To all the vegetarian chocolate lovers out there....

I just spoke to my sister about this the other day and she told me this - a friend of hers is in a big-city job but her mum and dad run a newsagents. On the day it was announced that bars with a sell-by date after 1st October wouldn't be vegetarian, she rang her mum and said "STOP!! STOP WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING!! DON'T SELL ANY MORE MARS BARS!!" - she had her mum put the remaining Mars bars in air-tight containers so that she had a safely vegetarian stash of them!

I bet she feels like a right fat cow now that she's eaten half of them and they're vegetarian again! :lol:
They're back on sale now, I think. I hope the shoppers at her parent's newsagents check all the sell-by dates...
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