Bundesliga Thread 2012/13

"Germany's mass circulation Bild newspaper has reported that Borussia Dortmund star Mario Götze will transfer to Bayern Munich this summer. According to Bild, Götze has already signed a contract with the Bavarians."
Hostile takeover, Bayern showing Dortmund who's boss.
BVB fans got Torres(ed)

now you know how LFC fans felt when he wanted to leave for Chelsea..

i feel sorry for those BVB fans... Bayern, from all places.... very bad for them (BVB fans)...

good luck to get over it..

for Gotze to turn his back on the club that made him and sign for not a much better club in terms of possible achievement and in same league is a big thing to cope with.
Bad news for Dortmund really hope they manage to find someone as good or maybe give a chance to Leitner.

This also means Robben is definitely heading out.
He had an option to leave for a set fee of 37 million €, which would mean - since it is now obvious he was thinking about a move all along - the Man Cities of the world surely were already swarming in as well.
First and foremost I'm happy this amazing player will stay in the Bundesliga, even though my first reaction was mixed. Dortmund loses a key player and it'll be hard for Watzke to find an adequate replacement during the summer; also, a lot of the more hardcore fans are already fuming and I can see the clash against Madrid to be in serious jeopardy, especially should Goetze struggle to perform ...

In general though, this is just how this business works. Clubs operate within their financial limits, often times exceeding them speculating on long-term profits rather than short-term. It's been like this for decades now.
Clubs like Bayern can afford the top of the crop, but that doesn't change the fact Dortmund works exactly the same way - within their limits, obviously. If there's player-material available that's both affordable and considered helpful, the club will make a move, not giving two sh*ts about who is weakened in the process (kinda hard to avoid after all, isn't it?)

I'm eagerly awaiting the summer transfer period. Joachim Watzke already stated a couple of months ago that Dortmund is in a rather lucrative financial position and they'd strengthen their squad with much more massive investments this year. That was before the 37 million € for Goetze were even considered additional budget.
Eriksen, Isco? Who knows ...
And who will leave Bayern? I think there's only room for one Mario G. ;)
Exciting times ahead.
Why couldn't Mario have simply said to Bayern "this is not the right time so let's talk about this at the end of the season"? I wonder.
Good News for Real Madrid! MourinhoI has been riding Lady Luck from the start of the CL. That lady will be left w a torso n a few back bones.
what an idiot Götze turn out to be , I really thought his better than this , why the hell in earth he cant wait 1 month more and make himself a deal with who the fuck he want , he really has piss me off even if im not fan of BVB (all tho i like them a lot) so think how they're fans gonna feel :/

I wont play him tomorrow and for rest of season I wont even leave him to train with rest of team anymore , just one piece of crap not thankful for what his team did for him , I hope his carer goes bad on bayern I really do !

BVB fans got Torres(ed)

now you know how LFC fans felt when he wanted to leave for Chelsea..

thats not even near Torres , Torres left in period of transfer , and he don't make himself a deal 1 day before CL semi final match !
He had an option to leave for a set fee of 37 million €, which would mean - since it is now obvious he was thinking about a move all along - the Man Cities of the world surely were already swarming in as well.
First and foremost I'm happy this amazing player will stay in the Bundesliga, even though my first reaction was mixed. Dortmund loses a key player and it'll be hard for Watzke to find an adequate replacement during the summer; also, a lot of the more hardcore fans are already fuming and I can see the clash against Madrid to be in serious jeopardy, especially should Goetze struggle to perform ...

In general though, this is just how this business works. Clubs operate within their financial limits, often times exceeding them speculating on long-term profits rather than short-term. It's been like this for decades now.
Clubs like Bayern can afford the top of the crop, but that doesn't change the fact Dortmund works exactly the same way - within their limits, obviously. If there's player-material available that's both affordable and considered helpful, the club will make a move, not giving two sh*ts about who is weakened in the process (kinda hard to avoid after all, isn't it?)

I'm eagerly awaiting the summer transfer period. Joachim Watzke already stated a couple of months ago that Dortmund is in a rather lucrative financial position and they'd strengthen their squad with much more massive investments this year. That was before the 37 million € for Goetze were even considered additional budget.
Eriksen, Isco? Who knows ...
And who will leave Bayern? I think there's only room for one Mario G. ;)
Exciting times ahead.

Gomez will move either to City or to Madrid, can´t see him moving elsewhere to be honest... perhaps maybe Juventus...
Guys, are you serious?
This deal has been done quite a while ago, it only leaked to the public just now. And it sure as hell wasn't Goetze who was responsible for the leak. Get your facts straight, please.
HORRIBLE timing for the 'leak' wherever it came from!

Yup, but to even consider it was the player himself who would make this public or signing a contract at this crucial moment (to the detriment of his team's success) ... seriously, come on!
It's unsure whether that was Bayern's doing in order to deflect at least some medial attention from UH or maybe a whole different party. Jurgen Klopp said he doubts the former, by the way. So do I.
I always idolized him. He IS Bayern Munich after all. Made this club to what it is today and the even brighter days it's heading into. He always was a bigmouth - but, dare I say, he talked the talk AND walked the walk. Always. His loyalty towards anyone who ever was part of the Bayern-family was exemplary. Many owe so much to him, some say "everything" (Gerd Mueller comes to mind). Hoeness was the textbook definition of the hard worker, whose dreams came to realization through sweat, tears and blood.

A man so apt in finances and the business world in general to so foolishly dodge taxes via a Swiss bank account, hoping for a loophole "not to get caught" ... what a downer. Weird and sad, really. Especially disappointing to someone like me, who kind of saw him as a beacon of honesty in this often times rather dirty business.
Bummer. :(
It's always disappointing when we regard human to such standards . Then , the fall of a person character comes crumbling. I say take the good from each person and leave the bad of them. After all we are human... Most of us :)
thats not even near Torres , Torres left in period of transfer , and he don't make himself a deal 1 day before CL semi final match !

you are right, it´s worse, from LFC perspective it would be equal to Gerrard leaving for Chelsea...
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Good. I always HATED him! Seemed like a real asshole and not a good person. Not too surprised to hear this.

Hoeness did more for football in Germany than anybody else, without him teams like St. Pauli, Alemannia Aachen, Dortmund (YES!) and many others would have been gone into insolvency and Hoeness helped them every time. And he did more to charity than 99% of the rest of the Bundesliga.

And just left aside how steep Bayern developed since he is in this club and lead it. The fact that Bayern is the world's healthiest club in economical terms is nearly completely his work.
oh dear Pipa, i like you but sometimes you can be pathetic. IMO Liverpool destroyed Torres by playing him way too much. I think Torres has much more reason to feel bitter towards Liverpool than vice versa. Can't you people just be thankfull for everything he offered Liverpool and on top of that they got a huge sum when he left. They could have bought better players for that amount of money.
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