Sony PlayStation 4

Ditto, but Amazon ran out of launch day stock so I had to pre-order from GAME (who are infamous for fucking orders up, taking double the money they're supposed to, having no contact details on the website, and worse).

Slightly nervous... But the camera arrives today (which I've not played with before)!
Ditto, but Amazon ran out of launch day stock so I had to pre-order from GAME (who are infamous for fucking orders up, taking double the money they're supposed to, having no contact details on the website, and worse).

Slightly nervous... But the camera arrives today (which I've not played with before)!

Shopto not doing pre-orders?
Shopto not doing pre-orders?
They are, but when I was a customer of theirs they were hacked and credit card details were taken, so...

When it's a choice between GAME and ShopTo, you're essentially choosing whether it's safer to get over a canyon by using a tightrope or by being shot out of a fucking cannon.

(Amazon was the helicopter, but that option has long gone...)
Sources: Sony Is Working On A ‘PlayStation 4.5’


Sony is currently planning a new version of the PS4 with increased graphical power and games running at 4K resolution, developer sources tell Kotaku.

We don’t know whether current PS4 owners will be able to upgrade or if they’ll have to buy an entirely new device to benefit from this power boost, but from what we hear, Sony has started briefing developers.

Based on conversations with developers who have spoken with Sony, this ‘PS4.5’ will include an upgraded GPU both to support high-end 4K resolution for games and add more processing power that can enhance the games supported by PlayStation VR, the headset Sony will launch this fall. It’s unclear if ‘PS4.5’ is an official name or just a nickname that developers have been using. One developer jokingly called it the ‘PS4K’ while telling me about the device.

In layman’s terms, 4K resolution is around four times the pixel size of 1080p, which is the current standard for games on PlayStation 4 and competing consoles. The current PS4 can output 4K photos and videos, but cannot support 4K resolutions for games. With this upgrade, it would. Besides resolution, developers would have an opportunity to push more effects and other graphical tweaks to make their games look better, thanks to the new GPU.

A more powerful PS4 would also allow the machine to be more competitive with PCs in the world of virtual reality. With a higher-end GPU, the PS4 could more easily match up against the more expensive Oculus Rift and HTC Vive virtual reality headsets, which are designed to work with powerful PCs.

When contacted yesterday about this report, Sony declined to comment. “We can’t comment on rumors or speculation,” a spokesperson said in an e-mail.

The circle of people who knew about this upgraded PS4 was small until recently. I first heard about the device from one trusted source, then two. Kotaku’s Jason Schreier and Stephen Totilo were also able to independently verify the existence of these hardware plans with their own developer sources, although some of the details have been vague; one source told us that the device felt “exploratory” and that it may not even be released this year.

We’ve also heard that at this week’s Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Sony held meetings with developers about the hardware and how it would work. As we were chasing down this story, coincidentally, Kotaku UK EIC Keza MacDonald overheard some developers casually talking about the machine while on line at GDC. They mentioned the name ‘PS4.5’ and discussed its increased horsepower, mentioning both 4K resolution and PlayStation VR.

Our sources aren’t sure when this upgraded machine will ship to consumers, nor how much it will cost. The PS4’s price dropped from $400 to $350 last fall, and one source indicated that this new ‘PS4.5’ could let Sony keep selling PS4 hardware at a higher profit margin for $400.

There are still lots of big questions surrounding the device. Will Sony allow people to trade in their existing PS4s to buy the new machine? How will developers cope with releasing games on multiple types of hardware? Could some games only support PS4.5, as is the case with the New Nintendo 3DS? When this PS4 goes on sale, will Sony continue to sell old PS4 hardware at a lower price? How can Sony manage all this without fragmenting the market?

Right now, we don’t have the answer to those questions.

The PS4.5 may not be alone, either.

I’ve heard whispers about an upgraded Xbox One for a while now, and Microsoft has been public about the possibility. At a press briefing earlier this month, Xbox head Phil Spencer hinted to journalists that his company has been exploring the possibility of evolving hardware. “We look at these other ecosystems out there like mobile, tablet and PC,” Spencer told the assembled press, as reported by Polygon, “and we see that they have a very continuous evolution cycle in hardware, whereas between console generations most of the evolution is making it cheaper and potentially making it smaller.”

Spencer later walked back those comments while speaking on the Major Nelson podcast, pouring some water on the idea of a customizable, PC-like Xbox. “Am I going to break open my console and start upgrading individual pieces of my console? That’s not our plan,” he said. “There is something special about what happens with a console. You buy an appliance-like device; you plug it into your TV; it works when you plug it in. It’s not like I’m going to ship a screwdriver set with every console that comes out.”

