The Big Brother 6 Thread

psycho7 said:
That's cos ya'd need a wide-angle lens to get screengrabs of Kinga, she's a fat biatch! :mrgreen:

Looks as if she's been helping herself to too many Burger Kinga's :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:lmao: king konga
I didn't know Roberto was 28! Or that he supported Juve! Nice avatar though Bobo.
Hmm yeah she does a bit... "c'mon get some food down yer gal!" :mrgreen:
Yea she is quite tidy, I would well plumb her. But look at the other 2, one is some fat tart with big tits, the other is a guy whiter than a sheet of paper.

What is it with BB and big tits?. And I dont get why people kick out the entertaining ones, I would rather see someone walk about in a bikini than someone like Derek talk like someone is grabbing his balls, or Craig moaning because he has tits a women would be proud of.

This BB is the best yet, mainly down to the tasks and the things they make them do, imo the people in the house are boring as feck, Maxwell is just a joke, fuck about, wanka, all the ned talk, he doesnt realise Saskia is taking the piss out of him. And Makosi?..biggest retard I have ever seen on tv.
hey ive got a question. how do these people always end up naked? like last week there was the black chick with the afro and sam, before that that girl with short hair...WHY?
Well one word: attention.

Makosi aka the black chick with the afro even said she likes to be center of attention, her and Vanessa are a waiste of space tbh. I dont get how Vanessa can still be in when all she does is cry, eat, shit and sleep, BB is a joke.
LOLLLLLLLLLL...that kinga girl isn't that bad, she does have a nice pair of tits.

And yeah Ola is really fit!

And that guy is a real NERD...his so dopey i can't believe it...the way both look at him i can tell the were saying "his a real nerd!"

Also a question here: Is Craig gay? Because i can't imagine him having sex with a girl lol.
he is must be gay cos he is proper lavender lol. It use to make me laugh when he use to say "i'm not I" He's full blown fudge nudger if there ever was one lol
Yea Craig is 100% gay, he is just another example why I hate gay people, not only are they loud and think they are better than anyone else, he also has man boobs.

All Derek does is take the piss out of everyone, not knowing he is the biggest cock in the house, he needs to be put in his place.
Aye they're bloody huge! 8) 8) 8) 8)

Get rid of Maxwell he's a wanker!
Hopefully this might knock em down a peg or 2!

Craig is vile as is Anthony

Science is 2 argumentive but damm he chats sense

"Anthony air blows through your head because your so hollow up there."

So true
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All big tits look minging. I have a funny feeling Maxwell will stay in and go on to win, its always the idiots who end up winning.
maxwell is a goner on friday.

channel 4 had the police investigating them over the "scabs in the mince" incident, and they recieved over 4000 phone complaints.

he could have won, but now he has no chance. he is a prick
yep, but someone pm me the link of saskia's tits if you can't post the link. I wanna see if there really that bad lol. For educational purposes only of course :D
lol never mind I've seen them, cheers jamie ;) But I wish i hadn't now UGH!!! They are some saggy breasts for a girl of here age lol. Just imagine when she's knocking on a bit and they really start sagging. She'll be able to shine her shoes :lmao:
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