The best show on television... and another show too.

csaunders said:
the wire is awesome! when is that comming back, im am utterly amazed at the coverage you guys get in europe, I grew up in germany on a military base, and all we friggin got was armend forces network, and german shows staring hans and deiter who would cook weird food and shit.... its amazing how far things have come...

I have the first second series of the wire on DVD my knowledge this hasn't been on television in continental Europe (perhaps in Brittain???).

Another great DVD: Deadwood.

PS: but the best ever is Italian "Il Megeglio Giuventu"...simply great...
Forgot about one other great show - Curb Your Enthusiasm. I love the way each episode ties together multiple calamities, Larry is tremendous.
It's all about the Sopranos for me. Also Band of Brothers was excellent. Fucking A-Team as well! That's some sentiments right there when I was a kid.
No!! Don't say anythying man, I have bought all series on DVD, I'll do this with season 6 too. Before that, I don't want to know anything!. Not even if you liked it or not.
EatonTJ said:
For those of you that are/were Arrested Development fans (the show, not the music), then check out "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia".
Charliiiiiiie :lol: !!! I love this guy \\:o/.

This is very funny but seasons are too short :(.
Has anyone watched Vanished yet? The first two eps are out and this show looks like it could become amazing.
Is that Stephen Kings show? If it is, stay the hell away, it is the biggest load of sh*te I've ever watched, Leprechaun the horror movie was better.
Cloud1863 said:
Has anyone watched Vanished yet? The first two eps are out and this show looks like it could become amazing.
I've watched the first 3 episodes so far (hard to miss since it comes on right after Prison Break here) and it's nothing special in my opinion but yeh it looks like a decent show and has some good mystery elements to it.

Hopefully it'll develop and get more interesting.
curb your enthusiasm is awesome, got all 5 series on DVD, and good news is that there is a 6th in the pipeline, should start airing oct 07
when ;ace died it was so sad
cant wait til season 5 sometime in january its startin but my top 6 is
1 24
2 the shield
3 house
4 the wire
5 prison break
6 lost
Town called Eureka
Sleeper Cell (finished now, think it was a rerun of the original on c4, very good, very clever!)

well thats about it for me. Everything else is trash :D Apart from the footie. Love Eurogoals on Eurosport.
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