What football club/clubs PISS you off? Why?

Stan said:
He's not angry my Scottish friend..he's tough...he drinks...he does drugs (hard drugs oh yeah...glamourous), he's in the music industry, he has a sister with a tattoo and he pretends it's his girlfriend, he's no longer a mod and he's Zico's boring twin brother...


Stop bullying me, clique - find someone else to pick on it's getting boring now. Just because I create interesting threads instead of the usual boring shit.
Rochemback10 said:
Trying telling that to the new Holgate End :rolleyes:

We're top dogs in the Northeast now, highest Premiership finish last season and the first of the big three to win a trophy since the 70's

Then again, why dont all Milan fans follow Inter? Or all Liverpool fans follow the Toffees? I'm sure CWright is licking his lips at that prospect
Excuse my ignorance, but I have no idea what the new Holgate End is. :shock:

It wouldn't be hard to be the top dogs in the NE this season, when you look at the competition, let's be honest here. And I'd dispute this claim anyway, Newcastle are above you and IMO have a far superior squad, but this is irrelevant in terms of this topic.

You've kind of made my point for me, with the other club comparisons. Milan or Inter, Liverpool or Everton, Newcastle or Sunderland. Why the need for a third team?

I don't hate Middlesbrough, they just seem 'pointless' to me. They always finish mid-table, and they have a manager I wouldn't tire of punching just because of that horrendous permanent grin and receding hairline he tries to conceal. Sorry.:mrgreen:

No one's bullying you Ninja, they just think you're a wank.
ClassicD said:
No one's bullying you Ninja, they just think you're a wank.

I won't sleep tonight. A few members on an internet forum think I am a wank.

Starts crying . . . .

I created a thread that is interesting and still get crap for it. Sort it out guys.

Back on subject:

Classic D - what is wrong with having Middlesbrough around? Because they come mid-table should have NOTHING do with it! So if they came top every season with no decent competition (Celtic anyone?) that would be ok? Fool.
Celtic don't win the SPL every year? With the exception of Hearts this year it's been a two horse race, just like the EPL really, although Chelsea are no there because of the money situation (probably a bit like Hearts).

Not too bad, best are Hibs, play more attractive footy than 90% (at least) of the EPL if your getting at that.

The best football in the EPL is played by Arsenal and United. Chelsea and Liverpool are PISS boring to watch (L'pool V City at the weekend was like watching paint dry).
ninjabreakz said:
So if they came top every season with no decent competition (Celtic anyone?) that would be ok? Fool.
Celtic came second last year, and two years before that. Fool, yes you are. You slag off our game and have absolutely no idea what is going on up here, who's playing well, etc. You have a stereotypical view of a football league you don't even get highlights of, you're an arse of the highest order.

And I would also say that Man Utd have not played attractive football for the past 18 months, some of their stuff has been dire. But then, I watch your league and I watch your team's games, and I can state my opinion based on that. You just talk out your shitehole having not seen a thing. :roll:

You have the temerity to call our league un-competitive, when your's is wrapped up before Christmas yet again (and I know it's hard for you but let's be completely honest, if Mourinho and Abramovich stay at Chelsea they will have the EPL title every season they do).
Oooh something has got up your nose, calm down! :lol:

I do know plenty about the game in Scotland - it is pish and has been for over a decade. Why don't I watch it? What does that tell you? It's CRAP! I have never denied that Chelsea could take over domestically for the next few years - but they will be stopped eventually by United, Arsenal or Liverpool. Who is going to stop Celtic? Hibs? :lmao:
It's a farcical league and the only people who think it's any good are the Scottish. End of.
ninjabreakz said:
The best football in the EPL is played by Arsenal and United. Chelsea and Liverpool are PISS boring to watch (L'pool V City at the weekend was like watching paint dry).


Leeds United ???
Sheffield United???
Must be ages since Man Utd played good football, although they havesome extremely attractive players (Giggs, Ronaldo, Rooney,...).

If you feel bullied by me: sorry...i think it must be at least 35 years since i had the intention to bully anyone...but try to read the majority of your threads or postings as an outsider an maybe you will see why i (over???)reacted that way...

Since you aren't a mod anymore your postings are different it seems you beg for aggro...

Oh and need i say that i'm not jealous...that would be very bizar...being jealous with someone you don't know...just admit it.
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You don't watch it because it's only on PPV and you can't watch it unless you buy it, which I don't expect anyone to do unless they are a fan of one of the teams, so don't go giving it that the reason you don't watch it is because you 'choose' not to!

