Rennsport [PC] (german name would translated to Racingsports)

Carles P.

Evoweb Legend
4 October 2017
MegAtron iz ma dear luv'ed gurl.
Iron Dames

Just today I saw a video from a german influencer on YT. And what amazed me was the graphics (better than ACC I would think.)

I know it is an very early stage for this game. But who wants can sign up for a closed beta. ( I didn't tryed it at the moment )
The engine is Unreal 5.

I would think it will be a better ACC (graphics) more cars and maybe racetracks. 5 cars are available at the moment. You can find them on the link posted above.

Here you can find the YT video but in german language because I couldn't find a up to date video. (sorry)
The open beta is since yeasterday released for free but including microtransactions... :NONO:

So I think It can get into the scam trash can maybe.
Only plus are the nice UE5 graphics.
The open beta is since yeasterday released for free but including microtransactions... :NONO:

So I think It can get into the scam trash can maybe.
Only plus are the nice UE5 graphics.
Those new packs are way too expensive, you can't even call that "microtransactions" anymore...
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