Great game by the way Holio, and I apologise for the dirty tackles. They weren't intended, sorry mate 
I'm not taking any of your comments the wrong way, I understand everyone has to deal with the same flaws. But it pisses me off that we should HAVE to deal with flaws just to play a game of football. You guys obviously have played more and are used to the flaws more, but it annoys me to think I have to play a game not how I want it to be played, but to change my game because I have to cope with the AI not moving my defence around properly.
I am certain the AI defence is better, miles better, on Pro against the CPU. Yet if I'm a midfielder and leave the defence to the CPU, it fucks up far too many times to make me think it plays to the same level as Pro.
I think I'm okay at defending, I don't rush in, I stand off how I need to. But if the defence can't do a proper job while I take control of one player then what's the point? I know you wont agree but I believe I rarely lose goals because I messed up. Very few goals go in because the player I'm controlling got skinned. The goals go in because, somewhere along the defence, a player decides he wont track a runner and thinks he'll look to see if his Dad is in the crowd. Meanwhile I'm standing off the player with the ball while he dinks a through ball though, literally THROUGH my player who's daydreaming away, for the opposition to score. Leaving me to wonder why the CPU decides it can't move the defender like it does on Pro level.
I'm not the best player in the world, but I'm not the worst either. And I'm losing these games not because I lack the skill. It's because I haven't adapted to flaws. So I can be the most skillful player on FIFA, but if I don't dumb down my game to accomodate a braindead AI, then I get beat.
It's just not right, that's all. I know I'm a moaner, I moaned in the last league and I'm moaning now. Some things never change I guess.

I'm not taking any of your comments the wrong way, I understand everyone has to deal with the same flaws. But it pisses me off that we should HAVE to deal with flaws just to play a game of football. You guys obviously have played more and are used to the flaws more, but it annoys me to think I have to play a game not how I want it to be played, but to change my game because I have to cope with the AI not moving my defence around properly.
I am certain the AI defence is better, miles better, on Pro against the CPU. Yet if I'm a midfielder and leave the defence to the CPU, it fucks up far too many times to make me think it plays to the same level as Pro.
I think I'm okay at defending, I don't rush in, I stand off how I need to. But if the defence can't do a proper job while I take control of one player then what's the point? I know you wont agree but I believe I rarely lose goals because I messed up. Very few goals go in because the player I'm controlling got skinned. The goals go in because, somewhere along the defence, a player decides he wont track a runner and thinks he'll look to see if his Dad is in the crowd. Meanwhile I'm standing off the player with the ball while he dinks a through ball though, literally THROUGH my player who's daydreaming away, for the opposition to score. Leaving me to wonder why the CPU decides it can't move the defender like it does on Pro level.
I'm not the best player in the world, but I'm not the worst either. And I'm losing these games not because I lack the skill. It's because I haven't adapted to flaws. So I can be the most skillful player on FIFA, but if I don't dumb down my game to accomodate a braindead AI, then I get beat.
It's just not right, that's all. I know I'm a moaner, I moaned in the last league and I'm moaning now. Some things never change I guess.