Dexter - Season 5


Is it possible to run these on an iphone at all? I've looked around a little and found a few sites that claim you can but they all mention jailbreak or purchasable programs that allow you to copy pdfs and txt files over.
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Hmmm got it working but when I load the files it just crashes back to the menu. Thanks for helping though.

I'll just read them on the pc.
michael hall and jennifer carpenter are getting a divorce and it is reported the reason for that might be julia stiles.

some drama on the set of dexter, holy shizzle :D
I'm with Tuta here, it's one of the dumbest things I've watched in TV. It has no common sense, it feels totally rushed and some of the situations and quick turns of the episode, specially the last ones, are simply amateurish.This show is completely dead.
I was enjoying this season, mainly because I thought they were building up to the finale, which miserably failed to deliver...

Don't get me wrong, it was still some of the best TV around at the moment, but nowhere near how great the show has been in the past.
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