The Master League adventures thread

Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Stan said:
OK, i'm trying the Option File Editor aswell.
An example.
In Jeff T's OF Mbark Boussoufa of Anderlecht is a German player. That's a mistake (Moroccab player). What do i have to do to change this and what do i have to do to change his stats???

Stan, double click on Boussoufa so that his stats come up. Top left is a drop down for nationality - scroll to the bottom and click Morocco. Click accept and you're done (Don't forget to save at the end.)

His name seems very familiar - did he used to be at Chelsea?
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

T Butcher fan said:
Stan, double click on Boussoufa so that his stats come up. Top left is a drop down for nationality - scroll to the bottom and click Morocco. Click accept and you're done (Don't forget to save at the end.)

His name seems very familiar - did he used to be at Chelsea?

Yes he was at Chelsea, i consider him a big talent (but as a Belgian football fan my standards are lower than yours as a Chelsea fan).
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Stan said:
as a Belgian football fan my standards are lower than yours as a Chelsea fan.

{|= ;)

Blimey Stan, we weren't always millionaires! We've had a lot of good kids come through, and then all of a sudden they disappear! Bousaffa was one of them.

We now have a very, very good youth team but whether any of them come through, who knows? Sadly none of them are in PES6 so I can't recommend any bargains!
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Big Boss said:
After editing the xport file, u can covert to maxdrive format yourself, by using the ps2-savebuilder program (there is a link to it on Compulsions site about his OF Editor)

Big Boss - your favourite numbnut here again :D

When I try to convert to MaxDrive, the Converter only recognises PES5 Option Files. Have I got the wrong converter? It's the only one I could find on Compulsions site?
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

I dont works for me.

You do have this program? Its not directly on Compulsions site, but he has a link to the site where this program is from.

If it wont work for you, i can send u mine, if u PM me your email-adress.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Big Boss, the other dumbnut has PS2savebuilder, but ahsn't got the faintest clue how to convert OF's...
On this forum there is one picture which would explain how to do it, you should rename it...but i don't know how or what...sorry.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Ok, u click on file, then Open; there u open the OF in .xps format u have been editing.

Then u click on Save As, and at the bottom u choose for the option with at the end the extention (.max) Then Save it, and your done.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Ok ,i got it...thank you very much...
it's really quite simple.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

So I got home last night to try out my Max Drive chocked full of kits, stats and God knows what else AND.....

Er'indoors wanted to watch the National TV awards!!! - A 3 hour celebration of all the cheap reality show dross that TV channels put on to avoid spending any money or doing any work.

Friday looks like my next window - In the meantime I've downloaded Cantona's OF. Is it any different to the Jeff T or Milanista OFs I have already?

PS - Like the Sig DB? Everyone else has one so I thought I'd join in.....
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

T Butcher fan said:
So I got home last night to try out my Max Drive chocked full of kits, stats and God knows what else AND.....

Er'indoors wanted to watch the National TV awards!!! - A 3 hour celebration of all the cheap reality show dross that TV channels put on to avoid spending any money or doing any work.

Friday looks like my next window - In the meantime I've downloaded Cantona's OF. Is it any different to the Jeff T or Milanista OFs I have already?

PS - Like the Sig DB? Everyone else has one so I thought I'd join in.....

tis a thing of beauty TB! :)
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Allright, i finally got the knack of it thanks to Big Boss, Db and JeffT.
i worked out to change theformat of OF and then combine them with the editor.

I combined what seemed to me thetwo best ones.
I took as base the one made by Krooks (there is a thread in the editing section of this forum) and made corrections based on Jeff T's OF...

Will try it out now.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Very nice db.

I'm playing a tryout ML with Gimnastic at the moment, just finished one season, I'm having a real hard time just to pass the ball around, they never seem to pass it hard enough.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Db, i have a funny feeling that one or two Chilean players are gonna end up playing for Espanyol in a couple of weeks...
I started too soon with my Ml's.
Bosman is managing Spurs and his old companion Atalanta.
I think i will start all over again now that i really have a got OF (which works fine, thank you very much for your patience everybody).
Maybe i will restart both ML's...although i'm also tempted by teams like Reading, Sheffield, Wigan or Watford too...
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

I might just do Heerenveen again, I got Milanista's of and I love it, but I must say Premier League is very nice as well. Perhaps I'll just wait for a good kitserver folder to come out.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

T Butcher fan said:
I've downloaded Cantona's OF. Is it any different to the Jeff T or Milanista OFs I have already?

