Bombings In London

Flawl3ssCowb0y said:
1) Could the man speak English?
2) The policemen were plained clothed officers I think

So if you were in a foreign country and a group of men started shouting at you and then point guns at you, what would you do?

I'd fucking run!

The guy (has been named by police as Jean Charles de Menezes) has been living (legally) in London for three years and worked as an electrician. There is a great possiblility he panicked due to the circumstances.

There is also the probability that he had something to hide from the police - but this is all guess work unless we get a statement from the police.

Mr Menezes is said to be fluent in English
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Well, ofcourse he panicked when you have around 6 armed people running at you, I mean they didnt even have police uniforms on, did they even say they were police?

Just because he ran, doesnt give them the right to shoot him not once but FIVE times, I mean he coulda just had drugs on him, its funny really, when terrorists kill people they are scum and everything else, when the police kill someone its just a "tragedy", sad.
Police dont care, remember when they shot a guy in the HEAD because they thought he had a shotgun in a bag but it was a table leg?..I mean, if it was in the bag how could he have used it?

They shouldnt shoot to kill, I mean if your in doubt shoot them in the legs/arms, but 5 times or in the head?..bollocks.

Now people are not only scared of getting blown up, but also afraid of getting shot when they run from armed men. I wonder if they even said they were police, I mean it wouldnt have been top priority if they thought he had a bomb.
j4y3m said:
They could have stopped him some other way, no need to go putting 5 bullets in the guy.

Exactly. With all this investment made into weaponary, you'd think they make some sort of tranquilizer gun which can disarm a person immediately.

If the suspect was for real, they could have questioned him - he'll be worth much more valuable than a dismembered head.

This is what you get for listening to the Israelis....
The reason why they killed him is because he new something that the goverment didn't want to get you lot notice he had a camera on him!!! What did one of the officor do with it...he crushed it on the floor!

Thonk about it...they had two guys on him and he wasn'r going to get away...they could of took hom and interagated him, which would of been in the best interest of the english goverment...but they put slugs into his head...not once....BUT FIVE TIMES!!!.

I got a feeling that the guy new something especially with that camera he had.
I think they shot him in the head from close because they feared he might have had a bomb on, so didnt want to blow it up.

They also might have thought his body would be delicate and would explode if he were a terrorist.

This might sound stupid, but wouldnt a tranquilizer do the job?
Its always easy to make conspiracy theories but it is most likely that this was all a mistake - albeit it resulting in the loss of life of an innocent guy. From what I read today, it seems that the guy was living in London illegally with an expired Student Visa - hence most likely why he ran at the first site of police. As I said earlier, running away from the police may be due to many reasons - especially in a known dodgy area like Stockwell.

As for Menezes wearing warm clothing, I've seen a lot of foreigners (mainly tourists) wearing jumpers etc.. as the british summer weather is apparently not as hot as what they are accustomed to. Also, a couple of the local "rudebwoys" tend to also wear the most random of clothing for street cred purposes apparently....

Frankly speaking, a "shoot-to-kill" policy will always result in the occasional loss of innocent life. It is just sad and unfortunate that the first case of this policy resulted in the loss of Mr Menezes' life. Surely there must be another way?:

Milanista said:
This might sound stupid, but wouldnt a tranquilizer do the job?

Exactly mate. Its strange in this day and age where weapon technology have become so advanced, why tranquilizer technology isn't used as much as it should be. I'm thinking at the moment, tranquilizers take a few moments to have an effect - probably enough time to allow a bomber to blow themselves up.

But rather than concentrating on how effective you can blow someone apart, can't these weapon manufacturers look at temporarily disarming a suspect without loss of life more closely?

Hopefully, the brutal loss of Mr Meneze's life will be the catalyst to look at these other options....
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And you know what? The police had been watching his house, as it was apparently where a suspect lived - but they didn't realise the house was divided into flats, so when he came out of his flat, having nothing to do with anything, they just assumed he had something to do with the suspect. I mean, Christ, what kind of 'intelligence' are they working on? About 60% of houses in London are divided into flats, and in cheaper areas like Stockwell it's probably more like 80%....

Also, they let him get on a bus from his house to Stockwell station... what???

People might not be aware that in San Paolo, where this guy had lived, the government operate Death Squads, plain clothes guys who go around shooting poor people to 'clean up the streets'. I mean, he's not going to have thought that there were death squads in England, but it's still gonna make you jumpy when a load of guys pull guns on you and start chasing...

It proves why the British police shouldn't be allowed to carry weapons - they can't be trusted with them. US cops can be trigger happy, but at least they're used to carrying a gun, keeping it safe, knowing when to use it etc etc. The British guys have just done a few weeks' training, they don't usually carry a firearm, so when they've got one they get jumpy and nervous and tend to shoot way too easily. You also get stuff like pumping seven bullets into the head of a restrained man - if that guy shooting wasn't just in a blind panic, then why did he not stop after, say, the third bullet? I'm not just saying all the London police are meatheads - my mate's brother is in the Met and he says exactly the same thing. It's to do with being put in a situation you're not properly ready for.

Sure, they've got to carry guns if there are suicide bombers on the loose, but giving them a shoot-to-kill policy is madness. The last time this was tried was in Northern Ireland, and it was a total disaster, even by the admission of the security forces there. You end up killing people's grannies and stuff, while the blokes you're actually after get away. But it seems the lessons of British history are being ignored, because the UK government is taking security advice from the fucking Israeli security forces.... I mean, even leaving aside the politics of Israel/Palestine (to avoid the inevitable argument about THAT), you can hardly argue that the way the IDF operates has been a roaring success...
I imagine, in any city around the world, following several bombings and 50+ innocent deaths, this guy would have been popped by police under similar circumstances.

This guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time and, unfortunately, made the wrong decision to flee the police.

Saying that there are death squads in Brazil just don't cut it.
Siroco said:
This guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time and, unfortunately, made the wrong decision to flee the police.

Saying that there are death squads in Brazil just don't cut it.

Apparently, the guy was living here with an expired student visa - meaning immediate deportation. This is most likely why he ran.
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talking about the Brazil guy i read an article in the new statesman by john pilger and i read the morning star and both said that the man didnt have a massive coat on, he ran probebly because his visa had expired, one eyewitness said that he cowering on the floor saying dont hurt me and they shot multaple times in the head oh and the police said to the mans family that he done nothing wrong but they havent said nothing like that in public.

oh and one of the police men who was there has gone on holiday piad for by the police which means our tax money is paying for him to have a good time.
Unfortunatley we live in extremely turbulent, volatile times where theres to many problems domestically and internationally tht dont luk like bein solved!!! Wots frustrating me is all this political correctness with these Islamic hate preachers for fucks sake deport the bastards n fuk it if there chosen destination operate capital punishment and there 'human rights will be breached' These economical parasidic mothafuckas dont deserve human rights they deserve a death worse then the ebola virus
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