The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim [All Platforms]

Why are folk who started out as say, Nords, restarting due to wanting to cast spells etc. Surely any race has the power to learn magicka?
I would guess that as a Nord your skill levels in Magicka would be lower. Each skill has a seperate level and to power it up with perks you need to be at certain levels. For example as a Nord I have been using all my perks for two handed weapons but I am now at the point where my two handed skill level does not allow me to add anymore perks. If I would of been another race I would not of been able to add as many perks as I have because my two handed level would of been lower from the start. Hope that makes sense.

What are these stones you talk of? I have yet to find any, they sound important.
I'm pretty sure every character can use all of the perks, it's just that certain races start with +10 for a skill (alchemy for example) and then a few skills with +5 to start with.

The stones are the guardian stones that you get taken past at the start of the game when you're on the way to Riverun. There's numerous stone areas around but the first set give you the choice of warrrior (learn combat skills 20% faster), mage (magic 20% faster) and thief (thief skills 20% faster). Then there's other groups with other stones that give boosts to the other areas.

Also, this might help some people:
Yeah I'm pretty certain the stones are highlighted on your radar in-game. That's how I found them on mine. There are 13 in total, AFAIK.
Do you think its worth starting again seeing that I missed the stones at the start? If I could of learnt combat skills 20% faster I would be alot mightier than I am now. I am only finishing my tasks for the Grey Beards, I'm not far into the game at all, might be worth it.
I'd say so. It helps that you know the mechanics of the game more so you'll go through the start of the game a lot quicker this time as well.

Like I say, I quit a 15hr game to start again and it's been well worth it for me.

2011 is fast becoming the year games debuted at incredible numbers, as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim sells over 3.4 million copies at retail (not including digital sales) in its first 2 days on sale.

Up over 600% on Oblivion's modest 490k staggered opening across PS3 and X360, Skyrim will manage to outsell Oblivion as a whole in a matter of weeks. 59% of units were sold on the X360 (over 2 million copies) and 27% on the PS3, with 14% on PC.

2.5 million of the total sold in Americas, with the remaining 950,000 units in EMEAA.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has managed to beat out Gears of War 3 and Fifa Soccer 12 for first week sales, and is on par with Battlfield 3, but with only 2 days sales it's selling at a faster rate. Only Modern Warfare 3 will be ahead of Skyrim, which, for an RPG, is incredible.
UI is fucking awful in this game. this pic says it all

This game has me hooked but there are two main gripes for me; something i can live with in the scale of things, and in RPG's i'm used to pissing about but my mates ask me if it's a chore when they've seen me play.


One is the switching of spells. Where you have all these "buff" spells and summons, then you have to switch to the offense and defensives ones.
Only being able to really have two spells active at a time means a lot of switching about, especially if you want to have quick slots assigned for a weapon and potions.

My henchmen and summons like to walk in front of my force lightening a bit way too much when it's hectic too, and other times when my henchman has been knocked to the ground, i've shot flames of death through the monster and killed the henchman outright. Killing off my personal pack-mule and making me reload.

This is on the console controls mind, i just wonder if they'd be better doing some kind of toggle thing for the magic, or even if you have played something like Infamous, you can press :l1: + :triangle: for example, and have different powers fire off depending on which button you use in conjunction with :l1: .


Still, bar some daft AI moments that's all that winds me up, and i've made peace with the fiddly-ness of casting shedloads of spells now.
Yeah I'm pretty certain the stones are highlighted on your radar in-game. That's how I found them on mine. There are 13 in total, AFAIK.

Can you go back and get them later? Or does it have to be early on? lol, I'm level 16 atm I think, I chose a Nord as I like being a human character and he looked cool (:BLUSH:) and doing okay so far, been a few quests where I've really struggled and one atm which I just can't do, it's a quest for the Companions... they are all Silver Hand's but 2 of them are just a lot, lot stronger than the rest and they kill me every time. I've decided to go back later.

