Ridge Racer 6 is good but the trouble is the tracks get so repetitive as they are all slight variations of each other so it gets boring very quickly.

jambotommy said:
Had a change of heart regarding test drive,Played the demo several times,but just couldn't find any of it as fun.

Bought Ridge Racer 6 instead.

Now thats a game.

Brilliant stuff,with superb online mode.

"Watch out,there using nitrous"


PGR3 is a helluva lot better, I went into my town centre with a mate cause he was getting a copy, went back to his to play it, its shite. It's a Test Drive game first and foremost (so it was always going to be shite) but unfortunately the graphics have lured us in. It does look amazing, and in the run up to it being released I was hoping it would be released on PS3 (at the time, the launch was still November), but now I've played it, it is crap. PGR3 is still the best driving game on 360 (one of the best any genre game on the 360). Note this is coming from a confirmed Sony fanboy, so PGR3 must be great. I have played TDU today, so dont think I'm just being biased
I haven't played the demo so a few questions for those with the game.

Is it an arcade or simulation game, I am getting bored of PGR3.

Is it like Need For Speed by any chance, the old ones like NFS1,2,3 before Underground game out, because I loved that!
It's more like GTA with street races and without the violence... More arcade than simulation, but not really too much like the old Need for Speeds (well, the police element is quite similar).
Jack Bauer said:
It's more like GTA with street races and without the violence... More arcade than simulation, but not really too much like the old Need for Speeds (well, the police element is quite similar).
Like Midnight CLub then :)
Ive got this purely for the Massively Multiplayer Online Element. Could be good fun if lots of us are online. TDU Servers Unavailable!!! NOOOOOOO

I would be pretty pissed off if I had bought this game because of all the hype its had, I got this from a rental company 1 day after release, I played it for 1 day and sent it back, this promised to be a great car game, its not, its boring, there's not enough landmarks on the island so most of the roads are samey. Lots of "rushed out" touches too, like when you go off road and you can drive as quickly as when your on the road. So its back to PGR3 for me and I am so glad I never believed the hype and bought it. I suggest anyone thinking of buying, rents it first, and if you have not got PGR3 get that, it has better graphics, better handling and looks like its going to be the best car game for some time.
Ive heard December said but I think MS have recently stated its been delayed till January.

Just to add though saw a video of F1 06 on PS3 being played and besides the car looking a bit too 'Shiny' the graphics look awesome!

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