
Can we change our facepalm smiley? I don't think the current one does the face palm justice, maybe change it to this;


or this;


Also the dancing banana is good and makes me happy;


:LOL: look at the little banana dancing and smiling....I don't like it when he gets squashed though :((

EDIT: look a mexican dancing banana
he needs to dance faster though.

EDIT EDIT: Ah look a normal one where he doesn't get squashed :DD
if only they had the same speed of dancing with the mexican one?
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You mean this fast?


+18 Banana

Thats fast!

Why did someone make the mexican banana dance so slow?!

It's like making the body of the greatest sports car ever, but not adding the engine.

I tried imagining the mexican dancing banana was dancing to a Reggae track, it helps, but I still get no enjoyment out of it.
Hi Mods, I was actually serious about the Face palm Smiley......and the dancing banana, before the others came and hijacked it all!
We'd need to wait for Mart to come back from his grand trip to the US of A first, he's the coding guy. As far as I know, this could still take a while. He hasn't been online here for over a month :-/
One thing popped up when I searched for a smiley recently: What is the difference between ":D" and ":DD"? I think they are identical.
First one is ":D", second one ":DD"
They're similar but the one on the right is actually very depressed.
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