WWE Thread !!

I don't know, but in my opinion I don't believe.

In this past years they told that The Undertaker died in "No Mercy", and it was a lie.
Pelintra said:
I don't know, but in my opinion I don't believe.

In this past years they told that The Undertaker died in "No Mercy", and it was a lie.
But thats supposed to be fake. Eddie Guerrero is really dead.
Yes, was a bit of a shock, and a sad one at that. I know he had drugs issues in the past and maybe the demons got the better of him. One of the greats!
Cause is unknown though he did have drug and alcahol dependancy.

According to WCCO-TV in Minneapolis, Guerrero was found at the Marriott City Center hotel. Police arrived on site around 7:30 a.m. Attempts were made to revive Guerrero, according to a police spokesperson.

At 12:45 pm CT, Vince McMahon and Chavo Guerrero held a press conference in Minneapolis to talk about Guerrero. The press conference is available online at WWE.com.

During the press conference, Chavo explained that he and Eddie came in from Phoenix the night before, and checked into the hotel around 12:30 a.m. He was scheduled to meet his uncle for breakfast, but got a call instead from hotel security saying that Eddie did not respond to his 7 a.m. wake-up call. Chavo went with security to Eddie's room, and found him on the floor. A call was then placed to 911.
Fuck, I remember when I was into wrestling when I was young and the 'lose cannon' died. Couldn't believe athletes could die so young but it happens more often then not. Didn't Mr. Perfect, the Bulldog and the fatty bearded one from Team Canada also die early?

What a huge shock. I don't even follow wrestling anymore and only came about knowing through a user's avatar. RIP.
This is off WWE.com:

After the untimely passing of Eddie Guerrero, WWE and the entire sports-entertainment community is still reeling from the devastating loss of a champion. The initial autopsy reports on Guerrero have come in. WWE.com spoke with Eddie’s widow, Vickie Guerrero, earlier today.

“It was heart failure. It was from his past – the drinking and the drug abuse. They found signs of heart disease. She (the examiner) said that the blood vessels were very worn and narrow, and that just showed all the abuse from the scheduling of work and his past. And Eddie just worked out like crazy all the time. It made his heart grow bigger and work harder and the vessels were getting smaller, and that’s what caused the heart failure. He went into a deep sleep.

As soon as they saw his heart, they saw the lining of his heart already had the heart disease. There was no trauma, and Eddie hadn’t hurt himself in any way. It answered a lot of questions. I knew Eddie wasn’t feeling very good for the last week. He was home and kept saying he wasn’t feeling good and we thought it was just “road tired.” So we thought he just had to rest. It answered a lot of my questions, too, because he was just so exhausted. She said it was normal because the heart was working so hard.

When he didn’t call me last night and the night before I knew it was for real, because he would call me every night. I miss his phone calls. I cried through the whole thing (last night).

I loved his laugh. His laugh was the best.

We just celebrated his four-year sobriety last Thursday. We just thought we had life by the handful. We thought we had it all figured out. He worked so hard to make a better life for us.

I’m just overwhelmed by how people are coming out. It’s touched my heart a lot.

Everybody was just in awe last night in how beautifully everything was put together.

All my life was wrestling. All he did was take care of them and live for that. And I don’t know what to do now.”

Full Link: http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/causeofdeath
Just doesnt sink in. Raw was beautiful last night. Great tribute to the legend of Eddie Guerrero. Benoit, Show, Angle just looked really distraught.
I cant believe he has gone, it hasnt hit me yet.

Such a terrible loss.

R.I.P Eddie
R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero.

Still though i think WWF (or should i say WWE) has gone crap...i never buy and wrestling tapes/dvd's anytime past pre-royal rumble 2000...from there on my love for wrestling went down the drain!
Stringer Bell said:
R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero.

Still though i think WWF (or should i say WWE) has gone crap...i never buy and wrestling tapes/dvd's anytime past pre-royal rumble 2000...from there on my love for wrestling went down the drain!

I completely agree, however, and this is not just me bigging him up because of his death, that Eddie was one of the few remaining wrestlers within the WWE that could wrestle, entertain, and handle the mic. I remember watching Smackdown once on a one-off occasion, when Eddie was doing oen of his Lie, Cheat and Steal acts, and never since the days of Rock and Mankind did I laugh at a WWE script honestly.
Yep my thoughts exactly, he was class. Him, Undertaker and Booker T are my favourites. Eddie and the Book are great entertainers into the bargain.

hi guys, i wondered if any of you that have SvR2006 have unlocked anything, i have been looking n the net for ages to find an option file so i have everything unlocked but dont seem to be able to find one?please add me to msn to help alexperez@lycos.co.uk as i dont want to find out last nights PPV results i wont be looking on here!thanks!
hey, ive just caught up with the last few ppv's and i have a feeling that the wwe will be reforming DX!! From HBK and his 'two words' promo w/ vince mcmahon to HHH and his DX crotch chop on RAW...DX is actually returning!! ^^
Its actually confirmed. They'll be officially returning at Vengeance.
Non-internet fans arent supposed to know that though.
It would be good if they bought The New Age Outlaws Back but apparently its not happening

if they did though i would start watching WWE again
When did he win it?

I remember Booker T on WCW. He had a tag team partner, who were called The Harlem Nights! But for some reason (I forgot) his partner fucked him over! That's when he started becoming a fan favourite.

Remember they used to show WCW on TNT....I had to watch that, (since I never had sky sports at the time) while my friends were watching Raw and they used to prank phone call me every Friday night about it lol! Had to wait to the next morning to see crappy highlights of it on Livewire lol!
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