[PSP] Winning Eleven 9 Ubiquitous Evolution - September



> from Playfrance/Famitsu
plzz what the deffrent between the we 9 Obiquitous Evolution and the we 9 on the 4/8/2005...?
I'm really at a loss over what to do about PES/WE PSP.

I mean, I've ordered it already but:

1. By the time it comes out, Sony will probably have put a block on that compaany as well.

2. Firmware. I love my homebrew. WE/PES will no doubt come with a firmware upgrade - which means I will not be able to play it from the UMD. Which, like point 1 - leads me to piracy as no alternative.

Hopefully, by the time I get the actual game (UMD), firmware 2.00 will be cracked or a 'no update' program will be released to bypasss update when playing from UMD.

If it came down to it though, it's PES/WE all the way.
yeah kop the fastloaders already can bypass the forced upgrade to 1.52 (in some japanese game) so dont sweat it.
Anyone have any ideas? Some ppl claim that theyve made auto sidesteps because of the lack of the R2 on the PSP, what about stepovers then?
I read somewhere you would slow step-over with L1, but quick stepover if you hold down R1.
If they can make the GBA game amazing, they should not have a problem with this.

Aye, fastloader goodness. But I still want it on UMD. What if 2.00 games use things that 1.5x games dont? I'm all for it but am a little worried.

Having it on the UMD is the best option for me as it saves space on my MS and will never be out of the drive anyway. However, I feel as if the only way to play it will be from the MS (whcih is good anyhoo for patches and the like! - just the 2.00 compatability that remains a question).

Exciting times.
Negatrev said:
I read somewhere you would slow step-over with L1, but quick stepover if you hold down R1.

Hmm, this seems do-able, what other controlls require the R2 and L2 buttons in We9 for PS2?
L2 is for quick stategy changes, that would have to go to the pause menu I think. R2 dribble and the controlled shot are the only problems, I can think or ways around the former, but it would be complete speculation.
No apparently you can do the R2 dribble by holding R1. or something, Controlled shots hmm.. they can use L1 for that i guess.
you can play ad hoc with others who have a psp ow and we psp ov course
Where are people pre-ordering this from?

Play-Asia arent sending this to the UK, or am I mistaken?
P-dogg said:
Where are people pre-ordering this from?

Play-Asia arent sending this to the UK, or am I mistaken?
Yes, Play-Asia has more or less stopped selling any PSP items to the European Union until further notice, which is bullshit! You can try Lik-Sang, however Sony are taking them to court something to do with harming the European release of the PSP. http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3666 I think that's why some import company's like Play-Asia don't want to upset Sony at the moment your best bet for pre-ordering WE9:UE is Lik-Sang
True, I just got my PSP yesterday hoping I've saved some money I ended up paying £45 customs
i basically only play WE, GTA and maybe 1,2 more games.

One question to the tekkies: Will PSP be powerful enough to ensure compatability with PS3 versions?

I explain: when I read about the compatability between ps2 games and the psp I was obviously very interested, but then I thought: we are 1,2 years away from PS3. It's a matter of time before one takes PS3 and leaves Ps2 in the museum. What will be the interest of splashing 250 eur in a PSP if latter on the PSP versions of the games I'm playing in PS3 aren't the same?

Can anyone enlighten me about this?
ive ordered from lik sang im unsure how much tax ill pay?? cant see it being a massive ammount as it dont weight to much ?? lol
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