Bombings In London

Just wana come on here and pay my respects to everyone in London. I hope the people who did this are brought to justice.

My mate was a couple of carriages down from where the bomb went off. Lucky he wasnt hurt from the blast, but due to panic by people in there he was crushed, breaking his arm and damaging his rib cage. He's thankfully recovering now.

As a british Muslim im annoyed and angry at these terrorists using our faith to propel this evil.

Saying that, I'm so happy to see everyone on this forum not being as narrowminded as some of the people I've encountered in my home town. I hope people realise that if innocent Muslims are targeted by the public then the terrorists would have have won, as a divide is what they want. We have to stick together. Whats happening in London with all the people being strong is amazing and I applaud them.

I also pray all the people who are missing are found safe and well.
Pere Ubu said:
This discussion is going in circles, because it's too emotive a subject.

It's incredibly simple - bombing innocent people to death for your own ends, and backing it up with lies is WRONG.

It's wrong in Afghanistan, it's wrong in Iraq, it was wrong in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Columbia, Bolivia, East Timor, or anywhere else the US has struck. It's also wrong in New York, Madrid, Bali or London, or anywhere else the terrorists have struck.

PS CSaunders' comments on the UN are the most pathetic thing I've ever read. For your information, the sanctions on Iraq were UN sanctions in name, but they were prosecuted entirely by the United States and Britain, and they in fact led to the resignation of two very high-ranking members of the UN (including one vice-secretary-general) who called them 'genocidal'. But such is America's power within the UN, they could override the objections.

It's not as petty as being about Bush or Blair, it's about the way the West treats the rest of the world, and has done for many many years. People are quite right to be outraged by terrorism in London or anywhere else - but if you're not equally outraged by state terrorism in places like Iraq, then there's something seriously wrong with you.
sure they were buddy sure, cause the US and britain have such a HUGE influnce in the UN, they do whatever we say
Again, selective criticism, with regards to the UN. Again, the U.S. is reportedly behind much of the world's ills.

Yet, rampant corruption and nepotism; Oil for Food debacle; UN workers raping women in Africa on the UN watch; Libya, Cuba or whatever despotic regime on the "human rights" council; etc., etc. Where are the threads addressing outrage at these issues?

I have to disagree with Pere Ubu's statement:
"People are quite right to be outraged by terrorism in London or anywhere else - but if you're not equally outraged by state terrorism in places like Iraq, then there's something seriously wrong with you."

There is indeed a vast difference between jihadist terrorism and "state terrorism" in Iraq -- by which I take it you're referring to the U.S. invasion.

How many average Iraqi's or Afghans have you polled on the streets? They'll tell you there's a pretty big difference. Hell, they'll show you by risking their lives to vote. As I said, men and women raising the collective, ink-stained middle finger to despotism.
rockykabir said:
Proper random day today....Was in Birmingham yesterday for a mates wedding and the whole city centre was cleared out!

Today, on my way back to London by coach, Police blocked out large sections of Golders Green - any idea what happened there today?

Also, surprise surprise, the CCTV camera on the number 30 bus wasn't working :roll: - police are now relying on mobile camera taken by passer-bys prior to the blast
Wow there's a surprise, CCTV rendered useless... there's about 4 million I believe in London and I guess not one picked up anything that day. Hmm that's too much of a coincidence, oh speaking of which look at this for a coincidence:

London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

Video: Bombing Exercises In London Underground
The person who did this has to be a ex-miltary soldier or a ex-bomb couldn't of been a muslim representing Al Queda lol....look how accurately timed the bombs couldn't of been any old sucide bomber who done this lol.

Use your brains guys.
Scary reading that article.

This is precisely what happened on the morning of 9/11/2001. The CIA was conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the WTC and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning.

This is not speculation. Kermit Roosevelt admited on NPR radio that in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence carried out a wave of bombings and shootings in Iran. He then went on to brag about how they subsequently blamed the bombings on Iran's President, Mossadegh. Do you understand, these people brag about what they do 40 years later?
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martinja said:
Kermit Roosevelt admited on NPR radio that in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence carried out a wave of bombings and shootings in Iran. He then went on to brag about how they subsequently blamed the bombings on Iran's President, Mossadegh.

This, of course, was the precursor of the hit MTV show, "Punk'd"
Some real paranoia around the country at the moment. I nearly missed my girlfriends graduation after the scare in Manchester.
I think everyone is being a lot more cautious at the moment, surely its better to be that way than the other
LONDON - Up to four bombs hit London's transport system this afternoon, exactly two weeks after more than 50 people were killed in blasts on underground railway trains and a bus. London police chief Ian Blair said there were four explosions or attempted explosions in what he called "a very serious incident." He said casualties were light and the bombs appeared to be smaller than the ones that wreaked deadly havoc two weeks ago.

