UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread

Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

@ milanista:

what's the song they play after the matches at san siro?:)
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

What's with the weirdo gizmos the officials were wearing in all the Champions League fixtures tonight?
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

antred said:
apart from the big premiership defence
antred, I only said that because that is how you have beem portrayed by the media across Europe. And I agree with that to some extent, because Liverpool has quality defenders, but there was way too much hype around that.

Tiago was my favourite Benfica player, he scored more that 10 goals per season, which is great for, at least on paper, defensive midfielder. He scored beautiful flicks, great headers, long shots, you name it. Too bad he left, but great to see him at his best again at Lyon.
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

Rochemback10 said:
What's with the weirdo gizmos the officials were wearing in all the Champions League fixtures tonight?

They had them on the first leg too. Its so that they can communicate with the linesmen easily. This round was used for experimenting.
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

:applause: GRAZIE PIPPO!!
a superb match that made AC Milan go straight into the quarter-finals.. now I'm waiting for the draw, I hope we could manage to get a decent side to play against.. Having to play again versus Inter Milan (well.. if they MAYBE qualify to quarter-finals, it's clear..) isn't entertaining at all, we need a most serious side to challenge.. doesn't mind if it will be difficult, it will be certainly more entertaining!!

congrats to you all: benfica, arsenal, barça, lyon, villareal and juventus (yep, they're just in order of "how happy I would be if they manage to win the champions' league" benfica the most, juventus the least)

and obviously.. GO AJAX GO!!
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

No team is easy. I dont really care who we get. The past has shown that any team can be a huge threat.
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

you know what, if I was Shevchenko after scoring the second goal I wouldve gone straight over to Kahn and given him a right mouthful.

But Sheva is a nice guy...except when he's headbutting Materazzi :D. then again, who wouldnt want to nut him? ;)
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

Brilliant goal by Fred. And Miccoli's goal was nice too.
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

Does anyone know when will realease the new callendar of the draws?
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

Milanista said:
What a thrash. Ballack was invisible all game.

Kahn was a huge cock when Sheva missed the PK... only for Sheva to score 3 mins after :D:D:D
Bayern were disappointing and their defence was a complete mess. Only good player was Sagnol.


Look at the first Goal, Inzaghi was clearly offside. Then look a little closer at the penalty situation. Inzaghi is a f****** cunt, he's always doing this thing with the arm. And of course the penalty in Munich. I think that's the reason why Kahn was so mad.

Bayern was really disappointing even if they had 22 shots and 54% ball possesion, they were just harmless. Milan played really great and deserved the win.
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

donEdo said:
Look at the first Goal, Inzaghi was clearly offside.
Mmmmh.. I think it was offside, too.. Inzaghi's that kind of player that's always playing towards the defense line, it's not easy to notice him when he's offside.. he plays a way that makes you want to kick him as hard as you can!!

if I were Shevchenko, after the 2-0 I would run straight back to that odious, old, overrated goalkeeper and celebrate right in front of him.. f*ckin' tosser!!

\\:o/ go Rensing go!!
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 16)

I agree: Inzaghi was offside on the first goal, but nevertheless: well deserved win for Milan.
What an arrogant pig Kahn is...Shevshenko did not react, even not when he scored a couple of minutes later, which shows that he's a great guy...referee should have given Kahn a yellow card....

Lyon were great once again, oh god i hope this team win it... (but remember last year when they had two off-days against PSV...this could happen again).

I hope Ajax can qualify too...
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 8)

How about a Barca - Lyon final eh Proff?
Gets the tastebuds salivating just thinking about it.

Here's a question, how did fred ensure the dummy didnt fall out of his shorts during the game ?!??
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 8)

I was really impressed with Lyon. Of courde I wanted PSV to win, but they were without a chance. I respect Lyon a lot for playing attacking football, where a lot of teams would play defensive to defend the 1-0 from the first game.
Re: UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread (Last 8)

Inter is not through yet mate! And it wouldnt be record, coz in 02-03 i think 3 Italian teams reached the semi's.

Hope Barca-Lyon-AC Milan 2 of those in the final, that would rock!
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