Big Brother 9

Here you go Coopz, but have to agree JLH is miles better :DUMMY:



She does look a little similar in 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' though. (She's the one on the right)
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wrong girl
i was talking about this one


When she first came in she looked well like her
So Mario has been on a TV show before, and now it seems Lisa has been on some cooking TV show as well. What's with them taking on people who are comfortable being on TV instead of your average Joe off the street?

Big Brother 2008: Mario and Lisa Have Done Reality TV Before
Tags: Big Brother 2008, Lisa Appleton

Well, during our post show research tonight, quite a lot has emerged about Mario Marconi and his girlfriend Lisa Appleton.

As soon as they appeared on the screen they both looked super familiar, not surprising when you consider how many other TV shows they have been on.

The word is that Mario has appeared on Deal or No Deal, Saturday Night Takeaway, and Brits Behind bars to name a few.

Lisa has also made a few TV appearances on shows like Kitchen Criminals on BBC Two and in the 90s she scooped the prize for Miss Wigan Body Building and appeared in TV show, Body Heat.

Lisa Appleton cooks up a storm

Aug 11 2007 by Peter Elson, Liverpool Daily Post

Branded a kitchen criminal, Warrington wonder woman Lisa Appleton wants to prove on TV she can beat her cookery gremlins. Peter Elson reports

WHEN your otherwise loving partner secretly signs you up for a reality television cookery boot camp, it’s probably an indication your talents don’t lie in the kitchen.

“Well, no,” admits Lisa, a former Gladiator games contestant. “I’m so busy doing other important things. I’ve no time for buying stuff, chopping and cooking meals.

“I’m interested in getting adrenaline highs with my fitness.”

The 39-year-old, 6ft tall, gorgeous pouting, Juicy-Tube-lip-glossed Amazonian beauty, who was a body-builder and model, is now a fitness instructor.

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The one in the pic at the very top is the one who slimmed from a size 16 to 8 really fast so shes not only got flabby bingo wings - she's no doubt got some other flappy saggy skin somewhere else.

The other girl - i have no idea who the hell she is - i half watched the launch show and ive seen a few BB's since then and i cant say ive noticed her at all - so either they're not showing her on tv much or shes not all that and isnt standing out.

EDIT - Just seen her and damn she has a huge box head!

The 39-year-old, 6ft tall, gorgeous pouting, Juicy-Tube-lip-glossed Amazonian beauty

It's a man isn't it?
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Cant believe the state of the people in this show. Embarrasing. Will not be watching these bunch of wannabes and FREAKS.
Whats that Black Girls name who had a go at the blind guy last night?

She does my fucking head in
Rebecca's breasts are HUUUGE! :shock:



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Whats that Black Girls name who had a go at the blind guy last night?

She does my fucking head in

She's a disgrace to humanity. Ironic how the cunt preaches about "respect" and yet shows absolutely none of it herself.
alexandra the great, so she says

she is a gheto whore, he needs a fking slap... she reminds me of a female version of victor

She's a disgrace to humanity. Ironic how the cunt preaches about "respect" and yet shows absolutely none of it herself.

It pissed me off how she was talking about mikey like he wasnt there then we he started to talk she just talked over him

i agree someone needs to needs to give her a good slap

Victor was a legend though :))
Big Brother is now bollocks and always will be. Why can't they just put 15 or so NORMAL people in the house? When they did that in the first few series, it was genuinely a good sociological experiment. Nowadays it's just full of gays and foreigners.
I haven't had a chance to watch anything since the first night, the football clashes with BB :(
Big Brother is now bollocks and always will be. Why can't they just put 15 or so NORMAL people in the house? When they did that in the first few series, it was genuinely a good sociological experiment. Nowadays it's just full of gays and foreigners.

You sound like an 80 year old ;)

Next you will be saying Gays and Foreigners are taking all our Jobs.
Mario's bird is a Milf.

I would be up that like Poo off a stick.

That Victor video is quality.

"He's held more butts than a nightclub ashtray."

"They call me the plumber, because I lay pipe"
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Glad I'm not the only one who think's Lisa is quality, I thought I was at the start of this thread!
I think Mohammed was right about Lisa - Not sure wether she was a Guy or not :LOL:

Seriously she has probably got the second biggest build in the whole house - Thats not right for a Lady :DD
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