Again, you prove your undeniable stupidity. Rangers, yes Rangers are the current champions of Scotland, not Celtic. Hibs are 4th in the SPL, why mention them? Rangers are third, in a crap league apparently, yet their in the last 16 of the CL and Man Utd are....where exactly?

Up ye.
Scottish football is DIRE. End of. Celtic buys everyones else's hand-me-downs. Just my opinion (which really seems to wind you up!)
ClassicD said:
and they have a manager I wouldn't tire of punching just because of that horrendous permanent grin and receding hairline he tries to conceal. Sorry.:mrgreen:
Can't disagree with ye' there, like, but you forgot his overuse of cliches and overoptimism

You gotta remember though, it's only three major teams in an area twice the size of London, plus it's great working class rivalries going back to the days of dockers and miners, hard to come by these days thanks to the prawn sandwich brigade, that's why they call it the hotbed of football

Plus, you'd never catch me wearing a macam or geordie shirt if my life depended on it 8)
ninjabreakz said:
Scottish football is DIRE. End of. Celtic buys everyones else's hand-me-downs. Just my opinion (which really seems to wind you up!)
'End of', is that what you're using instead of 'FACT' now? Celtic didn't buy Keane, he joined them on a Bosman, again your lack of knowledge is apparent.

I don't get wound up by you Ninja, I just fail to see your reason for even visiting this forum when everytime someone disgarees with your opinion you can't handle it, and give it the old fingers in your ears, I'm right you're wrong, FACT, 'not listening' stuff. Why make topics, which you seem so proud of doing btw as they're 'interesting', then start that stuff?
I'm 'always' drunk!??? I am open to everyone's opinion - just not yours Classic! You constantly dig at me, you bore us with your 'Celtic are the best', 'Celtic V Rangers' (for the 3rd time this season), 'I fancy John Hartson's fat sausage in my bum', 'Celtic play better football than Arsenal/L'pool/United' etc stories and your obvious hatred for England and English football is very sad.

So 'pish' off. :lol:
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Except it's not, because if I thought the same way as you I'd have listed Man Utd as one of my disliked clubs. Where you've got this hatred for England and English teams from I don't know, I'm not the one making topics on how the EPL is "a bit crap really", or generalistic, sweeping statements about people because of their nationality ("greasy", you called the Italians).

I don't think the EPL is the best league in the world, or even the second-best, so that means I hate it. Yeah, I see what you did there.
Classic D - My point being: Scottish football sucks balls.

Haha you eejit, this shit league has a team in the last 16 of the CL and the best your team can muster is staring at Chelsea's hole! :lol:
ClassicD said:
Haha you eejit, this shit league has a team in the last 16 of the CL and the best your team can muster is staring at Chelsea's hole! :lol:

Mwahahahahahahahahahaa! ninja you eejit pish off etc etc

lol!!111111 wtf OMG 1111111

Arsenal pissed me off in the year surrounding the Old Trafford gate shit.
Just their attitude really. All started with the Solskjaer elbow incident at Highbury and the mass "SOLSKJAER AND RUUD R DIVERS OMG!" frenzy which erupted from Arsenal fans despite having a few themselves.
Then the absolute demolition of Ruud during the Old Trafford game still get's me mad just thinking about it. He simply jumped back from an attempted Vieira kick and the Arsenal fans made it sound like he'd been rolling on the floor for 10 minutes to get him sent off.
The actions of their players after the game obviously made me hate them more, of course, if it had have been the other way round I'd have loved it but that's football.
Bit of a shame really, because Arsenal played some of the best football I've ever seen during that period.
Anyways...moving away from this whole EPL/SPL saga, I have this real (somewhat illogical) hatred for Real Madrid. Their Franco-luvin and Royal past is my main beef but that whole Galacticos thing really hit a nerve.

I'm so glad that Perez is gone....the way he unsettles players in other clubs is so annoying - even if ultimately he doesn't buy them anyway :(

I can't stand Real Madrid fans either. Ronaldo has been playing well for them (arguably their best player over the past few years), yet they go on to call him fatso. Raul has been crap these past few years, yet they give him the divine right to play every game.

I hate their politics and that their random membership crew calls all the shots on the team rather than the managerial team itself. I admit that I do have a lil' liking for Barca but this is probably due to the sheer dislike I have for Real.

Maybe its that "Rage Against The Man" attitude inside of me, but its that whole elitist thing they have that really annoys me. Their first five European cups shouldn't count anyway :p - no team paid attention to it when it first came out!
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