- 5 February 2004
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 10/3/23 | 11:52 PM CST --
Thanks everyone for the feedback on Version 2. We have really enjoyed playing on that set, but definitely felt there was some room to improve and get a lot of what we have been wanting for a couple of years (lower sprint, less direct game, more variety, ball physics, etc). So we did some further exploration and found some values to refine the set overall.
The main focus here was to get the HLW sorted out a bit better. In particular length where we felt 32 was good, but it was too compressed. Some examples here were: Midfielders instantly retreating to join a clump of others and defenders, not enough space between the banks to allow more variety and as there's more compression, it's easier to dribble past because 1v1 concept that EA uses isn't given room to breathe, but instead clogged up - allowing one defensive player to get past turned into several at any given moment. As a result, we bumped length to 38 initially, until finding that it was a bit too spread out and turned into end-to-end action that didn't match tactics, so 35 was a good balance where we get all of the benefits and add in the midfielders still drop back enough to support the defense.
Along with bumping down marking, we raised the Run Frequency to help with more variety, but more so to reduce the tendency of the CPU trying to dribble the ball into the box and hold it up for a cutback. This scenario happened too often and became quite boring, especially on higher difficulty levels.
On the ball, we were able to find a good spot with 38 pass speed to allow the ball to be alive again and increase those deflection interactions that can happen throughout the pitch. In addition, a lot of time was spent to find a balance between Shot Speed and GK Ability. The safe play is to go with GK at 50 to avoid strange animations that happen on higher values, relative to the shot speed. However, the bump down in shot speed for the World Class set at 46 and Legendary at 40 (!) is bizarre. This had to be done though because the precision shooting has remnants of when FIFA 16 introduced the driven pass. There is a point in which a 50 shot speed feels like an 80, so 48 barely made a difference, regardless of shot error. The lower shot speed results are quite smooth and really look like properly struck shots. At times the CPU will choose to go for a side-footed shot, but considering there was time when they wouldn't do that at all - this is highly welcomed.
The last on-the-ball value we looked at was FT Control and raised it. The reason for this is we noticed many games where you can tell the AI was thinking about what to do, and during this, the animation that would play out is shift the ball back and forth, almost like it was on a string connected to their legs. We wanted to reduce this effect, and the natural option is to increase the chances of a loose ball. With this change, the ball becomes just a bit more requiring of care and closer control is given to the qualified players. A tall forward may struggle holding onto the ball if they try to shift it back and forth rather than just put their body in between. In addition, the actual first touch of players will be more realistic to control the ball, and players that are exceptional will stand out positively.
A note about the acceleration changes: we wanted to get closer to a calmer animation point - especially anticipating the game may speed up as these patches come out. The more we can accomplish this, the better, but without creating any negative effects such as CB jockey or bursting through the lines.
That's Version 3. Hope you all enjoy as much as we have. As always, leave feedback with examples. Thanks!!
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 10/3/23 | 11:52 PM CST --
Thanks everyone for the feedback on Version 2. We have really enjoyed playing on that set, but definitely felt there was some room to improve and get a lot of what we have been wanting for a couple of years (lower sprint, less direct game, more variety, ball physics, etc). So we did some further exploration and found some values to refine the set overall.
The main focus here was to get the HLW sorted out a bit better. In particular length where we felt 32 was good, but it was too compressed. Some examples here were: Midfielders instantly retreating to join a clump of others and defenders, not enough space between the banks to allow more variety and as there's more compression, it's easier to dribble past because 1v1 concept that EA uses isn't given room to breathe, but instead clogged up - allowing one defensive player to get past turned into several at any given moment. As a result, we bumped length to 38 initially, until finding that it was a bit too spread out and turned into end-to-end action that didn't match tactics, so 35 was a good balance where we get all of the benefits and add in the midfielders still drop back enough to support the defense.
Along with bumping down marking, we raised the Run Frequency to help with more variety, but more so to reduce the tendency of the CPU trying to dribble the ball into the box and hold it up for a cutback. This scenario happened too often and became quite boring, especially on higher difficulty levels.
On the ball, we were able to find a good spot with 38 pass speed to allow the ball to be alive again and increase those deflection interactions that can happen throughout the pitch. In addition, a lot of time was spent to find a balance between Shot Speed and GK Ability. The safe play is to go with GK at 50 to avoid strange animations that happen on higher values, relative to the shot speed. However, the bump down in shot speed for the World Class set at 46 and Legendary at 40 (!) is bizarre. This had to be done though because the precision shooting has remnants of when FIFA 16 introduced the driven pass. There is a point in which a 50 shot speed feels like an 80, so 48 barely made a difference, regardless of shot error. The lower shot speed results are quite smooth and really look like properly struck shots. At times the CPU will choose to go for a side-footed shot, but considering there was time when they wouldn't do that at all - this is highly welcomed.
The last on-the-ball value we looked at was FT Control and raised it. The reason for this is we noticed many games where you can tell the AI was thinking about what to do, and during this, the animation that would play out is shift the ball back and forth, almost like it was on a string connected to their legs. We wanted to reduce this effect, and the natural option is to increase the chances of a loose ball. With this change, the ball becomes just a bit more requiring of care and closer control is given to the qualified players. A tall forward may struggle holding onto the ball if they try to shift it back and forth rather than just put their body in between. In addition, the actual first touch of players will be more realistic to control the ball, and players that are exceptional will stand out positively.
A note about the acceleration changes: we wanted to get closer to a calmer animation point - especially anticipating the game may speed up as these patches come out. The more we can accomplish this, the better, but without creating any negative effects such as CB jockey or bursting through the lines.
That's Version 3. Hope you all enjoy as much as we have. As always, leave feedback with examples. Thanks!!