Plans are always changing, and some of the details we’ve heard are fuzzy, but one thing has become clear: Sony is exploring the possibility of releasing a more powerful console way before the PlayStation 5. With both Sony and Microsoft possibly entering new territory, and Nintendo’s NX on the way, this should be an exciting year for gaming hardware no matter what comes next.
Apparently there's rumours about MS contemplating something similar, maybe if they hadn't released them with such stupidly outdated laptop type specs we wouldn't be in this situation now where PCs are already being held back because of them.
4K resolution for games???

I can understand updating the system for 4K for movies and such, but you will never get 4K gaming from a console - not even £500 PC GFX cards can game at 4K, unless your a console gamer and consider 30FPS acceptable.

I would update my PS4 if it meant 4K for display and videos, but the main point is fixing the massive problem the PS4 and Xbone can't do gaming @60FPS in 1080.
As Placebo said the systems were a joke when they came out, using low end laptop processors and 2 year old mid range GFX cards.

Give it 2 years and 4K Netflix will be the norm and everyone will want 4K video, but even for PC gaming 4K is a dream.
I thought PS4 can already output 4k videos.


4K Resolution

The PS4 will be enabled for 4K resolution for videos, the interface, and movies through Hulu or Netflix, but it will not have the capability to display games in 4K.

In the same interview where Yoshida revealed more about the PS4's 3D capabilities he also stated:

"The PS4 supports 4K output, but only for photos and videos; not games. PS4 games do not work on 4K."

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Saw the new specs of the PS4, it might be worth selling my PS4 now as the current PS4 will be worth about £50 when the new one comes out.

Also would like to see what Microsoft are doing in regards to the updated Xbone, as they now have the power if they wanted to go out and release a truly next gen machine to match PC.

As although many deny they don't care about graphics and that - I bet if Microsoft next year released a next gen machine capable of matching PC visuals wise, but also make sure it is back compatible with the current GEN people would flock to the stores to buy it.

Other things as well hopefully they put in 5G wifi instead of the rubbish they have in the PS4, so it always has to be wired for any decent connection.
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I can genuinely understand why Sony are being made out to be a villainous regime - I can see that developers could potentially create "PS4 Old" games that run at 20fps, which on the "PS4 New" run at 60fps, and thus people will effectively be forced into the upgrade.


If I can buy hardware, at a reasonable price, that will run all my current games (thus allowing me to sell the current PS4 and recoup a chunk of the cost), and then play a more graphically rich version of every new PS4 game (and/or something closer to the designer's original vision)... I'm happy with that.

(If I am lucky enough to be able to afford a games console in the first place, surely I can afford to lose £100 or so on the sale of my old one, to fund the new one. People do it all the time with iPhones - and everybody loves Apple.)

When it comes to football games, though, I think it might be pointless:

A) The CPU power increase isn't massive, so AI can't suddenly become magical, which is the most important factor as far as I'm concerned (for offline and online play).

B) Sony are adamant that there can be no "PS4 New" exclusive experiences, so developers wouldn't be allowed to create improved AI for the newer console.

There will be no games exclusive to the Neo model, every title will be available on both, and there's no suggestion of VR-exclusive Neo modes at this point. Developers are prohibited from creating Neo-exclusive gameplay features, and enhancements are expected to be graphical and performance-based in nature.

SOURCE: - Sony's Plan for PlayStation "Neo"
I can genuinely understand why Sony are being made out to be a villainous regime - I can see that developers could potentially create "PS4 Old" games that run at 20fps, which on the "PS4 New" run at 60fps, and thus people will effectively be forced into the upgrade.


If I can buy hardware, at a reasonable price, that will run all my current games (thus allowing me to sell the current PS4 and recoup a chunk of the cost), and then play a more graphically rich version of every new PS4 game (and/or something closer to the designer's original vision)... I'm happy with that.

(If I am lucky enough to be able to afford a games console in the first place, surely I can afford to lose £100 or so on the sale of my old one, to fund the new one. People do it all the time with iPhones - and everybody loves Apple.)

When it comes to football games, though, I think it might be pointless:

A) The CPU power increase isn't massive, so AI can't suddenly become magical, which is the most important factor as far as I'm concerned (for offline and online play).

B) Sony are adamant that there can be no "PS4 New" exclusive experiences, so developers wouldn't be allowed to create improved AI for the newer console.

SOURCE: - Sony's Plan for PlayStation "Neo"
Might as well just stick to having a PC.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
I think it's great personally.

