eFootball (All Platforms)

Just happened today

My girlfriend "Oh love, when you will marry me?"

Me "Oh love, waiting next drop of information at the end of the next month"
What the Hell are you doing? STAY AWAY FROM DANGER!!!
Trust me, I'm married. I know what I'm talking about. 😅

Not impressed, fifa been doing this for years and yet took them the god damn pandemic and potential nuclear war to revamp the broadcast package.

Also looks like my PC will run like a jet engine during this presentation though.
IT's disappointing that of all things they didn't think needed improving is the colour scheme. They've made efforts to update certain aesthetics like the formation screen animations, added new players faces yet - They seem proud and satisfied with the tackiest looking font and menu's in the history of football games? Why isn't anybody having a word with the art director over there?

Any way, I'm pleased they have responded positively to feedback regarding the defensive mechanics, The 1v1 was never a pragmatic idea at all and if online scorn is good for anything, it's getting this feature redacted. The passing and shooting looks more reasonable from what I can tell and it looks like they've optimised it visually too. Here's hoping for much more stable performance.

I still smile at how they seem to find ways to avoid calling a spade a spade. We've gone from sharp kicks to stunning kicks so they obviously thought the former didn't sound good but still seem intent on finding every way possible to call it anything but a driven pass/shot. A term that is universally used and understood in football. Is it good old fashioned Konami cheese and charm or is it deliberate moronic cringe akin to the colour scheme of earlier?

It's going to be interesting over the next few months as Konami are test driving/setting the precedent for a purely digitally distributed football game that they will continually update from the cloud over time. There will no longer be any means to preserve what we may be happy with before an update. They can and will change features and modes and licenses as they see fit and mods will break more frequently than ever if we don't get banned for using them that is.

And then, it will be EA's turn to follow suit and in a world where Fortnite recently forced an experimental, drastic change to it's own gameplay philosophy by removing the game's most dynamic mechanic (albeit for a week) it tells all about what we all come to expect; that gaming and it's digital nature gives us both things to look forward to in a shorter span of time but also takes away things that we're comfortable with and appreciated with little explanation or warning in just as quick of the time.
So defending again is easy mode. No need to play soccer in 5th division Germany to be good. Happy for everyone who sucked at defending. You can now go back to Black Badge in online mode by just playing with 3 strikers and holding X to defend!

EDIT: Some hope!

Japanese player asks: "If X press is too strong, it's possible to fix it?".
Konami: "I agree. We have the possibility to fix the game. Since it will be an operating [game as a service] title, we will do changes every two months of the season."
On the Japanese clip posted earlier, which has actual captions available (not my joke ones), I thought this was interesting –



At first I was unsure, because I think pressing can already be pretty intense on the latest PES games (not from the AI so much, but PvP). But if it now opens up genuine space and there's a real risk-reward balance, then it's a good thing. That balance hasn't been there for years, frankly. Still have doubts that the implementation really ensures the risk, of course.

I remember when B-man and the Footy United guys were getting quite excited about risk-reward in the press back on the 2018 beta. It was soon lost in the final version.
So defending again is easy mode. No need to play soccer in 5th division Germany to be good. Happy for everyone who sucked at defending. You can now go back to Black Badge in online mode by just playing with 3 strikers and holding X to defend!

EDIT: Some hope!

Japanese player asks: "If X press is too strong, it's possible to fix it?".
Konami: "I agree. We have the possibility to fix the game. Since it will be an operating [game as a service] title, we will do changes every two months of the season."
I'm not sure why that gives you particular hope for your worry – it's always been the case that the devs can nerf or buff certain commands. They've done that for years. The question is what incentive they'll have to do it. Past experience shows that the PvP players tend to really like (and abuse) the press; I know that's a reason why some people liked eFootball, since that was no longer possible.

The problem was (and anyone in the German 5th division could tell you this) that eFootball had almost no space compression as a result: just the usual Konami acres of space between the lines, and now almost no closing down (shit defensive AI contributing to the problem).

I'm happy for team pressing options to be back. I just want an implementation that opens up real risks (both in-game and in ML, like with stamina and injury risk). I also want team pressing variety: press the ball carrier, press the pass receiver options, or press space, press in the first X seconds only, press in X area of the pitch. Etc.

Current PES has none of that really: just "front line press" setting and "gegenpress" instruction. I also want to see player ID play a factor in whether the team press is effective, whether weak links make the press fail to work as it should (compare Liverpool to Manchester United right now).

We shouldn't want a game free of team pressing just because in PvP it can be spammed. We should want a game with intelligent, varied, and risky pressing options.
I'm not sure why that gives you particular hope for your worry – it's always been the case that the devs can nerf or buff certain commands. They've done that for years. The question is what incentive they'll have to do it. Past experience shows that the PvP players tend to really like (and abuse) the press; I know that's a reason why some people liked eFootball, since that was no longer possible.

