BIG Decision to make, Need Help

What should i get?

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PES Enthusiast
3 July 2003
Hi guys i am seriously considering trading in my Wii but cannot make up my mind to either get a Xbox 360 or PS3.

What do you guys think?

I need pros and cons i can't decide:THINK:
Had a PS3 for a year now, barely use it. The exclusives so far haven't tickled my fancy (LittleBigPlanet is Mario for fashion students, Resistance is average at best IMO, Everybody's Golf is good but not spectacular once you get stuck in a ranking rut, only Killzone 2 jumps out as something I would look forward to). I do get Buzz Quiz TV out at Christmas but I don't think a console is worth keeping for a game you play once a year, a game that isn't out yet or to watch a HD film on now and then.

If you're a gamer I would say 360, no doubt, Xbox Live (even though you pay for it) is fantastic. If you're not buying it purely for gaming and you want it to be a Bluray player, as well as having the more mature audience (I say that having experienced far less kids on it than the 360), then perhaps you'd want the PS3. But personally the 360 exclusives appeal to me and I've not been disappointed so far.

...Apart from having one console banned by MS for no reason, and two consoles die with RROD. In all cases I got a replacement console completely free though.
Interesting indeed. I am tempted by the Xbox but i am a very loyal playstation kinda guy.

My feelings on Nintendo are best left in 1993 with the SNES
It also depends on how much you have to spend, are you just trading the Wii or do you have money to add to it as well. Also if you can, try out both pads, see which one suits you better, alot of people prefer the DS3, alot the MS pad, sometimes it's just as much about the little things rather than anything else. The PS3 HDD is upgradeable too, for about 50 quid you can put a 320Gb drive in there and fill it with whatever you want.

Cross Platform games are almost identical atm, so basically its down to who's exclusive games you would rather play.
Well I've had a 360, have a PS3, and recently bought a 60gb 360 so I now have both at the same time.

If you're a loyal Playstation kinda guy as you say, then I'd assume you don't really mind playing the multi-platform games on the PS3, and Blu-Ray, plus Wi-Fi, plus free online gaming, plus completely upgradeable harddrives are big plus points in the Sony consoles favour.

If you like the sound of Gears of War 2, or Halo or something like that, then buy the 360 obviously, but bear in mind you might have to buy certain things to make the console suitable for you. Xbox Live is an online gaming service, and whilst you get a few things included with the ability to play games, you are still paying a considerable amount (well, compared to it being free...) to play people online. That said, because I have a 360, I will happily pay the price to play people online, otherwise I wouldn't have bought a 360.

But as I said, if you're a loyal Playstation guy, get a PS3.

Either way, both are far, far better than the Wii.
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I was trading the Wii getting about £130 quid for it with a couple of controllers and nunchucks games not inc.

I could have got a arcade bundle pack for the 360 for that trade in alone but wasn't rushing into any decisions just yet plus the games on offer were shit.

the blue ray and upgradable HD are also important along with the free online hhhmmmmm
Ive got both and there isn't much difference tbh.

- Free online
- Bluray player
- Exclusives
- Easier mediacentre?

- More games and technically a better back catalogue
- Exclusives

For me the best controller differs from game to game, I find them both confortable.

So really its down to wanting to pay for online, whether you want to watch bluray, whether you want to use your console as a mediacentre (I get the impression the ps3 is "easier" in that regard with less hassle getting files to play/compatibility) and whether you want to be able to get more games cheaper. Im sure the 360 has more games "on sale", although over here we have a very limited 2nd hand market wereas in the UK the price differences are probably smaller between sale en 2nd hand. As you can tell there isn't much between them these days.
I was trading the Wii getting about £130 quid for it with a couple of controllers and nunchucks games not inc.

I could have got a arcade bundle pack for the 360 for that trade in alone but wasn't rushing into any decisions just yet plus the games on offer were shit.

the blue ray and upgradable HD are also important along with the free online hhhmmmmm

Dont get the Arcade bundle, if you want experience the best of the XB, you need a HDD.

I think you have answered you own question with your last sentence lad.
360 for me, its just better I think, and I'm a convert, as in I used to be a huge PS fan. Although having said that though I must mention, the Commodore 64 must have been the best game system ever, nothing like putting the tape in the deck and waiting half an hour for Flimbos Quest to load.
Or else trying to put that cheat in for 5 lives instead of 3. Hours of your life wasted only for the games to crash while loading and for you to have to start all over again. Ahhhh good times! :D
I think with this new update, the PS3 has very few advantages over the 360.
I've played on a couple of my mates PS3s quite a lot and I own a 360

+ PS3:

Blu-ray - slightly overrated imo, not many games at all take advantage of the extra space
Exclusives - subjective though, personally none of the PS3 exclusives really appeal to me at the moment
Free online, although from what i've seen of it, it seems real bare-bones, just functional and no more.
Future-proofness (I just made that word) - In a few years, game developers might use more space than the capacity of a HD-DVD disc. That is a "might" though, as there are very few games which do actually take advantage of that space as I said before.
Home - If this is the sort of thing you like then fair enough, but all it seems to me is an overrated, over-complicated version of something that traditional menus do more quickly, with a few mini-games thrown in.
Reliability - It's well known that the PS3 has a much lower failure rate than the 360, although the new hardware in the latest version of the 360 (which was made at the start of this year I think) seems to have rectified that. My mate had to send his PS3 back last week, and he got that after I got my 360 though, so the PS3 still has problems of it's own.

