Sensible World Of Soccer (Xbox 360)

I can't get used to it - I used to play this relentlessly back in the day and was really good. Now I just cant control it properly - so frustrating!!

Guess I will keep playing and get better again.
I agree with Joe really, it should have been left as a classic game that went down in history. Sadly its nothing in this day and age.
Tim, I find its career mode surpasses a lot of todays career modes in Football games... that keeps me gripped to the game! also ive had one heck of a 1st season, its given me plenty of drama and some interesting wins over some hard teams but I ONLY JUST avoided relegation with Man United..... Must mean im shit at the game!
Had another bash of this earlier - still can't stand it, can't see what the fuss was back in the day either. The ball feels like a stone, I can run past every opposing player with the ball from defence, the graphics are turd, the controls are annoying and the players are TINY. I just don't get how people are enjoying this pile of crap? PES 2008 pi55es all over it and that is poor.
lol Mike the thing is this game is a remake of a game from 1992.... graphics will be piss poor. This was one of the best football games of the nineties. I personally think it pisses all over Pro Evo Arcade 2008. Especially the manager mode.
what does the flashing white diamond mean above the players head? and my players head keeps flashing in team lineup screen?
what does the flashing white diamond mean above the players head? and my players head keeps flashing in team lineup screen?

In the old game(Amiga)it was a way of watching a certain player during game, also a way of checking out a certain player when managing or just checking a player for transfer.. You did it by just selecting a player in team line up and hold down fire, he will then flash...
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The years that I've played SWOS and I only figured that out a week ago... Ten years to figure out what a flashing diamond means, now that's being slow.
Hmm, same as Jack, in all the years of playing, I've never known that. I never actually noticed it before though.
I remember once trying to design a tactic that suited every player and to get big green ticks for all of them... I also remember it was impossible and a waste of six or so hours, but then i used to spend hours at a time trying to find new players for transfers..
I'm digging out my old Amiga, it's not the same when you don't have to wait ages for loading and then have time to make a meal, eat it and wash up at the end of a season...
I remember once trying to design a tactic that suited every player and to get big green ticks for all of them... I also remember it was impossible and a waste of six or so hours, but then i used to spend hours at a time trying to find new players for transfers..
I'm digging out my old Amiga, it's not the same when you don't have to wait ages for loading and then have time to make a meal, eat it and wash up at the end of a season...

Crikey, the Amiga was a god-send in loading times - I remember some games on my C64 which took close to an hour to load off of tape!

One in particular (think it was International Tennis, which incidently was superb - and IMO, no tennis game has come close to capturing it), would take about 45 mins to load and 9 times out of 10, would fail loading after 40 minutes!
I was so young when I had a C64 I can literally remember nothing about them, apart from (possibly) Platoon, but that might have been an Amiga game.

The other thing I remember is one game having a mini-game while you waited for it to load, is that right?

I hate not being able to remember things.
Amiga I think, I remember playing the demo and not being overly impressed. Despite all my mates telling me it was the greatest thing ever to have happened in history.
I was so young when I had a C64 I can literally remember nothing about them, apart from (possibly) Platoon, but that might have been an Amiga game.

The other thing I remember is one game having a mini-game while you waited for it to load, is that right?

I hate not being able to remember things.
I can remember a couple of games having a fairly decent Loading Mini Game :)

Anyway back on the SWOS topic, ive started getting better (thanks to DagsJT's advice) and im enjoying it!
Amiga I think, I remember playing the demo and not being overly impressed. Despite all my mates telling me it was the greatest thing ever to have happened in history.

Chaos Engine was superb - that would make a good XBL game with co-op online.

And as SWOS has made it, how about SensiGolf, or Cannon Fodder...
100% agreed on those last two.

They released Cannon Fodder as a Game Boy Colour game and it was immense.
Chaos Engine was superb - that would make a good XBL game with co-op online.

And as SWOS has made it, how about SensiGolf, or Cannon Fodder...


Good call, Chaos Engine and Cannon Fodder would be amazing :)
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