pes 17

  1. F

    Player attributes in the Fox engine

    I’d love to get the community’s thoughts on the level of influence attribute changes have on players in Fox Engine-era PES. I’m looking at reviving a global club-team CPU vs. CPU tournament I started many years ago on RTWC98 and last ran on WE7:I. Newer eras of PES brought in more club teams...
  2. RodriguesMaths


    I've been thinking, with the death of the PES brand in 2022, which Pro Evo game from this gen it's gonna be the definitive version who people most love and make patches ? 6º gen (PS2) had PES 6 and 7º Gen (PS3) had PES 13 as their standard. the logical answer is PES 20/21 for being the newer...
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