Arsenal Thread

well i have heard many people would rather see us win the league/champions league then chelsea(only up their because they won the lottery) or liverpool(the most flukey team i have ever seen).

I heard ferguson actually saying that during the summer

I'm struggling to adopt to this mentality too. If it were hte last day of hte season and a United loss would mean Arsenal would pip it over Pool and Chelsea...oh God...the conflict...

As for the Champs League, I dunno. I think you'd have a lot of trouble against some of the big teams still left in. FA Cup and Carling Cup double wouldn't be too bad would it?
What a f*cking tit. said:

Gallas has gone public on the frictions within the Arsenal squad after repeated criticism of his captaincy.

The Frenchman - who sat on the pitch sulking while the Gunners' season crumbled at Birmingham earlier this year - says that the players need to start fighting the opposition rather than each other.

He has revealed that one player insulted him during a match, though he refused to name names.

"When, as captain, some players come up to you and talk to you about a player...complaining about him... and then during the match you speak to this player and the player in question insults us," Gallas told AP. "There comes a time where we can no longer comprehend how this can happen.

"I am trying to defend myself a bit without giving names. Otherwise I'm taking it all (the blame). It's very frustrating," he said. "I'm 31, the player is six years younger than me."

He has also revealed a bust-up at half-time of the 4-4 draw with Spurs, saying: "There was a problem at halftime. The only thing that I could say at halftime was 'Guys, we resolve these problems after the match, not at halftime.'

"We have to understand that to be champions, you have to play big matches every weekend and fight. We are coming up against teams who are not scared to play football against us, who are not scared to take us on at our place, and this is becoming dangerous for Arsenal.

"We are not brave enough in battle. I think we need to be soldiers. We have to be warriors. There are teams who can do it well against us, and we have to be able to face up to these attacks."
Well i remembered about Rosicky, and im getting really pissed, where the hell is he? and what god damn injury did he contract? broke all bones of his legs cous it seems like it.. when he comes back to soccer he won't even remember how to pass freakin ball... either Arsenal docs are just useless or they don't know how to treat that, ence, useless..
@ Iceman: That's interesting, and I believe a fault of Wenger. Can you imagine if two of Mourinho's players had a strop? Or Fergie's! They'd quite literally be booted out of the room. I think a healthy level of fear is needed. Fear of being benched, fear or being punished. It sounds like that fear isn't there at Arsenal at the moment. :/
who could that player be? too many kids in our team and not alot of grown ups to avoid all this bitter bust up between players. this could prove to be the most disapointing season ever for arsenal since wenger has taken over. a loss again this weekend and any arsenal fan as got to be considering whether wenger is fit for the job at hand.

dont wait till its too late before u realize it. start realizing now
@ Iceman: That's interesting, and I believe a fault of Wenger. Can you imagine if two of Mourinho's players had a strop? Or Fergie's! They'd quite literally be booted out of the room. I think a healthy level of fear is needed. Fear of being benched, fear or being punished. It sounds like that fear isn't there at Arsenal at the moment. :/
fear? what fear? who would fear wenger? seriously who?
fear? what fear? who would fear wenger? seriously who?

Wenger in my opinion has too many favourites and does not have a strong enough management style when the going gets tough.

When things are rosy in the garden his softly, softly approach works like a dream, but this doesn't help when certain players need to be told that they are not pulling their weight.

With regard to Gallas, the sooner he is sold the better IMO.

Not gonna happen soon though is it....

What a fucking prick - Seriously the Guy is fucking retarded. He is as thick as two short planks!!!

The only thing that will make Arsenal better is if this fucking knob head leaves and lets someone else captain the side.

Really - He is a crap captain. He takes no responsibility.

Does he really think that the team will do better - because he questions them all in the paper whenever things go wrong?!!

If all the team did that - then there will be loads of players pointing out the fucking number of mistakes Gallas has made after everygame!!

Really - I think you need to have some sort of intelligence when being a captain of a team and Gallas seems to have the mental age of a 5 year old!
Yep Man City away - At the moment. Especially with our injuries and suspensions - I would be suprised if we won it :((

Hopefully I will be suprised!
reading all this really gets me down How? When? Where? has my beloved club get into this public affairs all open..Im expecting Baraba Walters interviewing ....
Its when you purchase a chav who used to play for the chavs who then continues to act like a chav. He should realise he doesn't play for the chavs anymore he plays for a much classier outfit who don't usually act in this way. We do not air our dirty linen in public. What was he thinking? The fucking chav.

He should be stripped off the captaincy, that way it makes it easier to drop him.

Wenger should now give Toure\Djourou a run in the team. Lets face it they cannot do any worse than the other combinations we have used this season!
Even if Gallas has made so many mistakes in the past n stuff, i used to still respect him. Even after the Birmingham match. But what he has done now, it reminds me a watching a cunt. I'm so ashamed that we have got a cunt in our team.

Toure should be the captain now, Fabregas is still young. He can be the vice captain. Gallas should be thrown to some Blue-Square Conference Division Club. Let him go and be a "Warrior" over there. Arsenal players are not warriors, they are Gunners!!
His comments about warriors though is true to some extent, we have lost a bit of fight this season. However its a bit rich coming from him when he is not a warrior himself in games against teams like Fulham when its his mistake not making a clearance that lead to the the only goal of the game.

As captain you have to lead by example, he doesn't do this. Can you imagine Adams or Vieira speaking out in this way and dirtying the club who pay him very well indeed? I rest my case.
no it says this "arsenal said to cesc : dont speak about Barcelona"

I like the boat version better :))

Just for the record, I am still fucking fuming at that degenerate, fucking clown Gallas!!! Wenger needs to get some balls and demote him and even drop the selfish fucking bastard!!
i feel u guys will win over Man City... as they definitely wont win if Ben Haim is there in the team or subs list!! Maybe gives a chance for one more of Prof's fledglings to shine due to Walcotts injury
Apparently Gallas has been stripped of captaincy and is not even on the coach to Manchester. Good riddance i say. But who should be captain? Fabregas is the only one i can think of. The club's in disarray. Apparently either Almuni or Clichy could be captain. Its F**king CRAZY man!!
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