The Apprentice

Never seen the UK version but watched plenty of the American version. It's a good premise but 99% of the reason I watch it is because Donald Trump is so inadvertently funny. Grade A asshat. The hilarious scripted high tension moments and overdubs round off the cheesisest show I've ever seen.
Alas i didnt get through although looking at some of the half wits from the first episode i dont know how, i know they did check my references but i didnt hear anything else! The next to go has to be either Syed or Jo!
My mates uncle is Syed and I found out what happens :D
The last episode hasnt been filmed yet, he said it is very good.

Syed gets kicked out in the 10th week
How the hell did Jo escape with it this week, just gone? ......and we thought Syra (sic) was bad...:(....personally, I was secretly hoping Julie would go - I meet so many of her type at work, more manly than the men:lmao:
crayon said:
How the hell did Jo escape with it this week, just gone? ......and we thought Syra (sic) was bad...:(....personally, I was secretly hoping Julie would go - I meet so many of her type at work, more manly than the men:lmao:

I know i thought she had to go, I felt sorry for Karren she didnt really do anything wrong, and she looked good ;) This week was just comedy 100 large chickes for 110 pizza's :lol:
they really are dumb, i cannot believe these are the so called "top entrepeneurs" of the country

rockykabir said:
Anyone watch the "You're Fired!" show afterwards....The best quote ever from Syed.."There is one thing I have learnt from in the world of business, and that you can't talk bullsh*t"

what a joker :D

aye that had me in stiches.
Yeah I started watching it a little while ago too.. I think 3 weeks or so back and already getting addicted.

I don't know why I ignored this show or never put time away for it in all these seasons/episodes especially considering I'm studying Commerce and my real interests when it comes to career lies in business field if not footballl :D

I wonder if I can find the previous seasons on some place :p
Oohhhh, todays was great.
Did you see that girl who went to see a house with Tuan, she was fit :)

Read the spoiler to see who loses next week LOL!

Imagine if I spelt spoiler wrong LOL!!!

EDIT: SHIZER, I did spell it wrong. Wooopps, hope no one saw it.
Wow that was unexpected i thout Paul was a sure for the final youve got to feel for the guy its like everything they did over the 12 weeks went out of the window and his decsion ws based on just the interviews..!

As much as Ruth must be the favorite to win now i just cant see her as the winner. Oh and thank god Sayid went the week before!!!
Now looking at the interviews, Paul shouldn't have been there. Syed would have been much better. It should have been Syed vs Michelle in the final.
Don't know what it is about Michelle - I just don't like her. Winging a lot, not doing any work, then pouts and purrs for the boss, giving it the hard upbringing crap, then she's in the Final! The more I watch this programme the more i'm convinced that what these people put on their CV's is a pile of poo-poo.

Here's a good link that analyses the previous weeks shows:-

My favourite quotes so far - "You've got the Colosseum, where Gladiator was filmed. You've got ... there's just s**t there."from Paul, and this quoted from the BBC website - Michelle (how ironic) - "...........Remained admirably unaware of the irony when she scorned Tuan with “I think he is quite non-descript”."
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