Woman Trouble...

shit you guys are too calm.

First off that guy would be in a wheel chair. Maybe its not his fault coz he didnt know about you two, but at the same time if hes bragging about laying her I could sit there and listen.

Secondly I would've kept sweet with her then laid her best made. Did that to my ex. Take away her best mate aswell as her partner. Double whammy.

Im joking ofcourse...or am I? ;)

Well happy to hear you dumped her and are moving on. But I tell you this, there will be days where you feel great, and weeks where you feel shit. When those shite weeks come resist textin/callin her. Harder then it seems...
Secondly I would've kept sweet with her then laid her best mate. Did that to my ex. Take away her best mate aswell as her partner. Double whammy.
Right on.

It's what I would've done. That way you would have shown her, hey two can play that game.

Plus it's relatively easy stuff if you know how to go about it anyway. I've found out during the past few years that often most (Maybe like 90% even) of the friends of chicks I've been with secretly dig me. They don't of course go up to their girlfriends and say things like "Hey, I fancy your boyfriend so much. Could I have him for the night". :mrgreen: :lol:

They just keep those feelings about you inside until they're given a proper chance to express them and the time is right. ;)

So if you more or less know your way around with the ladies and know how to attract them and what buttons to push and what moves to make and when and etc., it'll be hard for them to resist you anyway let alone when they're already in to you.

Especially due to all the stuff they've seen you do with and to other girls including their own close friend and how your carry yourself and so they probably wish deep inside that it was you doing that stuff to them and being their boyfriend ;) even though on the surface they look fine and even happy for their "friend" on most occassions. :lol: :mrgreen:

I can tell you from personal experience, this is GREAT if done right. Especially when you're doing this with an alterior motive apart from just getting laid from another chick and have another objective on your mind. (like Adonis' plan)

By playing that whole game right, I once had the chick I was originally fooling around with first becoming very upset that I did what I did to her friend and as a result breaking off their long-lasting friendship :mrgreen: :lol: (So really her EX-Friend :mrgreen: ) and it doesn't end there.

After a few weeks of her cooling down, thinking and getting her act back together, she was desparately trying to get in contact with me leaving msgs of all sorts and getting in touch with my friends to get through me saying how much she regrets her actions blah blah , etc. and was hard attempting to crawl her way anyway she could back into my life.

She of course as you can probably guess, was never given a 2nd chance........... 8)
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We need a 'brush off your shoulder' as seen in some rap videos sorta smilie by the way for moments like these. :mrgreen:
If we had it, that's what I'd use instead of the 'cool smiley' above.
Yeah but csaunders you can only talk from the gay perspective here, I mean even a petty name call can put you guys into drama queen depression for days.
Hire a transit van. Get a couple of mates. Chloroform her and place a cloth bag over her head (you don't want her to suffocate). Drive her to the countryside and find a secluded spot then strip her and kick fuck out of her and leave her to rot.
UPDATE: For those of you interested, she came over late last night with her tail between her legs. Within a few minutes she was crimson faced, in floods of tears, spewing apologies like there's no tomorrow. I very politely informed her that I would not be interested in resuming our relationship, and that if she cared so much about me then perhaps she should have reminded herself of that before taking another man's length inside her mouth.

A proper ego trip, it's not nice to take pleasure in someone else's discomfort, but I think this counts as an exceptional case bearing in mind how low she made me feel yesterday.

Feel like a million bucks today. It's one thing to bag a fit girl, but telling one to get to fuck when she begs for you back is something else let me tell you! :twisted:

Nah, enough of that. Time to move on. Thanks all for your advice.

More proof most girlies just want what they can't have. I've known mates who've gotten into serious relationships and been shat on by girls...

I also know other lads who fuck about behind their girlfriend's backs, treat their women like shit, yet the women always crawl back. I'm going out with a girl who I think may be the one, being going out since summer, but I take it casually, I've learned from my mistakes (always wonder why a relationship is always so amazing for the 1st month then gores downhill once it gets serious?).

Glad to know you're feeling better, perhaps now you've had the ego-boost you realise it wasn't love. Hope my advice helps anyway, is just MY opinion though.
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