Howard Webb is a wanker!
The UK was very much united years ago, but these days there is no special link and definitely no unity (why did devolution happen then? Why does "God Save the Queen" get booed at Hampden and the Millennium Stadium?). The constant stream of Anglocentric spin from the media and all this "England Expects" nonsense rammed down everyone's throats during every World Cup and European Championship has made people from the other three countries go from wishing them well in major tournaments to the attitude of "hope they fail". The same applied to this World Cup bid.To talk about Wales,Scotland, Ireland and England as foreign to eachother is quite sad to be honest. No matter what you think there is a special link and we are united.
The front pages of yesterday's papers proved what sore losers the English are. Sour grapes and chucking toys out of the pram, when will you realise the whole world does not revolve around you? I'm sorry but the front pages brought a wry smile from myself, and some people I know couldn't help but scoff because the whole fallout is reminiscent of the spoilt kid who thinks he's best but hates it when he loses. Its alright you "middle Englanders" chucking crap at us but you hate it when we chuck it back. Russia got problems with hooligans and racism? Take a look closer to home, and the latter applies whenever my club cross the border for away fixtures when home fans shout "fucking sheepshaggers". And before anyone starts, yes, my club has big problems with hooligans, and I do not condone their actions. I am a football fan and been following the game for a very long time, but I am also very protective of my national identities because I fear their recognition is waining because of the British/English misconception. It is well reported that Blatter and his cronies secretly want the four home nations FA to merge and field a UK national team, and maybe that would end all this apathy, but certainly nobody wants that to happen. Just ask the BOC about the football team for the 2012 Olympics.
Anyway, enough of the politics, the fact is even if Russia hadn't have won, England still wouldn't be hosting the World Cup in 2018, because they had the fewest votes. So put a sock in it and get over it!

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