The problem was (and anyone in the German 5th division could tell you this) that eFootball had almost no space compression as a result: just the usual Konami acres of space between the lines, and now almost no closing down (shit defensive AI contributing to the problem).

I'm happy for team pressing options to be back. I just want an implementation that opens up real risks (both in-game and in ML, like with stamina and injury risk). I also want team pressing variety: press the ball carrier, press the pass receiver options, or press space, press in the first X seconds only, press in X area of the pitch. Etc.

Current PES has none of that really: just "front line press" setting and "gegenpress" instruction. I also want to see player ID play a factor in whether the team press is effective, whether weak links make the press fail to work as it should (compare Liverpool to Manchester United right now).

We shouldn't want a game free of team pressing just because in PvP it can be spammed. We should want a game with intelligent, varied, and risky pressing options.

I am not talking about team press. I am talking about home-in-missile style pressing with X (or team press). In 0.9.1 you could actually play high passes from defense to midfield when the player had free space. If you do that in PES21 there will be an opponent there in 1ms homing-in with holding X. The same you can see in v1.0 gameplay.

The same for dribbling. If you make fast turn changes, you could easily fool opponents in 0.9.1, just in real life running at a striker full sprint will leave you in the dust. Now in 1.0 gameplay your player will automatically turn perfectly to intercept the striker even if he makes turns like Messi.

The japanese testers themselves said that X press is too strong, too automated. And you can't even shield the ball now in v1.0 against those X-press holders. They couldn't find a single way to counter X-holders except for passing the ball away.
This is a very big step back from a football simulation.
I'm pretty sure v. 1.0 will be disappointing but just in a different way.

The shooting looks better but other than that it seems they want to make everything more arcade. It will be more like older PES but without the "soul", if you know what I mean.
Still no Master League news?


Hopefully next week they will have a new roadmap with the time period they will release it. Until then Pes stays dead to me.
I'm convinced Master League will be essentially 'Mobile Football Fusion'

You buy ML it and play it from your mobile or console, on the mobile you manage and sim games or throw it into your PS4/PS5 to play games as normal.

Im convinced this will happen because the mobile PES Club Manager has a lot of content i really would like to see in Master League. They are also obseesed with mobile so leeping people managing their teams 24/7 on the go could be their tactic to engage people more than just sitting on your console.

Football Fusion was started in 2003 by EA but those games were so shit and bug ridden they never really caught on.
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IT's disappointing that of all things they didn't think needed improving is the colour scheme. They've made efforts to update certain aesthetics like the formation screen animations, added new players faces yet - They seem proud and satisfied with the tackiest looking font and menu's in the history of football games? Why isn't anybody having a word with the art director over there?

Any way, I'm pleased they have responded positively to feedback regarding the defensive mechanics, The 1v1 was never a pragmatic idea at all and if online scorn is good for anything, it's getting this feature redacted. The passing and shooting looks more reasonable from what I can tell and it looks like they've optimised it visually too. Here's hoping for much more stable performance.

I still smile at how they seem to find ways to avoid calling a spade a spade. We've gone from sharp kicks to stunning kicks so they obviously thought the former didn't sound good but still seem intent on finding every way possible to call it anything but a driven pass/shot. A term that is universally used and understood in football. Is it good old fashioned Konami cheese and charm or is it deliberate moronic cringe akin to the colour scheme of earlier?

It's going to be interesting over the next few months as Konami are test driving/setting the precedent for a purely digitally distributed football game that they will continually update from the cloud over time. There will no longer be any means to preserve what we may be happy with before an update. They can and will change features and modes and licenses as they see fit and mods will break more frequently than ever if we don't get banned for using them that is.

And then, it will be EA's turn to follow suit and in a world where Fortnite recently forced an experimental, drastic change to it's own gameplay philosophy by removing the game's most dynamic mechanic (albeit for a week) it tells all about what we all come to expect; that gaming and it's digital nature gives us both things to look forward to in a shorter span of time but also takes away things that we're comfortable with and appreciated with little explanation or warning in just as quick of the time.
with doing marketing and all that they have sent out to their partner and media outlets. they are not going to simply change the colors like that since it associated to the branding of efootball
Still looks incredibly on rails ball on a string style in the videos not counting for ball momentum and full physics calculation

But in a sense a more fluid one. For them the best way to go all out video game arcade mainstream style to get some people back and bank on the dream team gamemode
I must to admit now it looks promising, lets see they can do in next months and and I really think pes 21 will get outdated is not worth to modding it anymore now
Not related with video but i remember this VGC team was the first one to report efootball from being paid game to f2p.
I must to admit now it looks promising, lets see they can do in next months and and I really think pes 21 will get outdated is not worth to modding it anymore now
Yeah i have to disagree with that. With the current situation on efootball, pes 21 will never be outdated to mod, it will share the same fate like pes 6, 13, 17.
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