E3 2009 - The Official Thread

Now that's a pretty good addition to XBL it has to be said.

Although watch Sony announce a deal with Spotify tomorrow :LOL:
Was gonna say, Spotify is the new Last.fm, hahaha...

Netflix, no thanks, nextttttt.

Sky Sports, can't afford it, nexttttttttt.
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The link up with Sky is pretty amazing TBF... thats good innovation - i know its not 'games', but still a reason for people to get a 360.
That's the first and last time Spurs will appear at E3.
How can they guarantee instant playing films if you're on a shitty slow BB speed? How can it stream faster in full HD than a crappy youtube video in SD that pauses now and again?
this really adds to never again having to leave your house. just need on demand foot via xbox live. :BYE::APPLAUD:
There better be a big announcement at the end of all this...
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Interesting that I can invite friends on Facebook to my XBL friend list. Viewing photos is nice as well.
That facebook thing is alright, but then you have to go out of your way to do it all and go through tab after tab to get something you could get much quicker on the pc.

But I buy consoles for games not girly facebook status rubbish. 'Oh I'm currently eating aren't I great!'
that girl is really, really annoying. so is twitter. and facebook. and actually even xbox live.
I can't believe their dedicating so much time to Facebook.
I quite like her, OPM :) I like her shyness and general manner :LOL:

The Twitter one was mentioned by Major Nelson a while ago.
Unless you get the choice to get live updates in game (i.e. twitter updates), then its pointless.

You arent going to specifically turn the XBOX on to look at Twitter/Facebook...
If I posted screenshots from games on Facebook, I'd have no friends left. Who would be impressed by it? How interesting is it to see someone else's screenshots on a social networking site?

Come on, big announcement now FFS. Bored.
Can't you already do facebook and twitter and everything else through the PS3's browser though?
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