My highest stat is my one armed I think, along with block but my destruction is really decent too, I've killed quite a few things with magic. Apparently past lvl 35 though magic near enough becomes useless as it doesn't scale, it doesn't get stronger the more you increase the level, unlike one-handed etc. Quite a few people on their forums are really unhappy about this.
Tried to do something a bit different this time around - going down the Conjuration road.

Was going well until the best thing I've got is a Frost Astronauch. Who is too big to fit in tunnels. So the thing spends most of its time stuck in big spaces with me stuck behind it. Urgh.

Oddly, the game feels waaaay more like Fallout than Oblivion to me.

Oh and is there a stats screen I've just missed?
I did it! I finished work, popped over to GAME. Traded in Uncharted 3, to get it for a fiver, and was allowed to use my deposit for Assassins! So spend no money and came back with Skyrim! Yet to play it though.

Should give it a good couple of hours later. Although the staff had said if I wanted a guide, apparently had a good lot of people come back later or next day saying they are stuck and want one, sold out of them at one point.

I told them, if I got stuck, I wouldn't let anyone know anyway haha, but I am not sure if they got a bit extra for giving them out or something or if people are genuinely getting confuzzled.
I completed the Golden Claw quest yesterday. No spoiler on that because it's one of the first quests you are able to do. Was pretty cool.

Started using magic. One hand flame, the other hand heal. Enjoyed that. The skeletons in the cave didn't though. Was switching between that and my trusty sword.


Chose to side with Faendal and stitch Sven up with Camilla. He's now my companion and has tought me the skills of Archery. I'm now level 31 with that, having paid him the gold and then stole it back off him every time. Nice.
Went and did the Golden Claw quest. Enjoyed that, few little puzzles and collectibles along the way.

So I checked the Quest's I had going. One was the main quest and another was a miscellaneous quest to speak to a guy at Whiterun.

I headed off to Whiterun. Came across a trio of hired killers who set about trying to end me. Turns out that witch I robbed from the other day put out a contract for my death. Lovely.

Got to Whiterun. Spent about an hour there wandering around the buildings, guilds and Inn. I now have 9 miscellaneous quests just from speaking to people in the village! Didn't even speak to everyone, either. Also had a fist fight with a Nord in the Inn. Won that which netted me 100 Gold and improved my Un-armed skill. The Bar owner also has some impressive weapons for sale. I bought a Flaming Bow off him for around 350 Gold.

Decided to try and join the The Companions. Had a sword fight to prove myself, which I won easily as the other guy was too focused on Faendal, which gave me ample time to put him on his arse. He gave me his sword to strengthen and left. As did I. To bed.
Just goes to show, for all the PS3's hardware, the 360 is still producing the better results :

But, despite their best and most well-meaning efforts at achieving parity on both consoles, we can confirm that the 360 does command a clear advantage over the PS3 when it comes to both image quality and performance.

Very interesting read, TBH.
Don't bother buying weapons really, just use smithing to upgrade the ones you find in the dungeons etc.
My smithing is 100, I just made iron daggers over and over lol, there is a guide for it on youtube.

It cost quite a bit, but the dragon armor is awesome... I've only got the body and shield so far, but it's already made a huge difference.

It also let's you upgrade weapons to legendary status, which gives such a huge bonus as well.
Restarted last night, the warrior stone makes a massive difference. I played for about 4 hours and had to drag myself away from it, nearly back to where I was before the restart. The game is really random, I have a totally different set of items in this play through and the people I have met along the way have all been different. I think I might play this through a few times. Next playthrough I am going to be called Garret and will specialise in archery, sneaking, pick pocketing and lockpicking, will probably be the closest I ever get to a new Theif game.

Is anyone else constantly reminded of this when playing? (the show not the specific clip)
YouTube - Knightmare - Simon, sidestep to your left.
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Could be, but then most multi-platform games are developed on the 360 and ported to the PS3, yet it's not uncommon for the PS3 to have the advantage.

