A Peep into my world...

A panoramic shot of my bedroom using my new Sony HX5 camera.

In Munich's main station on the last day of the trip...with an epic hangover and having woken up at half 7....

Though I did hold a full half an hour long conversation with the man (who didn't speak English) next to me and translated for my friends.

Somehow I remember far more German than I thought I would....
When I met some Swiss girls on holiday a few years ago I found I could speak quite a bit of German to them too. Maybe school is good for something after all.
Matt:"right when this girl passes me take the picture straight away!"

Matts friend:"ok ok, get in position...she's coming...here she comes....now do the hand signal and look cool!"

Matt:"great, that picture looks great, now I can pretend she is my girlfriend on evo-web Yippeee!"

She has got an expression that says;

"Oh no, he's doing it again! He's a sweet guy but if I see that gangsta hand one more time I'm dumping him for the guy in the purple t-shirt."
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