eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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Why is Konami not able to do something like that?
I don't understand Konami's negligence for these details
I think this is one of the best concept art I've seen. Even the scoreboard looks good (although it is a generic one), the club logo and the fonts give it a fresh look. Game plan, start screen and ML menu look world class. Perhaps the main menu could be different, but this is a lot more than KONAMI have ever done. Modern and fresh.
This is very nice, very modern!

It's still very fresh in my mind when the PR guy at IGN said that the menu is CHANGED COMPLETELY, that it's a VERY MODERN, that it's VERY UNIQUE, etc.

I dont have problem with that menus. For me its fine as long its easy to navigate and i dont get lost constantly and its not ridicilously slow.
I dont have problem with that menus. For me its fine as long its easy to navigate and i dont get lost constantly and its not ridicilously slow.
I don't have a problem with menu also. I wish they make it look better but really don't care if not.
It's just funny that what Konami calls MODERN doesn't really look modern. The guy also said it's CHANGED COMPLETELY when it almost looked the same apart from the colors and main menu.

MENU/UI are one of the things they can improve significantly without needing much resource but they're unable to do a better job than what we have now.
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Why is Konami not able to do something like that?
I don't understand Konami's negligence for these details
This makes me sad..:CRY:

Ok..i have an idea.:!Let's just gather up and go kidnap that lazy uninspired mo'fucka who makes these ugly ass UI menus and presentation all these years in the game,and then demand to let him go alive only if their hire the person who did this marvelous concept to take his place.:DD

Who's in?:ROCK:
This makes me sad..:CRY:

Ok..i have an idea.:!Let's just gather up and go kidnap that lazy uninspired mo'fucka who makes these ugly ass UI menus and presentation all these years in the game,and then demand to let him go alive only if their hire the person who did this marvelous concept to take his place.:DD

Who's in?:ROCK:
Please Dennis, keep it civilized.
I know you might making a joke here but Kidnapping?! ;) come on, pal!! ;)

Other than that: yes. We want the menus shown above. Looks brilliant!! :)
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Did Konami not have a playtest this time like last year where they invited Mr 'free as a bird' and we were given to believe things that were sorted with pes 2019 but in reality it wasn't?
You can do. Some bloke unlocks them every year and releases an OF with them in.
Now that you mention it... I do remember.
There was something off back then so I did not pursue anymore.

Thank you for the reminder though. Will have a look again this year. If you stumble over something in that regard, hit me please!
Now that you mention it... I do remember.
There was something off back then so I did not pursue anymore.

Thank you for the reminder though. Will have a look again this year. If you stumble over something in that regard, hit me please!
Funnily enough I just came across it on Reddit.
Junior Mantis is the guy who does it, here's a link to his 2019 file.
these legend players are absolutely pointless imo

I want to play a master league with current day players, stadia, tactics and atmosphere.

PES is still stuck in the past. Everything about it is so archaic.

Some people actually get excited about Legends but why? Every player feel so similar on the ball in PES now and every player passes exactly the same.

I want to play a master league with current day players, stadia, tactics and atmosphere.

PES is still stuck in the past. Everything about it is so archaic.

Some people actually get excited about Legends but why? Every player feel so similar on the ball in PES now and every player passes exactly the same.

In general, legends can be a great addition. For example, during 2017, I think, I was looking forward to getting Lineker. No intention to play him because I like a realisitic team - but he was part of my goal to have all SPurs players in my MyClub 205-slot roster. (LOL and 2 years later all that work goes up in smoke when servers switch off...what a fool i was)

PES 2020 sees Arshavin - one of my must haves in my team in PES 2012/13 I think - what I remember of him is I'd keep him on the bench and then sub him on 2nd half for injection of pace and fast skills. IIRC I used to do the same with Lennon on the other wing.

So seeing Arshavin here fills me with some happy nostalgia.

HOWEVER, I know what Legends are in PES - all graphics and no substance on the pitch - and even if they have substance the gameplay online is a meaningless joke. Do I care about being no 1 in PES rankings? I should do but I couldn't give a monkeys after realising the leaderboards are full of cheaters. (PES 2020 could be better but my patience has run out with PES and konami and I don't intend to waste more time hoping)

So I guess what I'm saying is "Don't hate the player, hate the game"

I want to play a master league with current day players, stadia, tactics and atmosphere.

PES is still stuck in the past. Everything about it is so archaic.

Some people actually get excited about Legends but why? Every player feel so similar on the ball in PES now and every player passes exactly the same.
Like you I hate see legend versus current day players, even more than you when I play in CO-OP in FUMA against few legends in FUTO, but I love see the past players with actual reproduction possibility, just that, I have all legends (PS4 patch) and I try it maybe two or three times...
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