I love my PS4, and have a 4k TV, and don't want the hassle of getting/setting up a great desktop PC in the lounge to play 4k games.

Even If I binned the PS4 I got on launch day, it's given great service and tremendous value over the last few years.
Might as well just stick to having a PC.
All the games I play are on consoles (other than Football Manager), and devs like Konami deliver crappy PC ports. PCs might be more powerful but devs optimise their experiences for consoles. So, it's a no-brainer for me - I want the most powerful console anyone can put together, and the Neo will be that.

I think it's great personally.

I love my PS4, and have a 4k TV, and don't want the hassle of getting/setting up a great desktop PC in the lounge to play 4k games.

Even If I binned the PS4 I got on launch day, it's given great service and tremendous value over the last few years.
This was my argument - £350 divided by 874 (the amount of days since launch, including today) is a fraction over 40p per day. Even if you include three years of "PS Plus" at RRP (£120), it's 54p per day.

It's hardly "disgusting" (which I've seen it described as), and all your old games will work on the new system (thus no loss of value there, unlike when you get an entirely new console).

Plus, as I've said, if you can afford a console at all, you can afford to sell it at a loss and reinvest the money into the upgrade so that you're not paying £350 again from scratch.

My only hope is that Sony throw money at developers of older titles (Witcher 3, Fallout 4, GTA 5, Rainbow 6, I'm out of numbers now) so that they graphically upgrade them a little bit. Otherwise they'll have little motivation to, I reckon.

That, and that Sony relax their "no improvements over the original console" rules that would stop the AI in football games being any better on the Neo versions... Even if it means waiting to see the sales numbers first.
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I doubt if NEO will be so powerful.
Could NEO really afford 1080p@60fps with advanced settings such as high texture quality, high shadow map, and various high options of rendering?
OK, let's set aside those advanced settings, and focus only on 1080p@60fps.
I can't find or read anything about NEO's 1080p@60fps. Can anyone point it at for me? I mean 1080p@60fps, not just 1080p.
Looking at the spec increase of the NEO it looks to me that the upgrades to the components will mean the system will be able to display in 4K, and may possibly be able to achieve 60FPS @1080p.
However I do not think there is enough extra power from the machine to help achieve better graphics.. It will most likely be able to play games @60FPS rather than 30FPS.

It seems as well some people think they will be able to game in 4K, NEO certainly won't allow this unless they start doing 4K remasters of Spectrum games. Even high end gaming PC's can't game @60FPS in 4K,

At present to me it just seems you will be able to watch your Netflix in 4K and Sony are probably aiming to get a console to run games @60FPS, as the extra system specs to me don't look like it will be capable of anymore.

Also the CPU is disappointing the same incredibly piss poor Netbook processor in the PS4 is just getting the next model up the Ghz scale rather than getting a much better performing CPU.

Until specific specs are released and people know how much better the GPU actually is - but this is just my guess work on what is going to be achievable from the NEO.
I doubt if NEO will be so powerful.
Could NEO really afford 1080p@60fps with advanced settings such as high texture quality, high shadow map, and various high options of rendering?
OK, let's set aside those advanced settings, and focus only on 1080p@60fps.
I can't find or read anything about NEO's 1080p@60fps. Can anyone point it at for me? I mean 1080p@60fps, not just 1080p.
If it's not a whole new console, and the only changes are slight bumps in CPU/GPU/RAM speed, it stands to reason the only things devs can really do with that extra power is boost the FPS rates (and in-fact, the rumours which places like Eurogamer suggest are confirmed, all say that Sony are only going to allow graphical differences between PS4/Neo versions rather than offer features only available with the extra horsepower).
Also the CPU is disappointing the same incredibly piss poor Netbook processor in the PS4 is just getting the next model up the Ghz scale rather than getting a much better performing CPU.

Until specific specs are released and people know how much better the GPU actually is - but this is just my guess work on what is going to be achievable from the NEO.

What about the speculated polaris 14nm? Wouldn't that add another boost somehow?
Anybody tried remote play on a pc/laptop yet? Any good?
Same as Vita remote play, i.e. adds 100ms+ lag and makes playing the likes of PES / FIFA (especially online) frustrating.

It's amazing technology but the lag is just too much. Guys like Steam with their "In-Home Streaming" technology do it so much better.
Same as Vita remote play, i.e. adds 100ms+ lag and makes playing the likes of PES / FIFA (especially online) frustrating.

It's amazing technology but the lag is just too much. Guys like Steam with their "In-Home Streaming" technology do it so much better.

Wii U's streaming to the pad is even better it still astounds me. It's so good the image almost appears first on the pad before the TV!




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