+ 360:

Game installation for all games, this cuts down on the sound from the console considerably and improves loading times quite a lot.
Loading times - Leading on from my last point, the loading times are far quicker on 360. GTA IV for example, loads a good 5 seconds quicker on 360 without installation, and with installation i'd say that rises to around 7-10 seconds (seems that long anyway).
Online service - Yes, it costs, but Xbox Live is a great service. It's easy to use/navigate and has some good features as well as there being very few problems with the servers.
Exclusives - I still don't own any of the top 360 exclusives (only exclusive I have is Forza 2), but there are quite a few which are highly regarded which I will most likely buy in the future. Still, none are games which I would play for any real length of time (i.e more than 3 months) but they appeal to me more than the PS3's exclusives.
Graphics - It's a minimal difference, and I don't know if it would be the TV or not, but the graphics on the 360 seem a bit crisper, while the PS3's are a bit more "soft" if you get what I mean.
Multi-platform game performance - Most games which are on both platforms perform better on 360.

So i'd say go for a 360.
Yes it is, the games are on Blu-ray discs. The extra capacity could/should mean more content, that isn't happening.
The reason it isn't happening is because of the 360 still being stuck on DVD-9 discs.

Because they've gotta make do with 9gb as a base point, not many companies will bother developing games that use 50gb.

And then there are other reasons like Sony's epic fail at marketing and getting the PS3 out on time, meaning everyone has 360's, and making the PS3 pretty hard to develop for, meaning more exclusives go to the 360, or they go multi-platform.
I'd grab a 360 as you'll get one quite cheap and have cash to blow on a load of games.

But if money is no object then I'd grab the PS3.
Even if you have plenty money to spend buying a 360 would be a better option

I have both and the PS3 don't do much more than the 360 (apart from being a bluray player) and its well known that most games are better on the 360 anyway

So imo its an easy choice, if you still want a PS3 you can buy mine ;))
The multi-platform games aren't any better on the 360 nowadays, at least, apart from Fallout 3, and if hes a PS fan, he might as well get a PS3.

It'd be easier to save up for a 360 than a PS3 anyway, so he could get a 360 later on.
That's what im saying though, why spend more to get something that doesn't do much more and doesn't look any better than its cheaper alternative?
Because of all the extra stuff hes getting?

I tend to split the cost of the PS3 in two between Blu-Ray and games, so it's effectively the same price as the 360 in my eyes.

But....if he doesn't want Blu-Rays....
That's the thing isn't it. Let's be honest, I know that paying for Xbox Live is a rip-off when PSN is free, I know that the hard drives and accessories are a rip-off, I know that a wireless adapter should be built in like it is on the PS3, and I know that having a console that's liable to RROD at any minute is insane.

But even though I know all of that it's still the better console to me, and for me to still think that despite all of the above, that proves to me just how good a console it is when it comes down to it. From the voting score at the minute it would seem like the majority agree.

It all comes down to whether you want Bluray or not (I watch about three films a year so it's nothing to me), what you think of the exclusives on each console, and your willingness to do without the console for 1-2 weeks each year when it does inevitably go tits up.
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Because of all the extra stuff hes getting?
Such as...? Blu-ray, that's basically it. Blu-ray in itself isn't all it's cracked up to be - yes movies may have slightly better picture quality but that really isn't important to most people, and as I said before, the games aren't taking advantage of it so having a blu-ray player in the PS3 is not really an advantage - blu-ray is overrated and overhyped imo.
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Rob I agree with your other points, but not about the Blu Ray point. I do think Blu Ray is worth the money. The picture quality is beautiful and its a lot better to watch full HD movies on your tv rather than streaming off a PC. Also, compared to the prices of stand alone blu ray players, I think its quite good for the PS3's price. But for a full gaming experience, I'd take the 360 any day. If I had a PS3, I'd have a Blu Ray collection by now. I guess that too is subjective to each person's preference in movie collections.
Such as...? Blu-ray, that's basically it. Blu-ray in itself isn't all it's cracked up to be - yes movies may have slightly better picture quality but that really isn't important to most people, and as I said before, the games aren't taking advantage of it so having a blu-ray player in the PS3 is not really an advantage - blu-ray is overrated and overhyped imo.

Bluray is no way slightly better, Bluray is stunning. Check out a well setup screen with Bluray player you will be blown away because the picture "pops" as they say and almost becomes 3D!!

check the bitrate in this table


BR is nearly 5 times better than DVD and god knows how much better then the 576i tv feeds we get over here
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Such as...? Blu-ray, that's basically it. Blu-ray in itself isn't all it's cracked up to be - yes movies may have slightly better picture quality but that really isn't important to most people, and as I said before, the games aren't taking advantage of it so having a blu-ray player in the PS3 is not really an advantage - blu-ray is overrated and overhyped imo.

The sentence of a typical 360 fan mate.

It's a massive difference between DVD and BR, watch it on a 1080p screen, and you'll definitely see it.

You also get piece of mind that your console isn't gonna RRoD every five minutes (granted PS3's have reliability problems as well)

Free online (if you or anyone else is gonna reply 'its not a patch on Xbox Live' then BOLLOCKS, its an online gaming service, you play games online, thats it, and you can do it exactly the same on both consoles, theres no difference)

Wifi so that you dont have to shell out for an adapter (should he need it of course)

A pretty much unlimited choice of upgradeable hard drives, seen as you can slot any laptop harddrive (pretty much) into it.

Oh and you dont have to shell out for Microsoft branded accessories that cost a shitload for what they are.

Plus it has all the multiplatform games the 360 has, which lets face it, most people buy, they don't usually buy things solely on the exclusives, no matter what you guys say. Sure some games are inferior on the PS3, but nearly every game was inferior on the PS2 vs the original Xbox, and look what happened there...
yeah blue ray is the shit, thats the reason im getting the ps3, not only does it have blu-ray but its the best blu-ray player on the market...
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