The thread of Fail.

Snorkerling this morning and went to put my flipper on and took off a quarter of my big toenail :RANT: :FAIL:.

Manchester United fail???????????????

(Copy and paste and close the gap in playerProfile at the end.){FE60904B-C2A8-4E60-9B05-700DBBC29BBC}&bioid=93880&teamid=458&section=playerProfile


or is it ooooooo
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I once saw Casillas and Roberto Carlos on the MU page. It appears you can put any player by playing with the link :)
It was such a bad tackle they banned you from Clubs for three matches...

(There's an idea for a FIFA 11 feature...)
I wish something like that happened all the time. Too many people just hack you down and get sent off and don't care because they picked 'any'.

About that:
Techdirt said:
I think we've set a new world record for any particular story being submitted to us here at Techdirt. I'd actually ask the folks at the Guinness Book of World Records to verify that... but I don't think they really want to have much to do with this story. You see, there's a wonderful blog out there called the Fail Blog. If you don't read it regularly, it's like you're not really online at all. It's quite amusing. It usually involves pictures of random (hilarious) "failures" of some kind or another. Last week, it had a great one. It involved the website of the Guinness World Record book, where it had an entry on the "most individuals killed in a terrorist attack." What was the failure? Well... it appears that the Guinness records' web template includes a link on each record for "break this record." Not quite the sort of thing you would think that GWR folks wanted to encourage when it comes to the most people killed in a terrorist attack.

So how does Guinness respond? Certainly not by fixing the screwed up template. And, apparently not by taking some time to think it over while drinking a tall glass of Guinness. Instead, it released the legal hounds on the Fail Blog and threatened the site with a totally bogus trademark infringement claim, saying that because the screenshot included the Guinness World Record logo, it was a trademark violation. Of course, that's preposterous. Still, Fail Blog complied, took down the original, but posted Guinness' letter, its own rather direct response, and a new version of the screenshot with the Guinness World Record logo pixelated. Nobody will ever figure it out now:
Oh, and it looks like the Guinness folks have finally taken down the original world record page...
Source: Techdirt

It only brought more attention. when will people learn how the web works.
If I remember correctly this a classical case of the Streisand Effect.
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