 different engine on one Blu-ray... I don't believe it one second
Well, from a source there won't be any PS5 available until... December. Is that true?
I don't think Konami will release a PES 2022 on a next-gen console, (especially PS5 supporting images imports) on a console that a very small amounts of people got.
It's not a matter of being risky, but i personnally think it's a bit the same schedule for many devs : releasing their games on Winter.
Even footballs games.
Or probably a cross PS4-PS5, so not really a true "next-gen" version, simple graphics/details overhaul on PS5.
I don't know, but 2 different engine on one Blu-ray... I don't believe it one second

PS5s are dropping every week. Supply is limited but they are restocking weekly. It's the fastest selling console of all time, there's no way they don't release a next gen game for 2022.

PS4 version will remain fox engine and minor update like it was this year. Next gen will be new engine for certain.
Well, from a source there won't be any PS5 available until... December. Is that true?
I don't think Konami will release a PES 2022 on a next-gen console, (especially PS5 supporting images imports) on a console that a very small amounts of people got.
It's not a matter of being risky, but i personnally think it's a bit the same schedule for many devs : releasing their games on Winter.
Even footballs games.
Or probably a cross PS4-PS5, so not really a true "next-gen" version, simple graphics/details overhaul on PS5.
I don't know, but 2 different engine on one Blu-ray... I don't believe it one second
Don't forget about PCs and Xbox Series
I also have another big doubt regarding this game: Does Konami finally UNDERSTAND why PES/WE was good and popular on the PS2 days? Because I don’t think they do.

It took a while for me to realize, but it was because of the perfect mix between realism and fun, and the easy to learn, hard to master gameplay system.
The biggest factor though probably won't be trying to recapture past glories from a different gaming landscape 15-20 years ago, but trying to cash in on current trends. EA is apparently making fortunes on post-game-purchase transactions from FUT and so they pander to that userbase, to the point where, as I understand it, they are deliberately dumbing down AI as requested by FUT players, and ignoring the detrimental impact this has on offline gameplay.

The AI in PES hasn't exactly been breaking new ground in recent years, in fact has arguably regressed, and as there's no additional money to be made from offline modes beyond the initial game purchase, it's easy to see them focusing on MyClub and money making modes at the expense of things that make a good offline game, particularly something as challenging as AI. The rebranding to eFootball gives a clue as to where their priorities will lie in the future.

At this stage, I still have a faint hope they'll prove me wrong with PES22 but I don't have particularly high levels of optimism for a good offline game. The fact that I have yet to see them make any mention of improved AI as part of the move to Unreal engine is not encouraging.
Konami just must nail the core mechanics of the game, what content they deliver in terms of modes or myclub is just speculation but the main gameplay musst be on top

PES 2021, with more Penaltys, better FK system, better GK AI and mech., more variation of shooting and not broken L2 shot on manuell could be ab suberb game of football.

and all these points could be fixed in the last 2 years by patches, but they dont.... and that is the point why iam so sceptical about the engine change.
lets just hope their attention will not go trying to compete with EA, but expanding their current game.

If they put their focus getting kids 12,13 years old to gamble, performig rabona goals from 30m ... that will be the end of PES
PS5s are dropping every week. Supply is limited but they are restocking weekly. It's the fastest selling console of all time, there's no way they don't release a next gen game for 2022.

PS4 version will remain fox engine and minor update like it was this year. Next gen will be new engine for certain.

I'm still waiting a restock in Belgium or France to deliver... Nothing, since months. No stock at all anywhere.
I absolutely don't see the drops you're talking about.
And i got very good contact to get anything from France (if you got a hint about it... I should've buyed it when it was available, now that i want to buy a PS5, it's the absolute desert of any small stock)

Yes there's PC and Xbox, but it's always been very popular on PS, i don't know but Mobile and PS4 (now 5) is probably where the game sells the most no? Especially in Asia and South America.
And about PC you'll need a more or less recent one, i know you're all PC here. And Xbox? I told it on the message, you can't import image. A totally vanilla PES is not selling that much i suppose. Exception if they changes the system of images (i sincerely doubt that the image import will change)
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I also have another big doubt regarding this game: Does Konami finally UNDERSTAND why PES/WE was good and popular on the PS2 days? Because I don’t think they do.

It took a while for me to realize, but it was because of the perfect mix between realism and fun, and the easy to learn, hard to master gameplay system.

