The "Should FreMM get a 360" thread

Should Fre buy a 360?

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Thanks for the tip m8!! At least I'll get a free 6 month Gold Card when I buy the console:DANCE:
haha brilliant. FreMM do you watch HD movies or are you interested in them? Do you like Gran Turismo and are looking forward to GT5?

If the answer to the above is NO then sell your PS3 ;)

Just rang gamemania up and they'll only give me 180 euros for PS3 + 6 BluRays and 5 games
Bullocks to them!!:MAD::MAD::rant::rant:
Cheeky, greedy, money-grabbing, self loathing, greedy bastards!!
Was refering to that gameshop and not Cunami btw
Gameshops are complete cunts like that, thats how they make their money, theyd re-sell yours for probably about 300 euros!

I thought I wouldn't get a bucketload of money out of it, but 180 euros???:SHOCK:
They've got to be taking the piss!!??
Yeah, but they're all money grabbing whores like that..Dunno what to do, maybe just keep it although it's fairly pointless?
Allright guys, I'm seriously considering gettin' a 360 since a lot of the peepz here (Chris, Dave, Bobby, Mike, Stef etc)

You never mentioned me, I therefore dont care what the fuck you do :DD
I Marted your poll options.

Oh and Plan M is spot on about the Live subscriptions, no need to give MS your credit card as they happily automatically renew it every year too for £40.
I just had my xbox back today after it RROD on me. Took one week and 3 days to return it :).

If your gonna get a 360, you HAVE to get live, or it would be pointless :)
This is hard for me, you see im not a rich fart like most of you so i can only afford one console every 5 years so basically i have to take a lot into consideration, I KNOW right now the 360 is the better console but have been told by others and many people the 360 has already peaked and on the way down which may only last another 2 years as the PS3 hardware will take off etc so do i get a PS3 and be future proof or do i risk a 360 and then watch it lose interest and be in a pickle ?
There's years worth of good games already on the 360, the "PS3 will be great in the future" thing is a prediction and not a solid fact. I think you're a fool not to get a 360 to be honest. I've bought a PS3 myself purely for Rock Band, but secretly hoping it would be a great console, and I'm bitterly disappointed so far. It's true that I'm looking forward to Everybody's Golf next month, but I'm looking forward to far more 360 games.

This is of course just my opinion, but I prefer the future 360 games (e.g. Gears Of War 2, sequel to the best game I'd ever played in my life at that point) to the future PS3 games (e.g. Metal Gear Solid 4, which looks like it's gone a bit mental, and Killzone 2, which I can live without). And the whole Xbox way of doing things, Xbox Live, achievements etc. is far more fun. Far and away more fun.
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You do unfortunately, and it is wrong. Can't defend that.

It is ten times better of a service than PSN though - it's updated more often (although unusally there haven't been any new demos for a month, but then it's been even longer on the PS3 as far as I'm aware), plus you get lot more interaction with your friends and you can contact them in the middle of a game. Criminal that you can't do this on the PS3, you really feel it after playing on a 360 - you're constantly clicking the middle button to message somebody and then remembering you have to quit the game first. Seriously mental that you have to quit a game just to say "I'll be online later mate" and then load the game back up again.
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I'm becoming tempted to buy a 360, like Fremm, mainly to play FIFA online with the people here. And like Jack Bauer, haven't exactly been blown away by my PS3.

What's the difference between the 360 Pro and the Premium? Is Pro the new model with the HDMI port? I'm seeing them both advertised for around £190-£199 but would sooner get the newer model if possible.

Also, what is the procedure for paying to play on-line?

Thank you kindly.
There is no difference between Premium and Pro, only today have I heard people say there is a Pro 360 pack and if you google "premium pro 360" you get a load of links advertising the one 360 as Premium slash Pro.

If you do invest in one, as I've said before in the thread ( but I'll say it again for you, seeing as you're interested in playing FIFA online with us ;) ), you're best to buy one from a local store so that if anything goes wrong you can get a replacement on the day. Plus you might get yourself a few quid off if you buy one with a game or two (I'd recommend FIFA 08 obviously, Gears Of War is a brilliant game, Mass Effect is a huge, huge single-player game that I love, Bioshock is a great single-player game that can be quite eerie and funny at the same time [great combination], CoD4 is great online, and if you can wait until next Friday Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is going to be a massive online game - sports-wise Virtua Tennis 3 is good, if not devilishly hard, and Table Tennis is genuinely a great little game if you can pick it up for £10 or less, but don't be tempted by Tiger Woods 08 unless you're happy hitting 400yd shots after you finish the challenges).

All the models you pick up from a reputable shop now will have HDMI ports in them, they added that in the early part of last year. You can always ask the guy behind the counter if their 360s have HDMI ports, but I would doubt very much that any reputable retailer would have year-old stock.

To play online, you need to buy an Xbox Live Gold subscription - you can get 3-month, 6-month and 12-month. It's a card with a panel on the back that you scratch off to reveal a code. You click "join Xbox Live" on the 360, you pump in the number, put your address, pick a gamertag, pick a purdy picture and that's it.

As has been said already by Plan M, buy the subscription off eBay, and you can save yourself a packet. In the shops a 12-month subscription can cost you £40, from the likes of you can get that down to £30, but you can get one from a reputable seller on eBay for even less than that. You can even have the code emailed to you on the same day from some sellers, which is nice.
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