the all things E3 thread - July 10-13

tobi said:
sony has definitely won E3 2007

huh? how did you work that out?

He is a PS3 lover who is currently dreaming of how everyone is bowing down to Sony saying "We're not worthy! We're NOT worthy!"

In truth all of the Sony stuff that has been shown has underwhelmed me again (and no im not a 360 fanboy!)
lol @ gerd yes I have a sense of humour.. sometimes it fails though.
sony had the better show of the big 3, period, the fact that i love all things sony shouldn't count.
sony had the better show of the big 3, period, the fact that i love all things sony shouldn't count.

But it does mate, it counts towards everything anyone will say, not just you. It is about personal opinion and taste and I am all for that. What I don't care for is people being so biased towards a platform they dismiss everything on other consoles, again I am not referring to you specifically.

Gamers should be able to appreciate all the games on all platforms and comment on them constructively, regardless of preference.
Silent Hill 5 first screenshots


are they playable?
Nothing that has been shown (PS3 Related) has said "You did the right thing to buy a PS3 Dave" Im not really into games like Little Big Planet and Ratchet And Clank etc... Resi 5 and PES2008 will be the only couple of games I think ill get for PS3 if I decide to keep it... bearing in mind these games also come out for 360.
So when do we get some of these demos for download on Xbox Live? I thought it was confirmed there'd be some actual demos for us plebs to try this week? :(
wasn't there an ace combat demo?
could it be because you're in Singapore?
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I got the ace combat demo last night. Didnt think much of it to be honest.
could it be because you're in Singapore?

LOL no it's because my wife couldn't recognise the name of the game when I asked her to check if there were any decent new demos out, despite the fact we'd just watched two trailers for Ace Combat and said it looked good!

I have one account listed as Singapore and another listed as UK so I don't get stuck with limited number of demos they make available in Singapore.......
is this ufc trailer in game graphics?

if so, it looks immense. i am confused.

looks amazing, i'm confused too.

at first i was positive it was CGI but after a bit of thought does it really look THAT much better than fight night 3? it's the same principle right? only two animanted main charcters on screen and a toned down crowd

and fight night round 3 came out only a few months into the 360's life span so you'd imagine developers can now better fight nights graphics?
looks amazing, i'm confused too.

at first i was positive it was CGI but after a bit of thought does it really look THAT much better than fight night 3? it's the same principle right? only two animanted main charcters on screen and a toned down crowd

and fight night round 3 came out only a few months into the 360's life span so you'd imagine developers can now better fight nights graphics?

true, i can believe the trailer was in game.
i not sure if its in game footage but like someone already mentioned i could believe because its really only 2 people on screen so the devs could pump major polygons into each character.

E3 2007 Airs on Bravo This Weekend

xleague tv where you at?
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