I like it - i love any kind of ads that says 'hey look at this shite they're offering and look at us' because it shows that they've actually looked at the competition and are looking to offer more.
Saints Row had a good go at GTA with there first attempt and introduced some good little things like the Mobile phone (which GTA4 copied) going in most buildings (which GTA didnt bother with) and alot of side activities to do ect
Them new activities looks brilliant as well, cant wait for this
I think the first game is better than GTA4 - looking back at GTA4 now i'd only give it a 7.
This game sounds like what GTA4 SHOULD have been. I'm guessing the insurance fraud is co op enabled by the vid... i wonder what other features they're adding.
Still curious how they managed to put bikes / choppers in after claiming it was impossible to do with the physics engine the game uses
Looks good I reckon, gone for a totally unrealistic approach and that is reflected in the content and the style of graphics, but as long as it plays well and is fun then it will still be a great game.
The level of detail isn't as good as GTA, but I suppose they are two different types of games really - GTA aims to be a realistic looking game with believable things but Saints Row is the total opposite, a cartooney looking game with really unrealistic things.
In the old Saint's Row , You were able to do more. For example, you could go inside the beer store and aim at the shop keeper they'd bring you to the safe with the cash. Another example, if you shot the cashier money would come out. Those small details in games like GTA and SR are the most entertaining. The new GTA lacks the fun of Airplanes, Parachuting and even simply entering into more buildings. Without a doubt GTA will destroy SR with the story, nothing will beat that, and the graphics are going to win as well. But overall I see people having more fun with the off-mission stuff on SR than on the mission stuff.
And that would you rather video is really smart, effective and wants me to buy SR2. I'm undecided at the moment, because I plan to get BF: BC soon.
I don't live in the EU, I live in Bangkok where everyone plays illegal copied games, so I cannot sell or trade. Basically all games I get I must order from Play-Asia or ask someone from Hong Kong to bring it here.
Not played the first one. But god, I'm still fucking wet. I mean, crikey, throwing people under trains. I wonder if I will be able to model my character like Mark Speight.
I don't like the campy side of this game. It takes itself as a joke when gta4 has tried to make itself more of a relevant game in the genre of sandbox games.
it's the originator and it seems to have taken itself more seriously this time around by making the environments suedo real...SR2 on the other hand better not be that campy. i would at least want the option to play it as if it was somewhat realistic as was SR1. which SR1 was already decent but it seems like 2 might be overboard with all this nonsense...
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