League 1
I personally think FIFA 12 is closer to real life football and I know im going to get shot down for this.
Ball Physics in FIFA are a lot better for 1 thing like.
Player movements and animations in general are a lot better and players feel like they have weight and substance to them.
Compared to PES in my opinion FIFA feels more open and does a lot of the things you ask it to do. PES still does what it wants to do the CPU takes control of everything and decides im passin it to someone stood miles away when im not.
Shooting in FIFA is better to due to the physics and shots look more lifelike. In PES they are way too tame and dont go where you aim them to on the stick and look way too unconvincing and have done for years like. The golden days of PES5 and 6 is still where its at. FIFA aint perfect by any means but plays a better Next Gen experience compared to Pro Evo which is miles off the pace.
PS2 PES is on rails and once you play semi 360 movement it is hard to go back to the 8 direction only play. Passing was too assisted too.