eFootball (All Platforms)

I'm missing the days, when NewFootball Online beta, was just a connectivity/server/stress test and nothing more.

Everyone was more energetic, we were just some jerks, lazy enough to read the announcement, it had nothing to do with the final nextgen Game, and everything was or looked to be more optimistic.
That's not impossible to restore the damage, but only with time... Now that the game is "dead", i mean Efootball 2022, i truely believe that they changed the plans from zero and will release the game when it will be playable or finished.

And it seems that people who couldn't wait before and wanted everything ASAP, are so desperate that they finally agree to wait. Even if Football Games are yearly, well, i always asked to "jump one or two year" to build something. But it was impossible as people where so much demanding.
Now, it is, finally. And the partnership even with teams that no one will play with, shows that they continue and never trought about cancelling PES/EF.

To me it's a good news. Just seeing the "not rushing" shows that they changed their plans, and the guitly guy, Kei Matsuda, should be currently working at encoding the names for the players or at the toilet with a cup and some Yen on it (like on a club), and just shut up right now about any plan for the future he got.
For sure, HIS plan is cancelled. I don't mean the F2P, but the whole game itself and the (too) early release etc.
Responsible (well not only him but as an executive) of the fall and the biggest fail i never see, without explanation, even worst than Cyberpunk.
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There's a crazy amount of desperation on Twitter for this to come good. It's like fans who hope their team will overhaul a nine-point lead with four games to go, even though their rivals have only lost three games all season. It's a shame, really.
Well it makes sense for wanting it to come good no? why would we not want a good football game. Although at this rate Konami will have taken a two year break to release this. The first release was a demo and by the time all the content comes out fifa 23 maybe released.
One thing that would majorly improve the demo is players halting and turning speed. Atm it is shockingly bad, when you take your finger off the sprint button the players do this putting their arms out in front of them type animation that takes almost a second to process, I just want my player to stop sprinting and to be back in action asap, plus the players turn so so slugishly. Such a pain trying to positon players defensivley or for a counter attack. Such a long delay from controller input to it happening in the game, needs major speeding up.

I actually like the physical aspect of the demo and some nice passing is possible, although the whole "we worked with a special company to deliver great ball physics" or whatever it was pr statement they released was just not true, ball physics are basic af.
Well it makes sense for wanting it to come good no? why would we not want a good football game. Although at this rate Konami will have taken a two year break to release this. The first release was a demo and by the time all the content comes out fifa 23 maybe released.

Indeed, but there's a difference between want and hope. I want a good football game but - based on the current market and motivations - I've no hope for one. Especially on Konami's part, for the reasons you outlined.
I put a cross on EA as i hate their games and the "no weight" feeling, no shift related or run related to real life physics (well, very very small), weird stuffs etc., and etc. since 2017, but that's not the thread. My only hope is a change of direction, but year after year it's less and less what i'm searching for. All for the speed of reactivity, even if physics aren't respected. My hope is they turn back to the past a bit, PS3 feeling...

Just needs a game that you can "feel" the weight and power of what you're doing, and were there's challenge.
I don't really have big hope (at all) but if i got to choose, it's for me, Konami or nothing in the current situation. They release my two favourite football games since PES 5, on Fox, on PS4 so... They can reproduce it.

Now we can speculate about 2K buying Konami staff and all, but it's just fanfiction.
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Didn't know that Freddie Mercury(my favourite singer) is still alive and playing for Athletic Bilbao :D

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Queen are doing the soundtrack for Efootball, didn't you know?
Confirmed tracks so far are:

Under Pressure
Don't Try So Hard
Football Fight
It's Late
Some Day One Day
Death on Two Legs
Put Out the Fire
You Don't Fool Me
Lost Opportunity
Coming Soon
All Dead All Dead
Blurred Vision
Dreamers Ball
Pain is so Close to Pleasure
Hang on in There
Was It All Worth It
I Go Crazy
If You Can't Beat Them
There Must Be More To Life Than This
Save Me
See What a Fool I've Been
The Show Must Go On
I'm Going Slightly Mad

"Last month it was revealed that the Commonwealth Games will be running an esports pilot, with DOTA 2 being the only confirmed game at the time. Now, the three games set to appear at the event have been revealed, which also includes Rocket League and eFootball, with the latter starting the event off. Each title will have an open category and women’s category."
Some person on twitter claims there will be a new round of playtest for media and influencers in April an they will gather feedback from them.
I don't trust this twitter account but if it is real, I hope they invite other people than the last influencers. They sucked at play testing and gathering/giving feedback. Their reviews of their beta version were all good even though the game had lots of issues. And when asked they can't even remember if the gameplay overall was different than the one we have now (except for some things obviously missing like sharp kicks).

The only eFootball influencer I trust now is LFFL. He has shown he understands mechanics and gameplay faster and better than any other influencer out there. They should invite him/her.
One thing you may have noticed is that the game version on the online test game was 1.00 but in the released game it was 0.9, I think Konami did this on purpose and they've expected a negative reception already and was going to drop the "it's not the final version yet" phrase as a plea to earn time to fix stuff as the most important thing by that time was just to release the game before FIFA, but they didn't expect all that rage so they had to go back to the drawing board but I sincerely believe that they'll just try to fix bugs and glitches and maybe uplift some graphics and that's it.

Make no mistake Konami is soooooooooo freaking stubborn and will never revert back to the old PES game model.
Make no mistake Konami is soooooooooo freaking stubborn and will never revert back to the old PES game model.

I don't want them to revert. They only need to fix a few things like making normal shots more powerful, increase acceleration/reaction of defenders, make AI react to opponent running 1-2m near them, bring back old Physical Defending with bugs fixed.
But it's hard to say what version 1.0.0 was like last year autumn ... Only testers know, which they played in Windsor.
I don't want them to revert. They only need to fix a few things like making normal shots more powerful, increase acceleration/reaction of defenders, make AI react to opponent running 1-2m near them, bring back old Physical Defending with bugs fixed.

Konami has its ways now to always disappoint no matter how low your expectations are you'll eventually be surprised how disappointing they can be.
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