Ok, I don't want to be a pain but can I ask people's opinions of these 3 OF's?

I reckon Milanista players and stats are the best (plus Bundesliga)
Jeff's Club names and Badges are the best

The kits on my OF are a little dissapointing but I have no idea from what OF I got them from - I have downloaded Cantona's OF but not used it yet. Shall I use his kits?

And what's the point in exporting stats into a .xls? Can I work on the spreadsheet, changing stats, then import back into the editor?
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

T Butcher fan said:
Ok, I don't want to be a pain but can I ask people's opinions of these 3 OF's?

I reckon Milanista players and stats are the best (plus Bundesliga)
Jeff's Club names and Badges are the best

The kits on my OF are a little dissapointing but I have no idea from what OF I got them from - I have downloaded Cantona's OF but not used it yet. Shall I use his kits?

And what's the point in exporting stats into a .xls? Can I work on the spreadsheet, changing stats, then import back into the editor?
At the moment Milanista OF is the best OF out, since his got the Bundeliga included. But when JeffT updates his OF and puts in the Bundesliga plus all the missing players, It'll be the better choice to use.

But it's up to you.

About the Excel sheet, the point of that is just to have readably information on all of the players stats...maybe to pass it on to someone. Not really needed to be honest.

Also you can't edit the stats and import them back into the option file...whats the point of that? lol
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

hello SB

yup it is mate. I thought i'd go for what is arguably the toughest regional qualification process. Assuming Brazil & Argentina are shoes-ins that leaves 2 places up for grabs and a 5th placed play off! for the remaining 8 sides

Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Stringer Bell said:
But when JeffT updates his OF and puts in the Bundesliga plus all the missing players, It'll be the better choice to use.

Cheers SB - an easy option! While it was nice to be able to mix lot's of OF's using the editor, I must confide in you all - I didn't really have a fecking clue what I was doing and lost all track of what was from where.

I'll just sit here quietly until Jeff's V2 comes out. :-\"
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread


No, not much going on! I'm so utterly confused about which option file is which that I'm just waiting for all the OF's to merge into one before I begin. I imagine a few other people are too.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

My problem is, i often get an OF and then i add to it my own updates/edits of kits/appearances/transfers/names etc that i don't want to load up another. I just tend to add to mine in my own time.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

I've been trying to avoid that - I usually end up doing it but I've been good this year. I have been playing with the stats a little bit (quickening up the passing etc.) and I'm now sort of ready to begin - but in the meantime loads of OFs have been released but all are only 95% finished. I don't want to get into an ML and then find that just as I'm starting my 2nd season, Arsenal's front line is Adebayor and Adebayor!

Still, as I'm not contributing much (other than Racing transfer's that a lot of OF makers ignored anyway [-() I can't really complain.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Db inspired me to do an International Challenge with Paraguay...currently third after Argentina and Uruguay.
Guess what...Brazil are struggling...they might mot qualify (but then again, they most certainly will..they are currently 4th on goal average but two other teams have the same amount of points and there's a gap of 5 points between Paraguay and Brazil...).
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Professor Nutmeg said:
My problem is, i often get an OF and then i add to it my own updates/edits of kits/appearances/transfers/names etc that i don't want to load up another. I just tend to add to mine in my own time.

Prof, one exciting thing I discovered with the editor - you can edit the default team! Cellini is coming back for me, Stromer, Eddington, Huygens, Castello, Njord and Valery too! Bliss!!! \\:o/
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Hi Terry. Yes, you could edit the default crew previously too. I always corrected the names and sometimes changed their nationality to fit with whichever ML i was doing at the time.
So are you making them younger? I've kind of warmed to some of the new bunch.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

It's my first time with the PES6 editor so I had no idea! :oops:

I've not used the default crew since PES4 (I can't remember what, but Nokami changed something and it put me off). I won't change all of them back, just the ones who were stallwarts for me and I'll keep them all 'of an age' so that I'm always looking out for new blood.
Re: The PES6 Master League Thread

Did not know that you could edit the default crew...
I'll change their name and nationality and do a Ml with my favourite team FC Brussels...problem is that apart from the goal keeper (very, very good) the default players are too good...that's a project for a later ML...
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