Advantage on multiplatform gamess?
I've read digital foundry quite a bit and something ridiculous like 80% + of multiplatform games they check out, are given the '360 is the best version' verdict. I've even seen examples where they'll say the ps3 gets this exclusive feature, but yet the frame rate, screen tearing and graphical image quality is so much worse than the 360 that the extras aren't worth it.

I read that the devs on Deus Ex mentioned it's a headache porting from 360 to PS3 because of how each console handles things differently. Something they programmed to work on 360 to take advantage of the hardware doesn't work the same on ps3... and to get the same result on ps3 it means having to change the way a different aspect of the game works to free up the ability to re work the original problem to get the same result.

I think trying to make something as epic as skyrim for pc, 360 and ps3 and trying to keep them all working the same way to make the same end results is near impossible.
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I got Skyrim on my PS3 haha.

I tend to get my multiplayer games on the 360 if mates have the game such as Fifa 12, BF3 and MW3, then everything else on the PS3.

Talking about this game, it's pretty good thus far, but I am not a fan of the fighting, the bow is good, magic ok, fighting with swords bit shite, bit boring haha, blocking is a bit crap, you get damaged atm, but then pushing them away during block gets them away and open for attack, but it just doesn't flow well. Just finished the quest of the golden claw which was pretty good, some simple puzzles which were nice to see.
My smithing is 100, I just made iron daggers over and over lol, there is a guide for it on youtube.

I think cheapest is leather bracers, just two strips of leather and one piece of leather, keep buying up all the leather and strips you can find and do it over and over, it seems that you earn the same bonus towards each category whether you make simple leather bracers or complex elven armour, same for enchanting etc, if you want to max out enchanting just get loads of petty souls and enchant cheap daggers or something.
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Well from my first impressions last night, the combat reminded me of Oblivion (as I did play this for not long, aaages ago, so comparison is harder). You have the bow which is pretty good, then you can have your usual two handed weapon, one handed, or one handed and shield which I opted for, left trigger block, hold it then press right to barge with the shield, and right to attack, hold for power strike. So similar I believe.

I do admit, I find that all a bit crappy and looks crappy, not sure what it is about it, the whole doge by moving side to side or running back is just bit crap, can't really have good sword fights as you can't really block properly, or counter properly, it is all so standard and simple.

Magic, I haven't touched much, but look dual weildable, I have a staff as well, not sure how that helps. Not used it besides some Destruction one which was like a flame thrower, didn't do much damage to this guy when I was near the end of solving the Golden Claw treasure thing.

Will have a quick go now, would of had more of a session, but didn't finish work until 3am :/
Ive found that 360/PS3 games are almost identical except for sharpness/resolution. 99% of all multi format games I buy are for 360 because, well, the PS3 version is more 'fuzzy' in comparison. PS3 exclusives (Killzone, Unchartered etc) look beyond what 360 can do but that's rare and only because developers can specifically programme around the PS3's difficult architecture.

But I'll be getting Skyrim for 360 for sure. My PS3 is pretty much now only used for exclusive games and as a blu-ray player.

I wont have the game for a while yet but have read that the game let's you be a thief, sneaking around etc. Anyone tried this? Can't wait to get round to playing it!
I'm on the quest to go to the Greybeards now. I'm level 12 IIRC, but have been doing quite a few random miscellaneous quests too. I've also got Lydia as my companion - Faendal can f*** off now this wench has become available

Question though: I took Lydia as my companion then did a quest for a guy who assigned Farkos to be my companion. This meant Lydia was fired until the quest was completed). So I completed it and returned to Whiterun but now I'm wondering if Lydia will still have all the stuff I made her carry when I re-assign her?

Bloody hope so, as she had loads of my expensive weapons and armour.

Also, killed my first dragon last night in the quest for Jaal. Is nice!
Oh, and I decided to beat up a horse. Trouble is, Faendal the f*cking nincompoop decided he wanted a go, too. Once your companion starts a fight, you simply cannot get them to stop. Horse was dead before I'd even had a chance to level up my Two Handed.

Little goblin w*nker. I even tried to get him to stay back behind some water but he still fired arrows from over the bridge right into Shergars noggin.
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