eFootbal online competitions (discord - Pes Without Stress)


League 2
19 October 2012
Hello everyone... Thanks to the generosity of the admin, I have received permission to advertise the Discord server and invite you to join if you are interested in online eFootball competitions.

The server has been around for about 3 years, and we don't aim for mass numbers at any cost. Our primary goal is to gather enthusiasts of this game who experience participation in social games in a more "mature" way.

The server's name, "Pes without stress," emphasizes that we welcome people who consider all of this as fun and who love to compete in a friendly atmosphere.

We don't practice the dream team concept, at least not without team strength restrictions - there have been some breaks due to Konami not adding real clubs until the latest update. Now, we're trying to revive server activity a bit.

Currently, registrations for the tournament with an interesting team selection concept are ongoing. If this all sounds interesting to you, you're welcome to join...

Invitation link - https://discord.gg/QJFcauZsmE

Competitions are organized for PC and PS platform, for now


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Registrations are currently open for the "rainbow" tournament...

  • The tournament will be played with authentic teams, divided into pots based on their overall strength.
  • Each team will be assigned two colors (the colors of their markings/jerseys).
  • Each participant selects one color, and can only choose teams of that color.
  • When a participant is the host according to the schedule, they can choose any team with their selected color. The guest adapts by selecting a team with their color, and cannot pick a team from a stronger pot than the host.
If anyone is interested...registrations are open until Saturday, the tournament starts on Sunday, with a schedule of 4 to 5 matches per week. The tournament will last a maximum of 14 days. You are welcome to join!
I am cautiously optimistic about this. On a side, I enjoy the co-op lobbies in a fashion that alleviates inputs load. You can switch the cursor around off the ball, don't worry about getting on the ball so much, have a gander at the radar, etc., experience the game as a team.
I am cautiously optimistic about this. On a side, I enjoy the co-op lobbies in a fashion that alleviates inputs load. You can switch the cursor around off the ball, don't worry about getting on the ball so much, have a gander at the radar, etc., experience the game as a team.
Don't understand about caution :) It is all about online competitions in this game...
The game is what it is, it has its flaws, but we don't have a better one currently that can be played online without major complications.
Co-op appeals to me as a concept, but personally, the problem for me is that it can only be played in Dream Team mode, and that mode isn't designed for any restrictions, on the contrary - the only goal is to make players spend money to get "superheroes" - players with performances over 100, legends, epic, and other things that make this game more like a fantasy genre than an attempt at a football simulation.
That is indeed Konami's only goal with this game, and that's the key issue for me and others who crave a football game, not this fantasy...
If someone had told us four years ago that we would be playing PES where the main goal is to have players rated at 105 with "super powers," most would have laughed at it... but here Konami has hooked people that way.
Any chance to fuma competition?
Without stress of course.
As far as I'm concerned, I've always found it appealing, and we've had such tournaments in the past, even back in the PES21 days - manual pass. I think we haven't done full manual... However, the problem is that even now, the turnout for competitions is weak, and for full manual, unless we can collectively motivate enough people, it's unlikely to succeed at this moment... but I'm always in favor of trying. Manual is personally very hard for me to master, especially shooting, and if you don't master it, the game really doesn't resemble football... but I fully support playing this way because it's the only way to reduce the arcade element, which is present to a great extent in every football game.
because it's the only way to reduce the arcade element, which is present to a great extent in every football game.
Thank you for enhanced answer.
I completely agree with you here. šŸ‘
I would also like to note that here on the forum there are quite a few very high-quality opponents and great guys from differebt countries with whom I play fuma from time to time.
Taking part in a tournament with such partners would be the ultimate dream for me.
I think that your initiative is very promising.
Thank you for enhanced answer.
I completely agree with you here. šŸ‘
I would also like to note that here on the forum there are quite a few very high-quality opponents and great guys from differebt countries with whom I play fuma from time to time.
Taking part in a tournament with such partners would be the ultimate dream for me.
I think that your initiative is very promising.
It would be my pleasure to organize that kind of competitions for u, but not only for u, for all other who wants to feel something different from football video games...i already have structure, expirience in organization, very good site wich we use for standings, results and all other stuff, etc. and if we gather some fuma fans, that could be example for other server members...when they see how it looks like when learned people play without assist, that can motivate they to learn to play this way also, because i know that this advanced level of playing bring much more joy when u learned and used to play without assist.
I am first who find it riddiculus this game when see how matches in this game look when highly skilled players play with assisted settings...it has little to do with real soccer game....passing like on speed track, ultra fast feints, and here u r at goal chance, and u can do a little to prevent they to score...not to mention that almost every stunning shot is a goal. No build up, no thinking in advance, no need for some unique/various tactics, nothing...The game boils down to speed runing, pass pass to easy pass, fient and goal...without assistance, everything is indeed harder to perform and slower pace, and one has to think a lot more about everything. It is not perfect but is more challenging and break the monotony and template game
Btw, for that reason i like to play with lower class teams (4 stars for example) because than u dont have that much level of arcadish gameplay
Yesterday, @endo and I, played 3 matches on full manual....

What I find problematic with manual passing is that often the power bar for passes is inconsistent... Sometimes, even with a small amount of power, the ball goes too far, while other times, even when you fill the power bar more than halfway, the ball barely reaches the player... Also, it's not uncommon for the ball to bounce off the player's heel instead of being received properly.

It seems to me that Konami hasn't optimized the game for manual passing at all... I've also noticed that the computer-controlled teammates don't react properly, almost as if the software doesn't expect you to make a manual pass, and then they get confused... This doesn't happen with assisted passing.

I wonder if you've noticed these things too...
I dunno if I'm even bothered by optimization for manual and don't tend to agree with copious power not reaching a player for lack of power alone. However, If I could hope to see more players try out or go to PA4, I must imagine gameplay stability continue to resemble what it has for the majority of eFootball 2024 and 2025 online and offline FUMA vs. FUMA; and connection is just not really bad mostly for online. Tbh in my own experience (which represents a grain of sand in the ocean, sorry your mileage may vary) the lot of issues with ineffectiveness or imprecision I take on the chin. I don't overreact and donkey kick back with the heel at the game. More often than not playing a m8 like my brother in the same room (average level, fairly competitive like myself), the few wrinkles that might exist rarely appear in great part due to the game engine ironing them out (almost like magic between matches and/or during). It doesn't take long for the gameplay to shake out a believable semblance of ebb and flow in the match. I do admit that I am willing to participate in a fair contest with my opponent 100% of the time, so much that I will show him/her enough respect not to encroach the 10 yds at kick off :)) and not dive in 1 in-game minute in. The player movement, formation flexibility, offensive positioning, defensive tracking, schemes, and hedges is something I trust the AI and RNG to sort out for a large chunk. I focus in mostly on playstyle changes and my bread and butter gameplay. Win, lose, or draw or I have never achieved a competitive level of note to outline a meta strategy to improve win rate, but trusting my literacy on the pad, I get close low scoring matches on the couch. Online, however, a couple examples of matching up a fellow PA4 player come to mind: the one doesn't stay long in the memory because the opponent only changed up in the 2nd half due to an appreciation of the possibility of matching custom settings to reduce assistance; the other against a FUMA player out of the gates where the game played like a "ding-dong battle" where unfortunately nothing was easy but more so not much happened and that is where I would be more keen to the "optimization" mentioned earlier. In the end, I realize if I want considerate gameplay where I'm dialed in but only for funzy, I can expect the engine to excel. But in the case I want to get more punchy, there is seemingly a slim chance of the game spinning me out in rush down.
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