Early reports suggest they could be dummy nail bombs
More shit going down in London. A suspected bomber has been shot dead by Police.

Mr Whitby, told BBC News: "I was sitting on the train reading my paper.

"I heard a load of noise, people saying, 'Get out, get down'!

"I saw an Asian guy run onto the train hotly pursued by three plain-clothes police officers.

"One of them was carrying a black handgun - it looked like an automatic - they pushed him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded five shots into him.

"I saw the gun being fired five times into the guy - he's dead."
Police Shoot Suspected Suicide Bomber Police have shot a suspected suicide bomber at a tube station in south London.Armed officers opened fire up to six times on the suspect as he hurdled a ticket barrier and raced along a platform at Stockwell station.Police screamed at passengers to evacuate and are thought to have shot the suspect as he stumbled on to a train. It is believed the man was killed.

Alarmed onlookers said they saw up to 10 plain-clothed officers chasing an Asian-looking man before opening fire.

Passenger Briony Coetsee said: "We were on the tube and then we suddenly heard someone say 'get out, get out' and then we heard gunshots."

Air and road ambulance crews have been sent to the scene and unconfirmed reports suggest the man was involved in Thursday's assault on the capital.

If the suspect is confirmed to be a suicide bomber, it would mark the fifth attempted terrorist attack on London in less than a day.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "We can confirm that just after 10am armed officers shot a male at Stockwell underground station."

Police have been given orders to shoot to kill if they believe someone is about to detonate a bomb.

Sky News Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said: "The officer or officers involved in this clearly felt this suspect was about to detonate a bomb."

Tube services on the Victoria and Northern Lines were suspended at the request of police.

An earlier bomb threat targeting a mosque in east London has been given the all-clear by police.

WTF is going on..!
Shoot to kill orders are quite a thing here in "peaceful" Britain. Shows how seriously it's all being taken.

These are the 4 suspects wanted for Fridays attacks!
Its pretty scary knowing that cops are ready to shoot anyone they suspect so quickly.
If the guy who was shot actually had a bomb, imagine how all the people who were on that train felt just escaping potential death.

One of the things I'm worried about is that my dad works at a train station ticket office. And I also just applied for a job at the company.

Problematic situation for the police now and questions need to be answered.

One thing I've been wanting to know is whether they found any weapons,bombs etc.. on the guy after they shot him?! The longer its taking to give a statement about the guy, the more I'm feeling that nothing has been found on him.

Now that he's been proven not to have been involved in the 21st July bombings, I'm feeling theres gonna be a major cover up if this guy is innocent after all.
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Just what i was going to say what the hell was he running away from armed police for! Wouldnt have been a even bigger injustice if the police didnt shoot him and he went on to blow up 50 people! Strange days were living in!
Milanista said:
Why did he run and toss a bag in the tube then??

Correct me if I'm wrong here guys, but I think the bag toss-n-run incident was on the 21st. The police suspected him because of his behaviour and his clothing (and apparently they followed him from his flat) and chased him into the tube. Not trying to sound rude, but knowing the place fairly well, there are plenty of people in Stockwell who will run at the sight of police (possibly drugs or other crimes).

But what I want to know (cos I think I might have missed out on this from the news reports) - have there been any statements from the police regarding whether the guy was actually holding any explosive?

From what I understand, formal identification hasn't been done already (it's gonna be difficult when you have five [alleged] shot gun wounds in your head). All I've heard from the police involved the words "tragedy" and "regret"

I'm just worried that an innocent guy has been shot in such a brutal manner for no reason. I'm beginning to fear the inevitable aftershocks this will bring if what I'm dreading is true.....If anything, I'm actually hoping that they have found bombs on the dead body cos we seriously don't need this at this time....
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The Brazilian government has expressed its shock at the killing and Brazil's foreign minister Celso Amorim is on his way to London to get an explanation from foreign secretary Jack Straw.

In a statement the government said it "looks forward to receiving the necessary explanation from the British authorities on the circumstances which led to this tragedy".

The Brazilian government is getting involved in this mess and something I don't think the Police or the Gov need at this time. I'm feeling that the situation is a lot worse due to the sheer brutality of the killing. What I'm confused at is that we were told this guy was in the watchlist hence why they followed him into the station. If this is all a mistake then I seriously worry about the intelligence used during all this investigation.
I feel that under the circumstances, it is necessary to take these sorts of precautions. I mean, do you kill a man and stop hundreds from dying or just not shoot?

Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that. If the man wasn't innocent, they of course, the police would be getting lots of praise. A couple of things though:

1) Could the man speak English?
2) The policemen were plained clothed officers I think

So if you were in a foreign country and a group of men started shouting at you and then point guns at you, what would you do?

I'd fucking run!
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