Are you trying to make me feel responsible for that because I download the odd song here and there? That's bollocks. From what I've read this was one of many reasons Tower went bankrupt. Piracy alone doesn't close CD stores, don't make out it does. All stores these days are losing revenue from CD sales. A lot of it due to the new iPod generation. The money is going elsewhere, lining others pockets. It's a sign of the times. Technology advances. They have to deal with it. I don't feel guilty if people lose their jobs, it's not my fault. This isn't to say I don't feel sorry for them, of course I do. Unfortunately this happens.
And for the record, I have never stolen from anyone. Any song I may have downloaded is a digital copy of one that someone else keeps. They retain the original. It's not the same as someone stealing a physical thing that the victim loses. So there is a difference.
Can you honestly say you are innocent in this? You have never downloaded a song etc? What about the examples I gave in my previous post? I can't believe someone can get on a high horse like this and feel completely absolved.
oh no my friend, i have downloaded, and it was wrong. It was immoral and unethical. Im no angel, the difference is, i can admit what i did was wrong. I dont do it anymore.
"And for the record, I have never stolen from anyone. Any song I may have downloaded is a digital copy of one that someone else keeps. They retain the original. It's not the same as someone stealing a physical thing that the victim loses. So there is a difference. "
the victim lost potential income. You stole that from the industry. Why do you think its illegal to do what you did?
Why do you think there are laws against what you have done. If the police were to raid your home, and found mp3 files on your hardrive, and you didnt have proof of purchase or the original CD, you have commited a crime(at least in the US you have).
"It's not the same as someone stealing a physical thing that the victim loses. So there is a difference. "
what is the difference, technology allows us to copy digital files, SO YOUR SAYING IF TECHNOLOGY ALLOWED US TO COPY CARS AND GIVE THEM TO YOUR FRIENDS, THATS OK?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
your wrong man, sorry to say, but your wrong, you argument does not hold water.
"Piracy alone doesn't close CD stores, don't make out it does. All stores these days are losing revenue from CD sales. A lot of it due to the new iPod generation."
no doubt my friend, but it sure helped speed things along... and tower records also sold movies.... but you said it didnt hurt anyone, but now your admitting that pirating did contribute to towers demise? so which is it? Does pirating hurt people or not?
you are a petty thief there is not a difference between you and someone who walks into a store and steals a cd, none, and the majority of western nations agree with that, just take a look at copyright laws, you violate those when you copy your buddies music...
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