

Premier League
15 October 2002
Liverpool F. C
LadyROOT has just PM'd me about viruses and shit - second time this has happened in the past week (different username last time).

Didn't know where else to report this so thought I'd pop it in here.

Just thought I'd mention it.
Yeah thanks for the report. :TU: That user and the previous ones have been banned but it looks like that's the new form of spam attack.

I've disabled PM privileges for users that have yet to post 5 messages or haven't been registered for 30 days (in the same way they can't create new threads).

EDIT: All private messages sent by LadyROOT and luckkyman have been deleted as well.
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I've disabled PM privileges for users that have yet to post 5 messages

Hmm, that also means that users who used to PM us when they were unable to post anything (cause they missed the activation link) aren't able to do that any longer, eh? I've been getting quite a lot of those requests, actually. Surely we don't want to lock those out as well now, do we?
Joined in November so bypassed the recent change. Damn spammers.
:APPLAUD: Well played :APPLAUD:

I wondered how they had managed it when they haven't even posted.
I noticed something. All those fuckers register with their PSN network ID being 123456, so maybe we could put that on a blacklist somehow. I don't seem to be able to do that via my regular admin panel, so Mart, could you please use some 1337 haxx0r skillz somehow?
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