The Drugs Thread.

Your Drug Of Choice?

  • Alcohol

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • Amphetamines (Speed, whizz, base)

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • L.S.D (acid, tabs, blotters)

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Heroin (junk, smack, gear)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • MDMA (E, happy, pills)

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Valium (downers, green eggs, sleepers)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cannabis (smoke, weed, draw)

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Nothing for me thanks, I am clean.

    Votes: 18 40.0%

  • Total voters
P-dogg said:
LMAO. Seriously mate, I am far from weak. I have smoked weed every day of my life for 12 years and I deal with it fine, I do see the dangers of it though. For me, over a period of time, it has the most negative efects out of all the drugs I take.

How can I be weak? A completely half arsed comment, try to think before you type. Oh and btw, I know you're a Yank but its 'you're' not 'your'. You + are = you're.
listen dude, if you think weed is worse then alcohol your just plain stupid. Your weak because there have been studies over and over that have proven weed is not a gateway drug. It comes down to will power and self esteem. Kids with low self esteem and confidence issues are more likeley to do harder drugs then weed, not because they smoke weed. Alchol is the number one gateway drug, bar none. Not many kids, adults decide to smoke crack one day before ever drinking.... BUT millions of people smoke weed and do not drink.. and do not do other drugs besides weed. It might have negative effects, but those effects are far more tame then that of drinking or harder drugs such as cocaine and x. Try doing as much coke and x as you do weed, and you will understand...

oh and BTW smartass its effects not efects you troll :(
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It depends on the person, if a person can handle smoking weed everyday then thats him...but if he/she can't and it fucks them up, then he shouldn't be taking it.

Also it matters what you do for living if you can regularly take drugs. Like for a musiacian (hip/hop artist, rock & roll artist and etc) some of them take drugs to help them produce their music, which is alright since it's a personal thing...but for people who are Doctors/Nurses, computer programmers, heart surgeons, footballers and all that jazz, they can't be taking drugs because it'll effect the way they preform on the job!

But anyways that my 2 cent.
Weed is harmless.

Also I agree with Joost on the hypocricy of alcohol being accepted and weed isn't. I haven't done it for a long time, but the taboo of 'blowing' is really silly.
I agree, all the cool kids are blowing these days, you've just got to be careful to get away quickly before it smacks you in your face.
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Don Domenico said:
Weed is harmless.

Weed is far from harmless

it is linked to mental problems from overuse and you build up a big tollerancy level thus needing more meaning u are addicted
MrCoopz said:
Weed is far from harmless

it is linked to mental problems from overuse and you build up a big tollerancy level thus needing more meaning u are addicted
BULLSHIT, this is just crap they tell you in bible school, propaganda from the tobaco industry....
CSaunders, it's the truth though. It's not the weed, it's the shit they use to make it grow that fast. Weed is mentally addictive. Have you ever smoked yourself? For a long time and large amounts I mean.
MrCoopz said:
Weed is far from harmless

it is linked to mental problems from overuse and you build up a big tollerancy level thus needing more meaning u are addicted

Weed itself is in no way addictive. It's the tabacco that's addictive, it's the tabacco that makes the 'joint' a health risk. When one thinks he's mentally addicted to weed, it's the tabacco he really has hunger for.

Besides, someone in rehab for weed is a little far-fetched.
I have been smoking crack all night - Jeez this stuff is moreish . . .
Don Domenico said:
Weed itself is in no way addictive. It's the tabacco that's addictive, it's the tabacco that makes the 'joint' a health risk. When one thinks he's mentally addicted to weed, it's the tabacco he really has hunger for.

Besides, someone in rehab for weed is a little far-fetched.

Don, weed is addictive, trust me. Mental addiction doesn't have anything to do with tabacco. I've smoked weed every day for over 4 years while I also smoked cigarettes.
Joost is right - my girlfriend studied drug pyschology for 3 years and tells me that it has causes mind dependancy. If you go to any drug abuse forums, you will see people that are hooked on it. It also leads to harder stuff. It certainly did in my case.
BS mate, my circle of friends have been toking for years but they go weeks without touching it, months even. Everyone is built differently but too say that it opens a portal to harder stuff is pretty outlandish. Most people who indulge in harder stuff are often calously lead into doing it and don't know what they are doing whilst under the influence. Most weeders smoke to chill as opposed to the other shit which has all kinds of chemicals in it to make the dealer more money. By the way, you said earlier in this thread about having sex whilst being on crack, would you like to share your experience with us all?
Had great times on drugs, but too old now. Worst drug is alcohol. You see people getting their heads smashed in in city centres all weekend. Weed heads don't fight. Magic Mushroom man myself, never caused trouble or stole to support it. just went to the local golf course and picked them.
Any of the 'clean' people ever been drunk? Your drug is legal so it's okay? Cocaine was available to buy in Harrod's until about 1910.
juveboy said:
BS mate, my circle of friends have been toking for years but they go weeks without touching it, months even. Everyone is built differently but too say that it opens a portal to harder stuff is pretty outlandish. Most people who indulge in harder stuff are often calously lead into doing it and don't know what they are doing whilst under the influence. Most weeders smoke to chill as opposed to the other shit which has all kinds of chemicals in it to make the dealer more money. By the way, you said earlier in this thread about having sex whilst being on crack, would you like to share your experience with us all?

I'd like to invite your friends to Holand and smoke our weed for a period of months. Then ask them what they think. Weed is mentally addictive, no matter what your friends say.
marukomu said:
Any of the 'clean' people ever been drunk? Your drug is legal so it's okay? Cocaine was available to buy in Harrod's until about 1910.

Of course i have been drunk...the problem i have is that i have terrible hangovers...becoming older the hangovers get i stopped getting drunk...i know my wife for 10 years now and she never saw me drunk (and i never have been for at least 10 years).
Of course i drink, i'm fond of Single Malt Whisky (Lagavulin, Scappa,...) and like good Belgian (and American) beer...
I've been addicted to tobacco but i quit 10 years ago in september...i did not found it hard...
The hardest addiction to come over was drinking Ice-Tea (yes i'm deadly serious...i absolutely loved it but i had stomach troubles because of it).
Drugs are not the issue as such, the issue lies with people who have an addictive personality.

I have been taking drugs since I was 16 I'm now 32 and have a decent job, nice flat and a fit bird. I have been (in the past) over a year without taking anything and am more than capable of taking or leaving it.

I don't have an addiction issue but people with an addictive nature will and can get addicted to anything be it drugs, shopping, sex etc.

Like most things drugs are not something you can apply goodness or badness to they are a thing, it's the people that use and abuse them that are good or bad.

I'm off for a bifta, peace.
Stan said:
Of course i drink, i'm fond of Single Malt Whisky (Lagavulin, Scappa,...)

You want to get some Bowmore down you. My Uncle used to manage the distillery there. I visit Islay at least 3 times a year as I have relatives out there.
I'm a Morgan Spiced and Bourbon lover. I have really got into my rose wine of late, too. Has to be a good one, though.
joostebrood said:
I'd like to invite your friends to Holand and smoke our weed for a period of months. Then ask them what they think. Weed is mentally addictive, no matter what your friends say.
we have the same kind of crystal buds and what not in the states and while for some people it can be mentally addicting, it is not chemically addicting like alcohol or tobbaco or
coke... it is not mentally addicting for everyone, just pepople with weak minds
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