I think they do but it's not that simple. Tech constraints made their decisions pretty easy to make and expectations now are completely different.

Just look at this forum as an example. People play the game on all speeds, all variety of shooting types and assistance. Same with FIFA.

The best thing Konami can do is decide on THEIR philosophy and stick to it. Define their approach and absolutely nail it. I'd much prefer a polished game with less appeal than one which appeals to everyone but does very little right.

One thing I would say is both games have failed to capture player/team styles and stats well. PS2 games were exaggerated to highlight stats differences but that won't wash these days. They need to find a way to make balance, tackle timing/effectiveness, pass/shooting ability under pressure etc genuine differentiators.
I'm still waiting a restock in Belgium or France to deliver... Nothing, since months. No stock at all anywhere.

Yes there's PC and Xbox, but it's always been very popular on PS, i don't know but Mobile and PS4 (now 5) is probably where the game sells the most no? Especially in Asia and South America.
And about PC you'll need a more or less recent one, i know you're all PC here. And Xbox? I told it on the message, you can't import image. A totally vanilla PES is not selling that much i suppose. Exception if they changes the system of images (i sincerely doubt that the image import will change)

I can only speak for UK, I got one last week but you have to know when they're dropping and where.

Still, the fact remains they have sold more/quicker than any other Sony console so there's no way they abandon it.
I think this PES 2022 will be transitional, it will probably have a lot of new features, but they won't reach the potential immediately. I really enjoy watching PES, playing it is difficult because I notice that the animations are extremely scripted, my opinion of course. For PES 2022 I expect radical changes in the Master League, it has been many years without significant additions. I would like to see more cinematics, more decision making, more challenge, more depth between coach, fans and management. Graphics for me at this point is secondary. On a gameplay level a rewrite in AI/CPU would be nice, as well as revamping some soccer fundamentals.

I would really like KONAMI to bring Unreal to all platforms, and I'm talking about the Switch as well. Unreal is an Engine that is very well adapted to all platforms. This MetaHumans will get even in mobile games, of course with a graphical limitation.

Like this20210322_142023.jpg

Source: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Resources/Showcases/MetaHumans/index.html
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Probably not the right discussion thread, but just posting it here for one of the guys that mentioned using AI for more realistic animation in sports games. And of course for every other football fan here, as it sounds promising.

"Like Ubisoft, Electronic Arts is heavily involved in AI research. The publisher has central teams such as EA Digital Platform and a dedicated research division, SEED, working with advanced AI technologies. Like other developers, one of its major interests is the use of AI to augment asset creation, such as extremely natural and detailed textures, but also more authentic and reactive character animation. The ability to combine mo-cap animations with real-time responses is going to be vital to make sure characters interact in a realistic manner with complex game worlds, rather than running into doors or loping awkwardly up staircases.

"Animation blending and motion matching is now being handled by machine learning," says Tommy Thompson, director of the consultancy, AI and Games, and one of the foremost experts in video game artificial intelligence. "It figures out the best blend points between animations and re-targets those animations based on different contexts. So a character would be able to sit down in 10 different chairs, using the same animation, with the AI engine able to blend the movements seamlessly."

Right now, EA is investigating methods of using deep learning to capture realistic motion and facial likenesses directly from video instead of having to carry out expensive and time-consuming motion capture sessions. "This is something that will have a big impact in my opinion, especially for sports games in the future," says Paul McComas, EA's head of animation. "This motion data will allow us to cover more and more gameplay situations, and it will also appear more natural because we will get animation data from real athletes 'in the wild', if you will, as opposed to the vacuum of a motion capture studio."

"This means more realism, especially for contact sports, as well as more true-to-life signature moves and behaviors from big personalities. Being able to capture new material from video will also make us more reactive, like, for example, quickly introducing a new move from an athlete or even create scenarios based on real-life events, soon after they happened," says McComas."

Full article here:

Animations are key to sports games, it all builds off that. Make the players move realistically "connect the dots" and it plays realistically. Next gen needs to focus on that. Because both football games look bad in this area. Whoever made this did a good job showing how important player movements are to a realistic sports game.
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Animations are key to sports games, it all builds off that. Make the players move realistically "connect the dots" and it plays realistically. Next gen needs to focus on that. Because both football games look bad in this area. Whoever made this did a good job showing how important player movements are to a realistic sports game.

this is one of the weird football bet games with pre rendered animation, its not realtime, more watching a video...
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